Wednesday, March 23, 2016


Let's look at what various forces from around the world have in store during WW3
The Vietnamese Axis
1) More numerous
2) More efficient in obtaining energy (use up less calories)
3) Ability to obtain energy from the sun (photosynthesis)
The American Army Ally
1) Smaller force
2) larger people
3) Train for strength
4) Adapted to extremely low altitudes
Japanese Ally
1) Extremely high endurance
2) Don't surrender
3) Small force, relatively advanced technology
Russians Axis
1) Acclimated to frigid temps
2) Don't take drugs
3) Train to resist explosions
Chinese Axis
1) Train to have high endurance while staying strong
2) Not afraid to die
3) Loyal
4) Adapted to extremely high altitudes
Germans Ally
1) Loyal
2) efficient
3) Strategically superior
French Axis
1) Experienced in various terrain
2) Resistant to thermal shock
3) Mind over body
Koreans Ally
1) Resistant to radiation
2) Eat magic shrooms
3) Learn to survive w/out electric
Dutch Ally
1) Extremely fast reflexes
2) Immune to pain
3) Acclimate to conditions faster than anybody else
4) Air superiority
Danish Ally
1) Each goes their own way
2) Chaotic
3) Very healthy diets
4) More bombs
5) Axis w/French, Belgians, Russians, Chinese, Vietnam. allied w/ Dutch, Koreans, Germans, US
Belgians, Japs
1) Most primitive survival skills of any country
2) Able to adapt to any conditions
3) Allies with French

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