Thursday, January 14, 2016

Oh, nice...!

Starting to get viewers from Germany & Canada after I wrote those articles... LOL. The Nationalist Republic of Canada is not something in existence yet...I just try to deal with the situation somehow. There is always some truth about our world these days, to some extent "or another"! No wonder that my future theories about the universe suggest that the universe is dictated by quantum mechanics, even on some large scales. Theory of relativity? pssh. Do you know what I'm getting at...? Anyways, I want to write a story too about the future of the world. I don't know what the countries are that I would like to focus on more. Perhaps I will write first about the Democratic Republic of South America. Or the Fascist Federation of Territories, ruled by France and making up the vast network of islands and archipelagos in the ocean. So it should be no wonder why one of my favorite places to ditch it and let loose is Bora Bora... in the future, of course.
Some other theories would include the "Australian superpower", as well as the Socialist European Union. Scandinavian countries, such as Finland, for example, might eventually just become places that rule on their own conditions. Remember, however, that there are some false flags to be heard about... what about those flags? Persia is one of them, and will likely come back from its own ashes in the far flung future. We don't know yet about the Middle East, what it's going to become according the climate summit; Perhaps they themselves have plans of their own. Maybe those plans will dictate what the Middle East will become! After all, there is one website in particular...sorry if I can't find the link anymore; however, this site endorses going against the climate talks in Paris. I think I've written about this in particular before, however, why would you endorse such things anyways?
So this is basically what the far flung future will look like... we will mostly have drones to move about. Our kids will be transported via these devices. And we won't have to worry about as many drunk drivers now, will we? All the while we will be using quantum computers, camera phones with quantum film technology, roll-up displays that work on the principles of Bluetooth... We will get packages by drone right into our own homes, if only that is something that we do legally. Yes, I'm talking Trump now, because aliens, well, then we're talking making the drones in the shape of flying saucers. Sorry,'ll have to deal with the open minded like me for yourself. If there is a wish that comes by drone, it would be something like let them cross the border leegaleee! Of course, all of those Chinese may beat us in drone manufacturing if they decide to reproduce, or essentially plagriarize our 3d printers. Then we're essentially talking chemical warfare. Why? Oh, you know...because the Chinese think it's acceptable to produce things using not the same material as what we use, but instead use toxics. More on this topic will be coming up in the future.

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