Thursday, March 24, 2016

Shipshewana & MiNoordeloos; The Origins of Love

Shipshewana & Noordeloos were two great people. They fought for their lands. The best place to buy products was Michipicoten, from a. Anyhow in the year 2023, there was an event like no ther down there in the Shipshewana. A man by the alias "Dos" was talking he was in his house with friends. Then he started planning a vacation to Ohio. Once there, however, he would stay there for years. He didn't need no Visa, goodness sakes. Then the news on the local news came in on my radio. "A fourth grade kid from Michipicoten solved a calculus problem." I felt relieved as, well, no words, I'm speechless. I put on my sunglasses and ttried walking 34 miles at night. I was worried I wouldn't reach Paradise. Then I realize I was still in Ingham County. I'm speechless. We're nowhere near the UP. I hate my life. I loved the upper peninsula. I want to go to their colleges. Oh well. I guess I'm now a man on the run. I met someone in that told me, "Hey, I'm planning a trip to Ohio." I told him, "hey, you know I like Sandusky and his Cedar Point". I asked him a random quesiton: "Where would you like to live, if you could go anywhere in the world? He replied, "Either Alaska, or Sweden." I laughed pretty badly that night. However, I called the guy, back. I said, "It's pretty tough learning the Swedish language, you know? Hey, you know what!? She's got an eye for furniture."Next thing you know, I'm taking a trip around the world. I bought a magic one way to ticket to Sweden. I eventually found a girlfriend. That was kind of hilarious. The 1st thing she told me, "I haven't seen you in forever." I said, "You know, words are one thing. Then again, actions are not words." She asked me, have you heard of the color Sunset. Is your friend from Alaska?" I laughed and said, "You are wise now." Then I left a cafe in Sweden, and told a bartender in the cafe that "The gift of telepathy, my friend." And he laughed. That's all I ever said while in Scandinavia. 2 years, 1 month, and 2 das later I made my way to Alaska on the dumb Canadian Airlines. I went to Juneau to visit someone that sounds familiar, eh? And that's where I met the bartender from Sweden. "Thanks for meeting me here. I told you, it's telepathy." And that's when life really began. In the frigid cold of December, we stood on a porch outside, it was subzero. There was no wind. We slept on the porch that night, me on one side, and him on the other. A few moments later, which was actually a few hours and, came a gust of wind, very strong. Sure, it was strange. Yet we lay there, in just a shirt and shorts. We just both laughed. Why? Well, it's easier to laugh than to cry. The world is harsh. And I know I won't know about that girl I met in Sweden. Yet I had a good time with a mysterious bartender. The next morning, someone from Michipicoten came up to me, and asked, "Young man, what are you laughing your heads off?" I said, "Cool. The lady from Sweden, my, she was dreaming last night of being with me in a tropical paradise. Tonight was not our time together. Instead, I spent my night with a bartender, sleeping hours and hours, under subzero clouds. And a gust of wind spoke to me. It said, child, don't you worry. Don't you worry now. That's when I realize what life was about. No worries. Many bad things could happen to me right now, and I can't be scared of death. I am one with nature. And I don't have to worry about a dumb person from Sweden. There is a house somewhere around here. And inside, the color, known as Sunset. Something we haven't seen for what seems like days. Yet I will still exist. Love of nature, my friend."
Next year, I would travel around Asia, telling people to connect with me via telepathy. Telepathy= life!

1 comment:

  1. Thank You, this has been extremely insightful for a reader or two. It makes me be a happy?
