Monday, March 14, 2016

The Next Great Music of 2016

Like a boiling steam, in a cold dream. But in reality, it's just in slow motion. A minute like a geisha, yes indeed! Not quite. In astronomy, a black hole; right here, right now, the void exist between the past & present, collapsing in on one another. Whatever the matter, just a mad hatter. Awake but alive, like how a puff of smoke go broke.
A slice of ice in Gravity, is like a piece of diamond through atmosphere. A dynamic duo. A spotted hawk could see, the sound of Corey Hart. A wise man in a year, but now they be talkin' we know too much. When does a militia member know when to quite now, if he's on the other side? TMPM, is the abbrev. for Too Much Pop Music. Just how absurd is it!? Well, IMO, it's just like this. To see a hawk fly from Naraganset to Minnetokin, well...yeah I guess we can put that in a song

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