Thursday, January 14, 2016

Ah so this is what it means to dream: January 14, 2016

This will be basically a story, however, it'll be in "poetic" form. I will be doing more of these in the future. However, they will all be written in true poetic form! I'm looking at a blank scene. There are some smooth waters up ahead. The day is dreary, like always. And I watch the overcast, dark clouds advancing high up, across the water. And the dreary, changing cloudscapes are reflecting off a wavy waterscape, stretching for as far as the eye can wander. It takes more than a day for all of these clouds to pass. However, I may not be depressed at all. For these clouds will only move across the sky for what seems to me, like maybe a few minutes. And so some new stories start developing inside my mind, inside my own imagination. I'm not sure what has causing these bursts of imagination. You have to basically sit still there at the giant pond, and because you do not think this is rea, it isn't. It becomes something captivating to ponder about; something that you can just think about for ages upon ages. What just happened? The clouds are like the thoughts inside of ones mind. Sometimes you don't see the good ones, because they are yet to return to you; however, you still feel captivated by all of that jazz. The music for you eyes. And you ask yourself, perhaps it is all true. The same ones that interpret dreams. They may just be right all along. And you won't even know about it, because you are naïve. Either that, or they have not been manifested into reality yet. You're whole entire life itself takes up anything except a long while in the whole universal scheme of things. Those who always like to deny these things, these thoughts of intuition, will not experience them. And those who are not even open minded, will surely not be those who's intuitions are fulfilled by the complex information that comes upon us through our dreams.

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