Friday, January 22, 2016

The longest "question and answer" on Yahoo! Answers. The False Flags; He's back!

Intro: This is about the longest answer you will ever find on the answers section of Yahoo! It's a strange coincidence that there's an exclamation point at the end of the name! So, what are some of the craziest things you've ever seen anyone actually write down on the internet?! Well, I've written before about the "idiot" who, every once in a while, goes around Yahoo answers offering his "creative answers" which I just like to call "false flags". And, yes, the memory (what I like to call a premonition) of what this person writes, has come true again! I know, right? Crazy as, well, (you get it). So, I will post a link to this Q&A in particular so you can read about this. It really is, one lump some of craziness, isn't it? At least I would agree. Whatintheworld?!😵👽
I must say that, his YouTube videos are really unique. Ridiculous as they may seem to most all people, you just never see these types of people "trolling" on the YouTube service. I wish that, one day, there will be more of this craziness that transfers more into YouTube. Why!? Well, it's simple. The reason is such that I would like to stray away from everything that makes life "mundane". And more of these creative videos on the YouTube, would make YouTube become more creative, and, most importantly, YouTube would just become far more interesting than it is currently. We need to take the internet less seriously sometimes, because there are many people just trying to have some "fun", eh? In my opinion, while we are using the internet, we are just being too serious; we are doing things on it that are too serious, and of course this might not seem like a bad thing, because usually I wouldn't consider it so. However, I think that it is the case too often, that we are using the internet too seriously. How about those of us who read these blogs? What are those people thinking at this moment? Do they take the internet too seriously, are they trolls, or are they just simple "average individuals"? Someday, I would like to know from these people below, in the comments section. That is my wish. (There may be trolls around, however). I will not reveal any of the true names of those of us who area actually trolling around on sites such as Yahoo! So, feel free to leaves some of your responses!

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