Tuesday, August 25, 2015

Where in the world is Flight MH370?

The question remains, who took it?
In today's world it's pretty much not possible for such a large plane to vanish.
More info on MH370; Why someone may have wanted to take it
Although you might never have heard, or will hear about this on news, one thing is pretty much certain. MH370 was hijacked. Why do I think so? Well, first of all the mechanism in the electronic panel was shut off on purpose. Supposedly, it was the pilot who shut it down. Another clue that hints to a hijacking is that there were three scientists on board. These scientists had the plans for some kind of an "instrument"or so you might call it, which was going to, or was already, being designed for the Jews. Also, there were supposedly three or four muslims who got on the same plane. Coincidence? Maybe not. However, it is extremely difficult to say that Flight MH370 was attacked by terrorists inside. The reason is, there are extremely rigorous, if you will, safety inspections these days. However, it's not entirely out of the question that there may have been a security breach or something of that nature. Until we hear about this plane again, we can't be entirely sure of where it landed. Based on the fact that there has been no wreckage found, it's extremely unlikely that the plane had crashed, since the plane's remnants would almost certainly float.

Mysterious cloaked figure appears in NC!

Here is the link to what is a dark cloaked, figure wandering a NC neighbourhood, & it's spooking social media http://www.examiner.com/article/cloaked-figure-gastonia-nc-cloaked-kook-flinging-raw-meat-spooks-social-media