Saturday, March 19, 2016

This Amazing Amazing Music

Things could not possibly be more amazing, than this music that I've been able to create just now. It's a part of M83, which is pretty interesting that I put it that way, isn't it? Seriously, you're going to have to listen to this one, it's like a 12400 on a scale of 1 to, well, I don't know, maybe... 25000? Mezmerizing, enchanting, lucid, notes take you on a trip somewhere far far away, beyond the spiral arms of the Milky Way, and unto the depths of the void. Out into the unknown, where clouds of gasses reside, where the stars are brighter than our sun. Where other planets exist, evolving, being created, and becoming destroyed in violent processes. It's very reminiscent of past music that I've heard once before, although I can't remember what it was because it is somewhere in another realm, perhaps it was lost in the chaos of this existence. This song is, well... a portal to another dimension, that's where it seems the notes are coming from. Yet the music is so rare and so sporadicly listened to, that we don't know how wonderful they are. I'm about to share the love of the music, one that's coming from another dimension, my friends... (no other music can even come close to this IMO at least)

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