Monday, January 18, 2016

The Man Who was living with an open window. Am I getting somewhere with this?

This is a (fictional) account of a man who lived on the shore of Lake Michigan. This is the story, as told in his own words. I was in solitary for many years, just for my own. I had built secret tunnels beneath my little village of leprechauns. Those people are weird. Then one day, something fascinating happened. I went outside for the first time. Then I decided to settle in a tore down shack, which was where my friend Alex Arrington lived. I hadn't been hearing or reading the news for this whole time that I was living in my tunnels. So I didn't know what the freak was up with that day. I started watching the TV. Unfortunately, I soon found out after some time... that the TV lies. Yeah. That's right. I started listening to the radio. That was the moment during which me and Ben's lives would be changed forever. We started hearing a voice on the radio. It sounded eerily familiar to me. We decided to leave it running, although I had almost no clue at that moment that it was the president that was speaking! I didn't know that a new president had taken over office during my stay underground. And, guess what? I forgot to vote again. They were all having presidential nominations and all of that jazz went on when I was living like a troll down under! I had made a vow with Alex so that he pretends as though I'm not around. We wanted to act as though I was a ghost, literally. Well, in public, at least. And so Alex for some strange reasons unknown, didn't want to admit to me who was president. "They are coming in leegallleee, those colombians" said the voice on the radio. I asked, "Who's voice is that Alex?" and he replied, "I would rather not talk about it." pssh. Then we started hearing another voice. "There have now been reports of some unidentified swimming objects as observed from the coastline of Lake Michigan" unfortunately, what we didn't know at the moment was that these reports were actually coming from those of us who were slightly intoxicated. They were not swimming objects. They were flying objects. And they were making their ways across the lake. I said, Alex, what if someone told you that we are going to be attacked? "Pssh. Those Chinese got nothing on us." Alex was hiding a secret from me, and apparently it was so great, that he seemed as though he would never let it spill out. What I didn't know at the time, but Alex did, was that we were now living alongside the NRC, or Nationalist Republic of Canada, which was actually taken over by Asians. The NRC had taken over territories around the Great Lakes. So this is where the UFOs' were coming from then!? And also, the NRC was not like Michigan. They had some pretty suspicious people over there. So after we heard this mysterious radio broadcast, I went over to play Alex's homegrown video game called "Need some greens?" What's up with that? This was going to be my first time trying it out. And as I was turning on the console, this ridiculous "Facebook-like" message showed up. It stated, "Would you please let us use your location information?" "Scooz me, what did you just ask me?" I said instinctively. Wait a minute... it looks as though Alex lives with his windows open! Does he still think that he can go out there as though he were an "Alice in Wonderland". Yeah. I don't think that's possible either. I asked Alex if that's why he's opening his window. If he think it's a portal to another dimension or something. He just told me, "Aliens, man. That's what it's all about." I then asked him, "have you ever been out observing the UFOs?" He just stared at me for a while as if he was going through a tunnel, and laughed hysterically. Then he just stated how there is always a light at the end of the tunnel. He had told me as well, that the light would save us all, just like the dawn of sunrise, which will herald on the coming of flowers, that will flourish in the sun. That's actually when our lives would finally change. I have my back to the window this time, and it's dark out there. All of a sudden I start hearing a buzz behind me, as though there was a hummingbird behind me. There's definitely no way a hummingbird would come here, since it's January and it's freezing outside! I was perplexed. I stared behind me to get a glimpse of what was making that buzzing sound. As soon as I did so, however, the buzzing went away and I heard a "thump" on the floor. It was something illeegall! From that day on, I would not sleep well for the rest of my life, because I would have to resort to sleeping pills. That's how traumatizing it was when those freaking aliens dropped some of that alien stuff onto Alex's floor! And, you know what else? I had no freaking CLUE as to the fact that we were now using drones such as quadcopters and rotocopters as a widespread means of transportation...and delivery!
There is also a legend about why this phenomenon occurs in the first place. Alex tried to explain to me what actually happened that day. Because after this incident, I had hid the evidence and asked him why he like to live with his windows open. "Well, there was a vibration coming in from outside. "It" was a form of resonating energy, which was really colorful. I started seeing it in my dreams first, before I noticed it in 3d. There were vivid flashbacks occurring in the right central lobe of my mind, man!" Let me summarize. According to Alex, the energy that was outside finally somehow started emanating inside! That's when it started approaching his closet. The closet would shake. And at the same moment, his room would stand still! (How were these things possible? I thought to myself.) That last thirty minute window of opportunity occurs right before midnight, and is a time during which the energy field is at its highest levels. At 12:00 AM the energy achieves its highest level. And, according to Alex, that's the same moment during which I should be awake, and sleep during eight in the evening. I started becoming really suspicious of these claims that Alex was making. Was he part of a government cover-up? "NASA this, and NASA wants to use their own drones. They want to explore other galaxies just to expand upon their highly classified import and export business." says Alex. So, then I ask Alex, "So you're saying they're coming back, and flying some drones back from Planet X?" "Well, what the government is actually trying to do is blame those deliveries on us, by saying that we've ordered them." It was once the case that, if you had a plastic bead necklace, you could make it resonate by itself if you placed it in the right way in my room from the closet door. If the vibrations (one or more) from beneath the Earth reached a specific frequency, then the string would start resonating itself. Remember, however, that usually midnight would be the start of this occurrence. By the way, this DOES sound familiar already, doesn't it?
Remember Tesla and his coil systems? Yeah, he never implemented those death rays either, did he?

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