Saturday, March 26, 2016

The Answer To Reality

You can think. You can imagine. But what's beyond imagination? Telepathy? The supernatural? What about senses? But still, what comes beyond perception? I'm not talking dimensions as in space; I would like to propose the theory regarding "dimensions", or realms, as it relates to consciousness and the mind. What if there is a hidden realm in the mind? You know, the reason I decided not to settle on the word dimension, is that it usually describes spatial aspects. But let's think of thought as a base realm, and imagination comes next. And perception goes hand in hand with imagination. But again, given that we are confounded to these "dimensions", means that we are mindfully like the person who only sees three dimensions, which is us. The extra dimension, if ever discovered, could unlock the secrets of our everyday lives, or perhaps other aspects to life such as the world of telepathy, ESP, as well as telesthesia.
This explanation gives is a whole new perspective on our subjective perception of reality. Next up: Sub Dimensions Inside of the extra Dimension. We will delve into the intricacy of reality, the ethereal quality of the mind, and is their such thing as ultimate truth? (State something. I ask "why?". You give an answer. I ask why again, give me another answer, then I ask why again, over and over for every preceding answer you give me. Eventually, we must admit a simple question can become a mind boggler. That is, if you can be patient to ask enough iterations of why? or, How? I then realized from this idea of mine that there could actually be "units  of reality". Just like there are units of matter, or units of time. Please, discuss this idea with me if you have the time. I've been getiing these ideas lately, and would like to know what others think about this.
"There were bills falling from the sky. That was after the fact. After the bandwagon passed in front of me. I dreamed about countries that were great. I was walking along the street and I realized that the Native Americans ended up a win win with the world. That's when dollar bills started falling down on me. The land would be rich, rich not with money however... It would be rich with wisdom."

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