Friday, January 15, 2016

Become 1 with nature;Make yourself evolve faster, speed up evolution.

I really wish that there were much more interesting things to write about here. I just don't plan on filling this stuff out with "useless" information that might mean less views on my blogs. I plan on writing more about my thoughts that are coming up in my unconscious. I see things that are so crazy and unrealistic by our standards. I see things that go beyond our own boundary of mind. Just beyond what we can envision. We sometimes have these thoughts, I suppose. However, I plan on writing mine down because I have this incredible imagination, my own world that I live in. It's pretty cool so far, isn't it? Don't worry, that's just how the story unfolds. To give such an example, I like learning about so many interesting things and I keep wondering what are other planets out there are like. Oh, you know. Things like snowfall when it's sixty degrees out, and the atmospheric pressure differs from that of Earth's. Maybe somewhere out there climate change is actually happening on an Earthlike planet. Maybe we have one out there somewhere, with a spin much faster, or slower, than ours. Maybe the air there is thinner? We must go and explore more places out in the universe so that we can find out for sure all of the answers to our questions; (to which we will we unfortunately, and ironically, probably find more questions to)! I mean, given all of the things written about here, such as the thought that it's snowing when it's sixty degrees outside (somewhere out there), we have no freaking clue as to what world we could potentially find ourselves on in the distant future. And because of our discoveries, we will, dramatically, have to effectively redefine what life on other planets may mean. And, if we want to make sure that we can enjoy all of those environments, (well, that is, if we want to do that to the fullest, having the most "freedom") we must first start off by becoming acclimatized to the environmental factors that exist closer to home, and probably the ones that exist on our own Earth themselves. For the most part, this will basically enable us to ditch the protection, the space vests, the oxygen tanks, etc. And besides, what would happen to us if ever we were to decide to establish a permanent residence on an Earthlike planet ourselves? We could actually survive there, no matter whether we would be prepared for the journey or not. All we'd have to do, of course, is to get used to those potential conditions first. Then we really wouldn't need to worry all that much about what would happen if we were to lose our survival gear. That is, if we were to, for whatever reason, lose our space vests, our oxygen tanks, etc. Do you see where I'm trying to go with this though? I'm trying to get a point across about what I personally perceive the essence of life is. Or, what existence means, that is. To not have to fight against mother nature all of the time. Instead, make yourself become one with nature. Then you would essentially be nature itself? Mother Nature would not be your enemy as much anymore. Why? because you would have learned to live side by side. You would have conquered all of this s***. Try to accelerate evolution yourself; seriously! Live life quickly, and adapt quickly. Well, the second piece of advice, for sure; adapt to all of this f***! Because it's kicking all of our asses. Remember what I've written before about how nature is so much different from us, and that we don't seem to share any characteristics of nature? We are a technologically superior species... and yet, "we are not natural"; that is, we are not truly nature itself, essentially and philosophically speaking!
Here's a great example; Many a time that I go outside in the winter here in Michigan, I must wear so much stuff; a coat, some gloves, hats, etc. Well that's fine. However, this shows us that we are vulnerable to our natural environment. We behave as though we are roaming around in the midst of an abandoned nuclear radiation zone, in which we have to wear all of this protection. And the cold itself is like the radiation, (if that's not obvious at this time). And kind of the same logic applies to some other situations.
That'll do it for this post. Please follow this blog if you can, and as always; stay tuned here for more of what I like to call the news.

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