Wednesday, January 6, 2016

Dec 21, 2012

What? Let me explain for any inconvenient truth. This date has been taken wrongly by fear mongers. I do think it is a neat time, however. Do not think of death as the end either. And, just like death, Dec 21, 2012 was not a time of fear, and for good reason. Not in terms of the end. Instead, the date was a time of change. Yes, literally. It is arguably the most interesting time of the century- or of all years for that matter. I do not know for sure what has changed since that date. However, I am always open minded to such ideas. I think that the change might not have come that day- instead, it came maybe even years later; surely, many interesting world events have occurred since that year. I do not want to make any assumptions about what is occurring. That is what probably the majority of us would like to do. It is not fair to exaggerate our current situations. Take it to mind; don't expect, however, that our world's events are signs of something major approaching. It may be true; however, that something doesn't need to be noticeable. It may be something that we are not attuned to. Unless we are one of those people, who have an open mind, of course. We, as a society that we are, are probably not attuned to this as much as the Aztecs or Mayans, for example. And again, we will be oblivious to any changes as a result. Why? Because in modern times, unfortunately, society is concerned about itself too much. As I've explained before, scientific explanations about our reality may jeopardize reality itself, as it's experienced by those who have had unexplained events.
Now, we are thinking too much about the modern world. And, as a result, we are too rushed to get things done, leaving us no time for exploring intricacies of our "realm". We would need to focus more on our own minds. At least that's the best way to describe it.

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