Saturday, March 19, 2016

A DIscussion regarding May of 2016

Discussion on the future is about a year of 2016 & month of May. The 23rd I' May will spell the clues about a crash, green, ALaska, as well as what?! If U go to the country of Bulgaria, you can find Mr Tolstoy. Tell him I sent you. Next take a picture of what color is his favorite. Next, come over to MI. Find a paint shop, and find a bucket of paint that matches the color you had. Write down the
First letter of the color. Then go over to a
Guy named Brad COnn. Hide a note under his couch saying,
Go to Bulgaria. When he finds out, get moving to the airport. You will book a flight to Another town. Make sure it's either one of these
Las Vegas, NV
Oslo, Norway
Stockholm, Sweden
Any place in Holland
Aspen, CO
if you can't make it, go to Anchorage, Alaska
Once there, call me. I will tell you what to say. The 2nd person you make friends with, you need to tell them about Brad Conn. Tell them
that they should make friends with Brad. Good. Now call Mr TOlstoy. The conversation will last 2 minutes. 45 minutes later the person you met will dream about a person in Oslo, who will start a trend, to paint things the color that's Mr Tolstoy's favorite. Since this dream, 65 people will have bought the color of this paint in Norway. Once the 65th person starts the paint job, there will be s crash in Alaska, involving a GREEN CAR. Please don't despair", these are difficult times ahead.
There will be events triggered by series of events throughout time. There will be a civil war between Korea because a green car from ER, Michigan will leave for Cedar Rapids, coinciding with an argument between a Russian hacker and myself having a phone call. He will ask, "are you at a computer?" I'll say yes. And he will say "does that one key say ctrl?" And I tell U, "No, find another hobby. NET mniet uchadi."

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