First of all January is now long gone pretty much. Yet we have yet to enter into some interesting times of the year. However, my current premonition is that there will be significance to the days of February, April, and June. March will probably also get interesting, although February will be more I would watch for these early days of February. Some days that I'm thinking about in particular would be around 4th and the 24th of February! In March it will get interesting around the 4th as well so keep these days in mind. June and April will be the most active months, with several days of serious & significant news events. The month of May might also be just as eventful. However, April will bring with it news stories which are more important.
13th 14th, 16th, 18th, 22nd, and 21st, of May
April 14, 6, 8, 10, 11, 12 &13
February 8, 9, 10, & 13
March still no verdict about
Saturday, January 30, 2016
"The man with nocturnal instincts"
There is this man. He exists in the future. Well, actually he already exists but we haven't really heard of him yet. I won't disclose the name because I don't know it.
What characters do you think a man need?
On March 13, 2016, this man, which we call John, starts obtaining a new obsession; one that has to do with flashlights. He is frustrated that he can't see well at night when he's walking around in his house. He's looking for a specific flashlight, and he's come down to a few products. He memorizes the serial numbers on each one. Then, a few days later, he rants to everyone about it. He's so obsessed that every other day he goes onto Yahoo Answers and writes a question about the flashlight. He gets so excited that he makes up a question with only five or less letters. Then, at one moment, he asks this random question. That is "what are a man's characters?"😄😄😄😄😄😄😄 In other words, "What character's should a man have? Friday, January 29, 2016
Why alternative science is "lame" (why most people will think so)
I smell unexplained things around my house from time to time. I've checked on the candles in my house, but to no avail! Who gives me this perfect aroma? The "supernatural" is "magic". Something that we don't get from our government now. Do we? I want to enter this other realm, in which unexplained events rule over our reality. We are constantly "bombarded" by life, and we are to preoccupied with our tasks to find the time to think about mind over matter. For example, the idea that imagination is able to project into 3d space. And I'm not talking at all about things such as the virtual/altered stuff of video games. Can we project out our thoughts? No. At least that's what much of our society thinks about this phenomenon. The very fact that we don't trust, or become open minded, to the paranormal, is the very culprit why many things don't occur. The paranormal will effectively become jeopardized by our own thoughts! Our preconceived notions about the world actually have an effect, in which the world responds accordingly. According to what we think, that is. And so that is the story of why many of the paranormal topics are considered so "lame". And that goes for any alternate science that goes around as well! A pretty uneventful reality. Caused by our thoughts alone, which are essentially materializing.
What is the best kind of political system? There can only be one. (What is mine?)
I'm not talking democracy, for example. Instead, I'm talking a system such as, for example, socialism, which is one of the main types that are currently in existence over Europe. China is kind of that way too, while the other Asians have varied systems. And, of course, we have capitalism. In a moment I will get to my favorite system of all. First, however, let's return to socialism for the moment. And in fact, socialism is much different than our system. It lies EXACTLY between capitalism & communism, of which is just about nonexistent on this world anymore. However, I have one that is my favorite, even though I don't think it qualifies exactly the way as the others in the fact that it is probably not even a political system. This one is what is called "Nationalism". Take pride in what you do about your own country. Keep on thing in mind at ALL TIMES, and never stray away from the idea that where you come from plays a major part in life in general, for society as well as us as individuals. A national sense of pride is necessary, because where you come from, ultimately determines what is the best place in the world, at least for you, that is. You will benefit If you take this piece of advice; you will probably be off better than many others. I'm not sure about society in general; although I think that this benefits a single person more than society in general. This will help out an individual's life the most. Yet, on the other hand, we are always seeking for our society to be greater overall, not just ourselves in general. And here we go again. We are still capitalist. After all, we won't differ much in the future as far as I can see, because we need to be diversified some more as a peoples. Do what I tell you, not as I do" Yet there is something more that I should tell you. Perhaps there is an even greater system than that of nationalism, in my eyes at least. It is the force that, supposedly rules over our life. It is where we think we will go to after we die. And to be loyal to this power is more important than giving into a party 100%. That is practically the only trustworthy "political system" there is, and following it's rules will be better than being under the rule of anybody. Did that make sense?! And to that, I will leave you with a little message: "Your eyes are the window to your soul"
Ideas for the youtube channels
You can create some truly compelling videos using music clips. Just insert a song into it. That's what I like to really call art. Making a video of someone writing something interesting is just one of my numerous ideas for making the next channel. I find it interesting those video where things are sped up. So, what about if I just stopped writing on my blogs, and instead made up some videos in which I wrote and have some music playing? I could even animate the writing myself. This could definitely be the start of a trend. Just one of many that I have in mind!
Politically speaking, do you think they really landed on the moon?
Because I don't think so. Even the Russians were to do it, I would still consider it "politically incorrect
This reminds me of something. Once upon a time, I've been watching some TV when I noticed a guy's computer start going off on a tangent after he powered off. It was giving him a vision of an Egyptian demon and some Cyrillic symbols.
Do we know anything with certainty?
Is it true that we are THIS SMART? ClaiseLook at the link and find my name (MacMierzwinski). The top responder has a very intriguing point. I have responded at the bottom.
How do I fix my computer?
I'm having "glitches" on my computer. How do I get rid of them? Like the cursor just won't move sometimes, wilhe at times I can't even scroll to the bottom of a page! I can although not with the cursor. Still, I can't use a scroll wheel because when I'm on a website my arrow key starts to malfunction. And the websites are unresponsive themselves.
New phenomenon on computer
How come there is music playing on my computer when there shouldn't be? I don't have anything playing. It's just like the time I closed a video and it keeps playing, except it's different.
Thursday, January 28, 2016
Wednesday, January 27, 2016
Forget ALL about trolling...this might as well make my life; written by a THEORETICAL PHYSICIST TOO!! (In one of the most famous science journals)
Wow. Un. Freaking. Real. That's exactly what I thought the moment when I first started reading this particular article. After all, it is supposed that it even contains the author's scientific documents in the American Journal of Modern Physics. So, if you've had a boring life recently, please read on. I'm most certain it won't fail to disappoint. BTW, this is way beyond reality IMO just how much "stupidness" is associated with this paper, which looks 100 PERCENT official too! And we don't even need to look at his paper. I must add a note of caution, however, to those of you who enjoy reading this website. I don't mean to bash on it because I don't even know how trustworthy it is. We can just go and start here for more information. This is exactly my definition of EPIC! IT takes epic to levels that are extremely high. So high in fact, that it is up in the clouds. And I'm talking those clouds are not just clouds as you might think about them. They're like the puffs of fragrant smoke that I dream are moving across a waterscape. See where I'm going with this. Oh wait; I may be trying to imagine myself in his (her) shoes, however... Maybe she was not being "high"; after all, almost everything about the report was perfect. Except for maybe a few words. A scientist who publishes in a scientific journal should always double check their work using "Autocorrect". Unless, of course, they've never heard of that feature. This is the opposite of what it means when you think of boring.
These kinds of stories make it all better. Reading her "anthology" was nothing less than music to my ears, or well, "candy to the nose" or whatnot. Let's talk about that Concave Lens technology. What's up with that, right!? Well, in theory this might work, (albeit theoreticall). In practice, however, it's a whole other story. What's up with detecting dark matter light? Is that possible? Well, let's ask a scientist about that one, and he'll probably think about that one for a minute or so and tell you "". That's pretty much true, at least for the most part. A concave lens is made not for telescopes. Instead, it used for other optics such as camera lenses and microscopes. What the guy probably is observing is just composed of some microscopic lifeforms. That would explain the odd phenomenon that he initially wrote about. And then, once we look further into her stuff, of course, we realize that she can't differentiate between what is a "multidimensional life form" from that of some lights that are formed by a long shutter speed and come from our own crazy society. Good job, Alaina!)
These kinds of stories make it all better. Reading her "anthology" was nothing less than music to my ears, or well, "candy to the nose" or whatnot. Let's talk about that Concave Lens technology. What's up with that, right!? Well, in theory this might work, (albeit theoreticall). In practice, however, it's a whole other story. What's up with detecting dark matter light? Is that possible? Well, let's ask a scientist about that one, and he'll probably think about that one for a minute or so and tell you "". That's pretty much true, at least for the most part. A concave lens is made not for telescopes. Instead, it used for other optics such as camera lenses and microscopes. What the guy probably is observing is just composed of some microscopic lifeforms. That would explain the odd phenomenon that he initially wrote about. And then, once we look further into her stuff, of course, we realize that she can't differentiate between what is a "multidimensional life form" from that of some lights that are formed by a long shutter speed and come from our own crazy society. Good job, Alaina!)
Dad vs 12 year old daughter!
Dad arrested for whaooooooooow...
Also, check out this article Wailsfkf BTW make sure you see more info about "Wiz vs West"
Also, check out this article Wailsfkf BTW make sure you see more info about "Wiz vs West"
Tuesday, January 26, 2016
Of May and Maize; A Summary, a story about the best days of life
For this poem I've poured out just a smidgen of my imagination. However should be noted that there is nothing like it around these areas. Here's a backstory first: I will leave a copy of this story at a public place. I won't know about it, yet after I leave alady by the name of Alaina finds it. That's not the point though. I will leave some links to my blogs in public areas so many may come across it. And yes this would include LCC. It's a social experiment as well as a note which means I'm onto something. And if someone's cool enough to forward it back to me, then you can expect a really neat blog to come about. If it's Alaina then I wish that she's nice & if it's just a friend of mine than that's good too!
I wish you'd stay
And I'm left to leave
The last of May.
and it's like I'm left to greave,
Like "my rent went away"
Afloat through empty space like leaves,
My rent goes a ways;
This is how I perceive
As the world turns to craze.
Seeking yet finding no reprieve;
And still us no one pays;
What will we achieve?
So long went away the days.
Don't think like thieves.
And I keep thinking of maize;
Don't be deceived
I wish I could get some waves
The times we have weaved
just as the silence plays,
Over time, emotions have a seeped;
Like love yet about many a ways,
Some days I wish we'd just sleep;
Just as the stars last rays.
And over hurtles we've leaped.
Is that right.. to me she waves?
This story has been written for...
(I don't know) 😎
Oh! BTW, something pretty COOL is coming up, (WORD!) so don't hesitate to stay up to date. Spoiler alert. custom logo for my blog, WAIT! i think I should stop there and not make you the reader into a spoiled brat. 😐
I wish you'd stay
And I'm left to leave
The last of May.
and it's like I'm left to greave,
Like "my rent went away"
Afloat through empty space like leaves,
My rent goes a ways;
This is how I perceive
As the world turns to craze.
Seeking yet finding no reprieve;
And still us no one pays;
What will we achieve?
So long went away the days.
Don't think like thieves.
And I keep thinking of maize;
Don't be deceived
I wish I could get some waves
The times we have weaved
just as the silence plays,
Over time, emotions have a seeped;
Like love yet about many a ways,
Some days I wish we'd just sleep;
Just as the stars last rays.
And over hurtles we've leaped.
Is that right.. to me she waves?
This story has been written for...
(I don't know) 😎
Oh! BTW, something pretty COOL is coming up, (WORD!) so don't hesitate to stay up to date. Spoiler alert. custom logo for my blog, WAIT! i think I should stop there and not make you the reader into a spoiled brat. 😐
The mysteries of the "indians"
I speculate that there could be some truly strange mysteries going on when it comes to those people who are native, or more specifically, those of us who have decided to live primitive lifestyles for multiple generations... and those of us who are part of this rapidly expanding world of "modernity". That is, the world, or society that we are part of relies heavily on modernizing. And this is mainly because of our advancing technology and whatnot. Yet I wouldn't consider the native people of this world are any worse than us. I say this because they are shrouded in mystery. In fact, for all we know, they could be just as mysterious as we are to them. Why? Because while we are more modern, they could very well outsmart us in other aspects of this life. They could have intuitive powers and stuff like that which are much more powerful than what we are capable of. Why? Because they are likely to have far more time on their hands to explore the mystical aspects of the mind. They are gaining on this side of life in particular, while we are gaining with our evolving modern technology, on the other side, or aspect of life. And perhaps that is why much of us as people, and probably almost all of us, don't have those amazing capabilities of intuition, ESP, telesthesia, and mind over matter in general. Let me explain something really neatly here. I have decided to answer people in some creative ways from now on. Whenever someone asks me about an event that happens in the near future, usually in the extremely close future, I sometimes get my creativity "up to shape". That is, if someone were to come up and ask me something like this..."Are you going to write your next post on Friday, and update it to include your latest premonition which you dreamed up of on Thursday?" I would say something along the lines of, "I'm not a fortune teller." Because after all is said and done, non of us actually knows whether I will write that post. I may have it planned out, although I still don't know if that's something that comes about in the future. Just like the breakfast that you will be having a few days from now; someone may ask you if you'll be having it, and you only think that you know. However, the future is always uncertain. We don't know anything about it. We just have our own little theories. And that's all it's about. Uncertainty. The theory that I will write another post tomorrow morning, or the theory that I will end my post in 34 minutes, for example.
The mystery of strange sounds heard worldwide
There is an odd mystery that is supposedly going about the entire world
about strange, unexplainable sounds being heard from "who knows where?"
There have been more than a few of these cases which have almost
certainly been ruled out from being caused by planes, drilling/mining
operations, meteor explosions, or anything of that nature. One of the
most famous cases would be that of Taos, New Mexico. This is a low
frequency humming sound that can only be heard by people of over about
sixty years or so of age. Now, there is something like this, another
phenomenon, that is also unexplained. That is, there are supposed
regions of the Earth in which the Earthly magnetic fields are
exceptionally powerful. Also, these areas are thought to exist in a
perfect grid. That is, they are all equally spaced together from each
other. And yes, one of these areas would include the Bermuda Triangle.
It has also been hypothesized that there is also another hazardous
marine triangle which exists between the border of the United States and
Canada. This area is located over Lake Superior. Alaska is also thought
to be an area in which a mysterious triangle exists. Here is some more
information about the most recent observation. I myself have at times heard of these things myself whenever I've spent time outdoors.
My trip to Ogahara/Thai Summit
Yesterday they, the class that is, took me on a really long ride to in Howell. I got to see some neat stuff there including the robots that make car fenders and stuff like that out of steel plates. Unfortunately for me, I did not get to see the presses in action actually stamping the metal into shape. I think that would be like the only "good" part of the workaround because those things are so heavy, that once they come down you can feel the ground beneath you vibrating. And, interestingly enough, they have this machine for measuring, which is made by the famous German company Zeiss. This machine measures how accurate the dimensions of a part are. It really is something. How does it work? It has a round tip, and it contacts the metal at various points, after which some software analyzes this data. This is likely the most accurate machine for measuring dimensional accuracy. It can measure down to approx. one millionth of an inch. To measure so accurately demands a high level of precision on the machine as well. The machine has temperature and humidity sensors built into it so that it can compensate for those changes, even if the temp. varies by only a few degrees. In addition to this the room in which the machine is housed rests on a spring floor, which compensates for the vibrations from the massive presses, some of which may weigh tens of tons. This machine costs a LOT, in the millions that is. Another method used by them to measure precision is to use what's known as a light machine. This is a method which employs the use of various points on a part, and each one gets it's own light signature, which is then interpreted by a computer. For this process, three high quality cameras are used to do the job. The points of light are even shown on the display, from which the person can analyze the image for various distortions. Besides the light points, another thing that they use are magnets. They create magnetic fields in order to help, however I'm not sure how. I would guess that it helps the computer analyze the locations of the points.
Anoteh thing that I found neat was how they welded parts together. That is, when they weld plates together. They do this by using a type of welding which I've never even heard before. It's laser welding. Yeah. It's crazy what types of welding people come up with. This one in particular uses an extremely powerful laser which is able to weld steel plates extremely efficiently, with each weld taking only about a second or so. Although it may have been much quicker than that. I actually got to see the laser welder in action. It shoots a laser from roughly five feet away from the steel plate.
Anoteh thing that I found neat was how they welded parts together. That is, when they weld plates together. They do this by using a type of welding which I've never even heard before. It's laser welding. Yeah. It's crazy what types of welding people come up with. This one in particular uses an extremely powerful laser which is able to weld steel plates extremely efficiently, with each weld taking only about a second or so. Although it may have been much quicker than that. I actually got to see the laser welder in action. It shoots a laser from roughly five feet away from the steel plate.
Monday, January 25, 2016
The political, and balanced, climate...
Ha! It's so ironic, those "climate freaks" as you might call them! Yet it's those down in DC who are also having it tough, thanks to a snowstorm. And so, what must those in authority think about these events in the future? Many of them are NOT against global warming whatsoever now, are they? Yeah. Didn't think so either. Let's not bash on either sides of the issue though. We must respect each side's opinion on climate change. After all, those people who are on both sides of the climate debate issue must be right once in while, right? Just like all of them dems and reps. Sometimes dems win, other times the reps do. And perhaps, maybe, that's what it's about comes down to the topic of climate change. Some say we will soon be entering a warmer phase, while others argue that the opposite is true and that we are destined to be approaching some "cooler" times. Well, as is usually the case, nature cannot satisfy us all. Essentially it is nature itself, which chooses who is right. Once in a while, those who are against the thought of the weather cooling get their fair share from mother nature. Yet, other times, it is the opposing party who "gets to share". So, is that just how our history of weather is now set to enfold? Heat waves and droughts in some months to satisfy those with a desire for proving global warming. And at other times there will be events such as cold spells, ice storms and blizzards to satisfy those who are against global warming. You know how it is. Both parties can (albeit theoretically) benefit from this. Yet there is an issue with all of this. For the question remains, whether (no pun intended) the true nature of weather will EVER be published. And, a new question may arise: "When Republicans finally accept that Climate Change is an actual problem, will they pretend they know all along and blame it on the Muslims?" Stay around for my follow up post next time.
Another dimension
Maaaaaaan! I know there must be another form of existence. I wish that there were another dimension for me to be in. I've always been sick of this same old. It's just dreary and not right. It's been constantly as if it were sorrow. It's always been unacceptable. Distress. There you go, that's what I call it. I'm a dreamer that's all I can say. And, as always, stay open minded.
"space plants"; Can a plant be left in perpetual horizontal rotation?
I would really like to show you this link; I know it doesn't seem like much at first. However, I have found it to be truly spectacular. Koji Yamamoto Lewansagahiroda
Saturday, January 23, 2016
How many flights cancelled?! Also, canellations have also caused ripple effects that have extended all of the way into Florida and California!Unfortunate!
The next week's forecast for our area calls for, well, weather
Guess what? (again?!) Here's to next week's forecast for the last days of January! I'm always fascinated by the weather at various times of the year. "So, what's the verdict?" Is a question I always ask myself about the local weather around here. Is it cold for this specific time of year; is it warm? Or is it "just right?" Where's a snippet about what the weather is going to be in the upcoming days ahead. Again, remember that these are some of the last days that are upcoming. Yeah, we will soon be entering into the month of February, which has been proven to be extremely dreadful. The world has been devoid of pretty much everything around these areas of the Earth for what seems like an incredibly long time. For now it seems as though winter is "sustaining itself", or simply just not going away anytime soon. The days seem as though they are constantly freaking cold. Yeah; I know, spring is still quite a long way's away. There is a very blurred line between what is and what can't be considered average weather conditions. Wait a minute, however! Are their forecasts right; how accurate are they? And how do they compare to the competition?
No matter the weather, it doesn't bother me usually. It's all about becoming acclimatized to the Earth's environment...😉. All that the Earth is, is pretty much a playground on which we can live as well as we would like, no matter what the conditions might be out there. So, don't hesitate to spend as much time as you would like outside. Thank you for reading these informative "articles"!
No matter the weather, it doesn't bother me usually. It's all about becoming acclimatized to the Earth's environment...😉. All that the Earth is, is pretty much a playground on which we can live as well as we would like, no matter what the conditions might be out there. So, don't hesitate to spend as much time as you would like outside. Thank you for reading these informative "articles"!
Winter storm update; Winter Storm Jonas is really starting to ramp up!; Wind gusts akin to that of tornado alley
Thousands of people have become stranded on the roadway overnightmore info. Also, This new storm has brought with it up to about thirty inches or so of snow, and brought with it wind gusts akin to that of severe thunderstorms that occur in the spring most frequently in the month of May; that is, those ones that bring with them large hail, damaging wind, as well as tornadoes! And guess what? This also turns out to be my one hundred and tenth post. Stay interested, my friends; It's a fascinating universe, filled with some of the most mysterious phenomenon I've ever observed (can you explain?)!
Friday, January 22, 2016
The longest "question and answer" on Yahoo! Answers. The False Flags; He's back!
I must say that, his YouTube videos are really unique. Ridiculous as they may seem to most all people, you just never see these types of people "trolling" on the YouTube service. I wish that, one day, there will be more of this craziness that transfers more into YouTube. Why!? Well, it's simple. The reason is such that I would like to stray away from everything that makes life "mundane". And more of these creative videos on the YouTube, would make YouTube become more creative, and, most importantly, YouTube would just become far more interesting than it is currently. We need to take the internet less seriously sometimes, because there are many people just trying to have some "fun", eh? In my opinion, while we are using the internet, we are just being too serious; we are doing things on it that are too serious, and of course this might not seem like a bad thing, because usually I wouldn't consider it so. However, I think that it is the case too often, that we are using the internet too seriously. How about those of us who read these blogs? What are those people thinking at this moment? Do they take the internet too seriously, are they trolls, or are they just simple "average individuals"? Someday, I would like to know from these people below, in the comments section. That is my wish. (There may be trolls around, however). I will not reveal any of the true names of those of us who area actually trolling around on sites such as Yahoo! So, feel free to leaves some of your responses!
Based on a True Story; Dreaming of the future
I wish I could get out more and have this stuff actually happen to me, and more often! This is something that takes place on June 27, 2016. So it is based on a true story, although it's not true yet. I took a trip one day. And while I was on that trip, I stopped by the legendary state of West Virginia, which is pretty far away from my hometown. We would make our way along the winding countryside while I would like to listen to Broken Bells. It was wonderful. When we got there, I took a hike off the beaten path to explore the backwoods of the mighty Shenandoah. While there, I noticed someone by the name of Wyatt Howard. That's when I started laughing. And I said, "Hey Wyatt". Welcome aboard. I didn't make a sad face, or a mean one at that. It was just like he was supposed to be there. Because he came from the Lansing area of Michigan. What else should I say?
I wish we would have intuitive dreams about the future...
Remember those days when premonitions were a common thing to occur in our minds? I don't either. Last night I tried to change, or "switch" to the "Premonition Channel". I wish that dreams would offer us some really neat information, such as intuition! It does take a while for me to start picking up on those types of thoughts, however. As always, stay interested my friends. I'll tune into it some other time, eh?
Thursday, January 21, 2016
January 21, 2016: What's Next?
That is the question! Why? Because tomorrow I will try to get up in the morning to work on a new post which will be exceptional, because it will detail "last" nights premonition that I dreamed of. Let's think present tense now. I'm about to dream myself all of the way into some premonition. And upon waking up, my premonition will materialize into a blog post, here. So, I'm about to shut down. In the meanwhile, I will have a premonition. Then I will do my homework and write down what my premonitions were. So, my intuitions will be described here. I mean, how often does it happen that one ever comes across their intuition? That's why I wanted to take this opportunity to jot it down in detail. It's been a while since I've done any type of intuition of my own, you know? Next question coming up on Yahoo!
"Phenomenal Thurs"
This is a phenomenal day of the week, isn't it? I just wanted to write about something truly strange that I've experienced. One day I went all of the way down to Ann Arbor. And what about it? well it was a pretty strange "phenomenon" in the day of one's life, that's for sure, (at least in my life for instance), given that I rarely ever go past the local regions of the land LOL. Gotcha there, didn't I? Any who, what happened next was truly remarkable. I had no idea what exactly had happened because, well, (I really don't know why). I just decided that I would go ahead and try out some tofu from that massive Whole Foods store. It's amazing stuff, you know? Anyhow, sometime recently, I even think it might have happened today, I realized something about the tofu I had eaten a long time ago. The smell. Well at one time I started smelling something eerily akin to that of the tofu, and as a result, I was looking for the source of the smell. Well, as it turns out, the smell that I was receiving was actually being "derived" from multiple sources. Astonishingly, the smell was actually a combination of what I thought at the time to be chocolate, and some coconut syrup, although I'm not quite sure at this moment of just how accurate that assessment of mine had been made. You know what some say? Only time will tell. Wait. Huh? I guess we can't turn back with time on that one. That's mind boggling, bro.
"When I was a professor"
So it was in a class, and inside there was a pager. I kept on pressing the pager so many times that the bookshelf started rattling, until finally, it toppled over. The students were then like, "I didn't know I had to pay for my medical bills in an accounting classroom". What a joke, eh? There may have been more to it, and this is just the stuff that I remember so far from memories. Ones that I had since like, today, BTW! It all started at about... 7:30ish? That's when the class was told this story by the professor today. If you would like more information, you can contact him. (When he's having a sick day off, that is)! Oh you wait until there are more of these stories coming out of boredom, however. It's complicated to say the least.
Weather threats this week
power outages & more concerns from Winter Storm possible in areas of the Northeast
Severe weather in the deep south Ahhh. Here we go again eh? Storm system composed of various types of severe weather. Those 'Southern folks have to deal with the nasty side of Jonas, all the while we need to deal with the NASTIER side of Jonas! Is it going to be a whiteout here again? I've always wondered how, for example, like spring/winter or fall/summer conditions translate between one another. I don't worry too much about it though. After all, we will probably see worse conditions once it starts to warm up. Anybody going on vacation? LOL
Severe weather in the deep south Ahhh. Here we go again eh? Storm system composed of various types of severe weather. Those 'Southern folks have to deal with the nasty side of Jonas, all the while we need to deal with the NASTIER side of Jonas! Is it going to be a whiteout here again? I've always wondered how, for example, like spring/winter or fall/summer conditions translate between one another. I don't worry too much about it though. After all, we will probably see worse conditions once it starts to warm up. Anybody going on vacation? LOL
Wailand and Anda
I like to put myself out in the elements. That is, I plan on seeing how far I can go to survive in our current weather conditions. That is, the dreadful winter. It is currently getting so cold outside. I want to be able to take advantage of these cold spells, because I am an astronomy enthusiast. I want to be able to get accustomed to the cold myself, so that I do not need to worry about this dreadful cold. My goal would eventually be to feel fairly good even when the temperature has gone well below the freezing point. And yes, I have to pretty much start like now if this is what I'm looking forward to. Obviously we winter to feel like summer one day!..might all start out as cold even when it's like fifty degrees! You don't need to be too critical- to me, anything below about 45-50 degrees-starts to get incredibly cold, if you start talking about wind chill. My yearly exercise will now consist of being out in various kinds of weather. One day I want the world to be like a wonderland. On which it snows and whatnot, "during summer"; it would be just like summer for me. And, you know what? This has been on my mind for some time. Another idea for a YouTube channel, eh? So, I will see how far I will be able to survive this wasteland.
My Ansel Adams "reproductions". How far can we take a Jpeg file?
In my previous, recently taken photos of the Desert, I tried to reproduce some works. (Those of Ansel Adams himself, that is). I think it came out pretty well? Why? Umm, I don't know. It started off in the beginning as only a Jpeg! Imagine if it was something even better! Or what if I did this by digitally scanning some film from an old camera? There are still many things in this world which I can't even imagine. Well, hey! This is just another reason for me to get another, even better camera someday, eh? LOL Actually, for these kinds of pictures I wasn't even thinking about his prints in particular. However, nonetheless, the results came out truly close to what he thinks would best suit our fancy. Well.. because why wouldn't he?
Wednesday, January 20, 2016
Tuesday, January 19, 2016
Monday, January 18, 2016
Sad letter gets sent to Obama 😕
It's official. Obama has gotten a letter from a "heartbroken" mother in NE! Wailandanda😎!I'mgonnagoreadit
The Man Who was living with an open window. Am I getting somewhere with this?
This is a (fictional) account of a man who lived on the shore of Lake Michigan. This is the story, as told in his own words. I was in solitary for many years, just for my own. I had built secret tunnels beneath my little village of leprechauns. Those people are weird. Then one day, something fascinating happened. I went outside for the first time. Then I decided to settle in a tore down shack, which was where my friend Alex Arrington lived. I hadn't been hearing or reading the news for this whole time that I was living in my tunnels. So I didn't know what the freak was up with that day. I started watching the TV. Unfortunately, I soon found out after some time... that the TV lies. Yeah. That's right. I started listening to the radio. That was the moment during which me and Ben's lives would be changed forever. We started hearing a voice on the radio. It sounded eerily familiar to me. We decided to leave it running, although I had almost no clue at that moment that it was the president that was speaking! I didn't know that a new president had taken over office during my stay underground. And, guess what? I forgot to vote again. They were all having presidential nominations and all of that jazz went on when I was living like a troll down under! I had made a vow with Alex so that he pretends as though I'm not around. We wanted to act as though I was a ghost, literally. Well, in public, at least. And so Alex for some strange reasons unknown, didn't want to admit to me who was president. "They are coming in leegallleee, those colombians" said the voice on the radio. I asked, "Who's voice is that Alex?" and he replied, "I would rather not talk about it." pssh. Then we started hearing another voice. "There have now been reports of some unidentified swimming objects as observed from the coastline of Lake Michigan" unfortunately, what we didn't know at the moment was that these reports were actually coming from those of us who were slightly intoxicated. They were not swimming objects. They were flying objects. And they were making their ways across the lake. I said, Alex, what if someone told you that we are going to be attacked? "Pssh. Those Chinese got nothing on us." Alex was hiding a secret from me, and apparently it was so great, that he seemed as though he would never let it spill out. What I didn't know at the time, but Alex did, was that we were now living alongside the NRC, or Nationalist Republic of Canada, which was actually taken over by Asians. The NRC had taken over territories around the Great Lakes. So this is where the UFOs' were coming from then!? And also, the NRC was not like Michigan. They had some pretty suspicious people over there. So after we heard this mysterious radio broadcast, I went over to play Alex's homegrown video game called "Need some greens?" What's up with that? This was going to be my first time trying it out. And as I was turning on the console, this ridiculous "Facebook-like" message showed up. It stated, "Would you please let us use your location information?" "Scooz me, what did you just ask me?" I said instinctively. Wait a minute... it looks as though Alex lives with his windows open! Does he still think that he can go out there as though he were an "Alice in Wonderland". Yeah. I don't think that's possible either. I asked Alex if that's why he's opening his window. If he think it's a portal to another dimension or something. He just told me, "Aliens, man. That's what it's all about." I then asked him, "have you ever been out observing the UFOs?" He just stared at me for a while as if he was going through a tunnel, and laughed hysterically. Then he just stated how there is always a light at the end of the tunnel. He had told me as well, that the light would save us all, just like the dawn of sunrise, which will herald on the coming of flowers, that will flourish in the sun. That's actually when our lives would finally change. I have my back to the window this time, and it's dark out there. All of a sudden I start hearing a buzz behind me, as though there was a hummingbird behind me. There's definitely no way a hummingbird would come here, since it's January and it's freezing outside! I was perplexed. I stared behind me to get a glimpse of what was making that buzzing sound. As soon as I did so, however, the buzzing went away and I heard a "thump" on the floor. It was something illeegall! From that day on, I would not sleep well for the rest of my life, because I would have to resort to sleeping pills. That's how traumatizing it was when those freaking aliens dropped some of that alien stuff onto Alex's floor! And, you know what else? I had no freaking CLUE as to the fact that we were now using drones such as quadcopters and rotocopters as a widespread means of transportation...and delivery!
There is also a legend about why this phenomenon occurs in the first place. Alex tried to explain to me what actually happened that day. Because after this incident, I had hid the evidence and asked him why he like to live with his windows open. "Well, there was a vibration coming in from outside. "It" was a form of resonating energy, which was really colorful. I started seeing it in my dreams first, before I noticed it in 3d. There were vivid flashbacks occurring in the right central lobe of my mind, man!" Let me summarize. According to Alex, the energy that was outside finally somehow started emanating inside! That's when it started approaching his closet. The closet would shake. And at the same moment, his room would stand still! (How were these things possible? I thought to myself.) That last thirty minute window of opportunity occurs right before midnight, and is a time during which the energy field is at its highest levels. At 12:00 AM the energy achieves its highest level. And, according to Alex, that's the same moment during which I should be awake, and sleep during eight in the evening. I started becoming really suspicious of these claims that Alex was making. Was he part of a government cover-up? "NASA this, and NASA wants to use their own drones. They want to explore other galaxies just to expand upon their highly classified import and export business." says Alex. So, then I ask Alex, "So you're saying they're coming back, and flying some drones back from Planet X?" "Well, what the government is actually trying to do is blame those deliveries on us, by saying that we've ordered them." It was once the case that, if you had a plastic bead necklace, you could make it resonate by itself if you placed it in the right way in my room from the closet door. If the vibrations (one or more) from beneath the Earth reached a specific frequency, then the string would start resonating itself. Remember, however, that usually midnight would be the start of this occurrence. By the way, this DOES sound familiar already, doesn't it?
Remember Tesla and his coil systems? Yeah, he never implemented those death rays either, did he?
There is also a legend about why this phenomenon occurs in the first place. Alex tried to explain to me what actually happened that day. Because after this incident, I had hid the evidence and asked him why he like to live with his windows open. "Well, there was a vibration coming in from outside. "It" was a form of resonating energy, which was really colorful. I started seeing it in my dreams first, before I noticed it in 3d. There were vivid flashbacks occurring in the right central lobe of my mind, man!" Let me summarize. According to Alex, the energy that was outside finally somehow started emanating inside! That's when it started approaching his closet. The closet would shake. And at the same moment, his room would stand still! (How were these things possible? I thought to myself.) That last thirty minute window of opportunity occurs right before midnight, and is a time during which the energy field is at its highest levels. At 12:00 AM the energy achieves its highest level. And, according to Alex, that's the same moment during which I should be awake, and sleep during eight in the evening. I started becoming really suspicious of these claims that Alex was making. Was he part of a government cover-up? "NASA this, and NASA wants to use their own drones. They want to explore other galaxies just to expand upon their highly classified import and export business." says Alex. So, then I ask Alex, "So you're saying they're coming back, and flying some drones back from Planet X?" "Well, what the government is actually trying to do is blame those deliveries on us, by saying that we've ordered them." It was once the case that, if you had a plastic bead necklace, you could make it resonate by itself if you placed it in the right way in my room from the closet door. If the vibrations (one or more) from beneath the Earth reached a specific frequency, then the string would start resonating itself. Remember, however, that usually midnight would be the start of this occurrence. By the way, this DOES sound familiar already, doesn't it?
Remember Tesla and his coil systems? Yeah, he never implemented those death rays either, did he?
Saturday, January 16, 2016
To all of the people that made 2015 entertaining.
To all of the artists, moviemakers, producers, and whatever, I salute you. All of you have made some great movies and songs last year. It was a great year in the life of me. I want to hear more from you in the following times ahead. I know these are some rough times ahead. However, we need to keep pushing forward. I will be all over again about this in the upcoming new year. Let's just hope that 2016 NEVER ends. That is my only wish for right now. I could listen to year's worth of movies, or a year's worth of music, for I don't know. Twelve years? Yeah we're making some great strides as a society. Us Americans are making some great progress in many various fields. My wish would be that we as a society keep being optimistic and keep making some kick*** stuff. So, I don't know if any of these people will ever read my blogs. Well, you know, we can have some fun sometimes, can't we? Looks like I don't need to move anywhere. I don't need to move to China, Cambodia, Australia, Africa, or wherever that may be. The best country is not the one that's a leader in this or that. It's the country from which you come from. I don't care if I were to live in a nation as small as Bosnia right now. That would make me perfectly content. That would be my favorite place on Earth. I don't give anything about whether China takes over the world, or if Iran decides to start attacking the world and names itself Persia. Or whether Canada eventually becomes the NRC. It's all about taking pride in where you live. Even if I were still stuck in that tiny Bosnia of mine, that is where I will stay. I would stay happy with what I've got. I will eventually adapt to cope with what it means to live. Please, read my previous posts.
Dear Mr. Howard (a discussion I had with Ronny)
I've tried watching your movie. Been there, got the t-shirt kind of a thing, you know? I know that it's called "In The Heart of The Sea". I simply liked calling it "The Sailors, The Whales, and The Seas!" It was a movie that was really something. I've seen Ronny on some Canon commercials before trying to promote inspiration for his videos. You did a very good job man! That was a really good turnaround, wasn't it? Ooh... Going all the way, from talking about photos, to making a smash hit blockbuster. That was really something. I'm glad you got your stuff together!
Dear Mr. Dicaprio...
On January 18, 2016, I will do something which I have been wishing to do since right about the start of New Year. I will watch your movie, the Revenant. And this 18th will reign as the day of infamy. You probably won't notice however. Wait, you might say. WTF is wrong with me? Well, yeah, that's right. Infamy. Why? Because I'll be observing the movie with my family, even though I'm an adult. And it's well... rated R. My fellow family members don't like violence. I'm kind of sad about this fact. Well Hey! So, can laugh about that one later my friends! (in a stuttering voice)"Stay thirsty me friends".
The fascinating universe: What we are capable of: Mind over matter.
The fascinating universe: What we are capable of: Mind over matter.: If I do, I will do it so I can start to become acclimatized to the conditions outside. Why? like, WTF is wrong with me, right? Like I've...
The Dreaming" of a Holographic Cosmos
I dream that there is place called the Cosmos. And that it is place in which we have a moon that regulates our seasons. I'm an atheist however, although that's just for the sake of the story, because after all, we need to even it out with these facts, eh? Oh, wait, we've just started and I'm becoming too excited! And we are steadily changing to our environment. The Earth is our habitat. The sun is "not too far" and "not too close" to our Earth. Well, isn't that lovely? If we were closer in, or farther out, we would probably not be here. And I wouldn't be here anymore to be telling you about this story. Our moon offers us a light at night. Don't you just love it? All night we struggle in our sleep, to find the real light at the end of the tunnel; a light that is separated from us by many miles, and approximately eight hours. And because of this, we have to waste so much of our life away in darkness. Many of us must then be heavily reliant on our imagination to get us through. After all, we all have dreams, don't we? The dreams are just "things" that lie at the end of the tunnel. They're trying to lead us to achieving our goals. However, we need to open our eyes. And, as always, stay open minded my friends. Why do we still talk about time travel, and not call it teleportation (for that's what it really is, aren't I right)?
The ads
I was wishing that there would be an ad about this stuff. There were some ships moving across the clouds. I then became inspired to do something about it. So I went over to Meijer, where there were supposedly some mperks sitting there on a shelf in the front row of the LED department. So I stopped on over to Meijer. That's when I said, hey, let's do something about this. So I then proceeded to go over to Walmart. That where I went over to the office supply section. Upon arriving there, I made sure to neatly package the mperks inside one of the boxes. I had to pretend not to be stealing the box, of course. I just tried to look my best, lookin' all classy and stuff. You Know what I mean? Later one of the employees who was working for Walmart just wrote down some numbers on a piece of paper. I mean, how stupid can one get? He was behaving as though he was guessing the winning lottery numbers. That's just a tradition of some people. For example, if we work in an artistic business firm in which we try to come up with some drawings for, I don't know, the lotto company, we just write down some numbers that come up out of our minds. And we don't even think about them pretty much. Because we are just "playing the lotto". Let's admit it. Some of use are just programmed to do that kind of stuff. We are predestined...this is pretty mysterious business, isn't it?
Friday, January 15, 2016
Become 1 with nature;Make yourself evolve faster, speed up evolution.
I really wish that there were much more interesting things to write about here. I just don't plan on filling this stuff out with "useless" information that might mean less views on my blogs. I plan on writing more about my thoughts that are coming up in my unconscious. I see things that are so crazy and unrealistic by our standards. I see things that go beyond our own boundary of mind. Just beyond what we can envision. We sometimes have these thoughts, I suppose. However, I plan on writing mine down because I have this incredible imagination, my own world that I live in. It's pretty cool so far, isn't it? Don't worry, that's just how the story unfolds. To give such an example, I like learning about so many interesting things and I keep wondering what are other planets out there are like. Oh, you know. Things like snowfall when it's sixty degrees out, and the atmospheric pressure differs from that of Earth's. Maybe somewhere out there climate change is actually happening on an Earthlike planet. Maybe we have one out there somewhere, with a spin much faster, or slower, than ours. Maybe the air there is thinner? We must go and explore more places out in the universe so that we can find out for sure all of the answers to our questions; (to which we will we unfortunately, and ironically, probably find more questions to)! I mean, given all of the things written about here, such as the thought that it's snowing when it's sixty degrees outside (somewhere out there), we have no freaking clue as to what world we could potentially find ourselves on in the distant future. And because of our discoveries, we will, dramatically, have to effectively redefine what life on other planets may mean. And, if we want to make sure that we can enjoy all of those environments, (well, that is, if we want to do that to the fullest, having the most "freedom") we must first start off by becoming acclimatized to the environmental factors that exist closer to home, and probably the ones that exist on our own Earth themselves. For the most part, this will basically enable us to ditch the protection, the space vests, the oxygen tanks, etc. And besides, what would happen to us if ever we were to decide to establish a permanent residence on an Earthlike planet ourselves? We could actually survive there, no matter whether we would be prepared for the journey or not. All we'd have to do, of course, is to get used to those potential conditions first. Then we really wouldn't need to worry all that much about what would happen if we were to lose our survival gear. That is, if we were to, for whatever reason, lose our space vests, our oxygen tanks, etc. Do you see where I'm trying to go with this though? I'm trying to get a point across about what I personally perceive the essence of life is. Or, what existence means, that is. To not have to fight against mother nature all of the time. Instead, make yourself become one with nature. Then you would essentially be nature itself? Mother Nature would not be your enemy as much anymore. Why? because you would have learned to live side by side. You would have conquered all of this s***. Try to accelerate evolution yourself; seriously! Live life quickly, and adapt quickly. Well, the second piece of advice, for sure; adapt to all of this f***! Because it's kicking all of our asses. Remember what I've written before about how nature is so much different from us, and that we don't seem to share any characteristics of nature? We are a technologically superior species... and yet, "we are not natural"; that is, we are not truly nature itself, essentially and philosophically speaking!
Here's a great example; Many a time that I go outside in the winter here in Michigan, I must wear so much stuff; a coat, some gloves, hats, etc. Well that's fine. However, this shows us that we are vulnerable to our natural environment. We behave as though we are roaming around in the midst of an abandoned nuclear radiation zone, in which we have to wear all of this protection. And the cold itself is like the radiation, (if that's not obvious at this time). And kind of the same logic applies to some other situations.
That'll do it for this post. Please follow this blog if you can, and as always; stay tuned here for more of what I like to call the news.
Here's a great example; Many a time that I go outside in the winter here in Michigan, I must wear so much stuff; a coat, some gloves, hats, etc. Well that's fine. However, this shows us that we are vulnerable to our natural environment. We behave as though we are roaming around in the midst of an abandoned nuclear radiation zone, in which we have to wear all of this protection. And the cold itself is like the radiation, (if that's not obvious at this time). And kind of the same logic applies to some other situations.
That'll do it for this post. Please follow this blog if you can, and as always; stay tuned here for more of what I like to call the news.
Some ways to living
There are some truly compelling ways to live. One of them is living life in the fast lane. That is, actually not hesitating for a moment; instead, being in constant motion (literally!). Do as much as you can every moment in time, and try not to take any breaks. And then there's the "be calm" all of the time approach. It's just a thought of mine, one that's definitely concealed by mystery in the making. And this mystery is the essence of living, of which there could be multiple outcomes. This is merely an intro; there will probably be much more on this kind of stuff here. (Philosophically speaking, that is).
Unconscious thoughts for the day: January 15, 2016
What happened? It's almost certainly complicated. I don't know what I'm talking about, essentially. I was looking at the plants. They started growing so fast, I could actually observe them with my own eyes as they were changing size. There were mushroom shaped houses populated by a dangerous population of elves. I started seeing the clouds move about in ways that were usually impossible to notice with unaided eyes. And simultaneously, I noticed the rain drops moving about in slow motions, and I notice how they produced intricate shapes and forms once the splashed onto the water. How was I seeing in slow motion, while the sky moved in so fast? Sometimes when the weather is warm and hot, it's summer. And then I notice some clouds starting to disappear in one region and appear in another. If there's anything that can be considered "teleporting", then this would fit the bill. This is just what I would call a "magic Friday". Not always is it in real life, hey! It's my thoughts that matter! It has to do with the expansion of imagination.
My wish for January 15, 2016
First off, I'm feeling very content with "living". I am currently studying the engineering to figure out whether engineers are the way they are. More specifically, the fact that they think they're so smart. So you know what? I decided to enroll in them credits dawg. That's the game plan for the next couple of years or so. At the end I will really know what this career really means. Is it possible that this could somehow become a career that could have some involvement with my current interests? Could I apply some of these to photography, or for example, the fine arts? Astronomy? Well, you know that you can learn about some things by learning more about other things (subjects). Knowledge goes a long ways in these regards. And again, like I've tried explaining, once you finally obtain a job, you learn best by asking questions. Don't go around telling people oh, "you are too dumb, you're too smart, so you need to leave." That's somewhat like taking pride in what you do, ironically enough. At least, that's how some would think about it as. And that's just how the story enfolds. However, And now we back in Norway! all of that jazz!
And this is how we became geographers and mapmakers
Baja Rain to Bahrain; If Turkish men be tan in Turkmenistan; If Mr. Sur is from Suriname. And the legend goes that; when the Americans found out about the Turkmen in Turkmenistan, they heard their story of how it started to rain in the Baja, and then they went to Persia, where they started reading the Quran. Then, then they read about what was going to happen once Persia followed the Quran decided to close the book and say "Iran". That is, I read the Quran which, upon knowing they're plans I ran! And don't ask about the meaning behind Tajikistan. You probably wouldn't like it anyhow. And Uzbekistan is just based upon my friend Uzbek along with some European characters. Either that...well, or he's just tan once in awhile! And yet the name for Russia is well, just the name opposed by us from the cyrillics. And Denmark; where did that come from? How about that? Don't even think to ask." Let's go back to the Alamand!
Thursday, January 14, 2016
The mysterious atmospheric phenomena of "light city"
This is an optical effect, or "mirage" of sorts which is a type of atmospheric phenomena. So, please, check it out! You will be stunned! Lights In The Sky. This is not a hoax; it is grounded in scientific fact!
Ah so this is what it means to dream: January 14, 2016
This will be basically a story, however, it'll be in "poetic" form. I will be doing more of these in the future. However, they will all be written in true poetic form! I'm looking at a blank scene. There are some smooth waters up ahead. The day is dreary, like always. And I watch the overcast, dark clouds advancing high up, across the water. And the dreary, changing cloudscapes are reflecting off a wavy waterscape, stretching for as far as the eye can wander. It takes more than a day for all of these clouds to pass. However, I may not be depressed at all. For these clouds will only move across the sky for what seems to me, like maybe a few minutes. And so some new stories start developing inside my mind, inside my own imagination. I'm not sure what has causing these bursts of imagination. You have to basically sit still there at the giant pond, and because you do not think this is rea, it isn't. It becomes something captivating to ponder about; something that you can just think about for ages upon ages. What just happened? The clouds are like the thoughts inside of ones mind. Sometimes you don't see the good ones, because they are yet to return to you; however, you still feel captivated by all of that jazz. The music for you eyes. And you ask yourself, perhaps it is all true. The same ones that interpret dreams. They may just be right all along. And you won't even know about it, because you are naïve. Either that, or they have not been manifested into reality yet. You're whole entire life itself takes up anything except a long while in the whole universal scheme of things. Those who always like to deny these things, these thoughts of intuition, will not experience them. And those who are not even open minded, will surely not be those who's intuitions are fulfilled by the complex information that comes upon us through our dreams.
Shows Forrest City, Ark., Employees Using Restaurant Equipment
Shows Forrest City, Ark., Employees Using Restaurant Equipment "Thank you very much! Please come again!" (Yeah, sure...Would you like that? I can do that for you.)
Surviving? No, not that...Fighting is what it's all about (part 2)
Here's an interesting reason for why I would write something like this post. We have never even been off of Earth! So how will future astronauts be prepared for space missions to other planets? Will they always have to wear space suits, protect themselves or escape from extreme levels of radiation, cold, incredible changes in barometric pressure? Or will they some day be able to tough it out? We need to become fighters, not "survivors". We might eventually need to learn how to live somewhere where the conditions are practically unbearable. And we might even need to reestablish what it means when we consider conditions as "earthlike" and "hospitable". Let's redefine what this means; theoretically, we would not need to go with water for a few days. Also, we would need to go with oxygen for a hew minutes. Would we starve to death after a week? Well, yes, we would. With our current state of what we are capable of, yes. We can't breathe underwater. False. We are just not accustomed to it. We have not evolved to overcome these kinds of challenges, because we do not even care to put ourselves into situations that are life-threatening so that we can push the limits of our boundaries. This post may be updated more and more in order to explain what all of this (our existence) is essentially all about.
Surviving? No, not that...Fighting is what it's all about (part 1)
And this takes me into something very compelling. The facts about ourselves. We could be immune to so many freaking things by long now, and we aren't. We are still afraid of environmental factors. Many of us; We are afraid to go out in space. We are afraid, in fact we can't even go and take long hikes in the mountains. We can't go high into the Himalayans without an oxygen mask or more. In short, we are vulnerable to so many condition here on Earth. We can't even survive going into the desert without getting a heat stroke in a MERE 100 degrees, let alone if it were many degrees higher; we can't stay outside, where it might be forty degrees or much less. Sometimes it's like twenty seven degrees out there, and, well, I can't run around without a t-shirt and shorts on. The thing I'm trying to get at, is that we are a species that is essentially extremely vulnerable to so many things. We don't really tend to care that we are this way. I mean, we could all spend lots of times in these conditions, so just so that we could become acclimatized to all of this. Then we could all obtain more happiness from the life that we are living here on our planet Earth in many more ways than we might be able to envision; well, obviously it makes sense if we're prepared. I just think we need to gradually become independent of any "protection". That's one of the things I envision about life. Going out in a storm, for example, and enjoying the situation. Of course, we are all afraid of becoming struck by lightning. However, if we build up immunity to various things over time, then we will be able to roam the world in many new ways. And this is what I am trying to think about on my spare time. Of course none of this will make sense if we keep living in what I like to call the same "boring" ways in which we are thinking about life. We are basically never changing in terms of our current evolution. We must learn to go beyond our boundaries. Go out and walk without shoes in the winter. Do it for awhile and you feel astounding afterwards in terms of you health. In fact, stay tuned to these thoughts of mine. I plan on making some YouTube videos on this in which I gradually become better at what I'm able to do by myself. However, this is, of course just "icing on the cake". In other words, we are usually just "taking a walk in the park". Expand your life and what you are able to do as a person.
About that...
Vegan. That's what it's all about. And I'm also one. That's... one of the most mysterious phenomenon I've ever experienced. So... can you explain? LOL More on that in an upcoming episode of life. Please, let's get back to the channels.
Oh, nice...!
Starting to get viewers from Germany & Canada after I wrote those articles... LOL. The Nationalist Republic of Canada is not something in existence yet...I just try to deal with the situation somehow. There is always some truth about our world these days, to some extent "or another"! No wonder that my future theories about the universe suggest that the universe is dictated by quantum mechanics, even on some large scales. Theory of relativity? pssh. Do you know what I'm getting at...? Anyways, I want to write a story too about the future of the world. I don't know what the countries are that I would like to focus on more. Perhaps I will write first about the Democratic Republic of South America. Or the Fascist Federation of Territories, ruled by France and making up the vast network of islands and archipelagos in the ocean. So it should be no wonder why one of my favorite places to ditch it and let loose is Bora Bora... in the future, of course.
Some other theories would include the "Australian superpower", as well as the Socialist European Union. Scandinavian countries, such as Finland, for example, might eventually just become places that rule on their own conditions. Remember, however, that there are some false flags to be heard about... what about those flags? Persia is one of them, and will likely come back from its own ashes in the far flung future. We don't know yet about the Middle East, what it's going to become according the climate summit; Perhaps they themselves have plans of their own. Maybe those plans will dictate what the Middle East will become! After all, there is one website in particular...sorry if I can't find the link anymore; however, this site endorses going against the climate talks in Paris. I think I've written about this in particular before, however, why would you endorse such things anyways?
So this is basically what the far flung future will look like... we will mostly have drones to move about. Our kids will be transported via these devices. And we won't have to worry about as many drunk drivers now, will we? All the while we will be using quantum computers, camera phones with quantum film technology, roll-up displays that work on the principles of Bluetooth... We will get packages by drone right into our own homes, if only that is something that we do legally. Yes, I'm talking Trump now, because aliens, well, then we're talking making the drones in the shape of flying saucers. Sorry,'ll have to deal with the open minded like me for yourself. If there is a wish that comes by drone, it would be something like let them cross the border leegaleee! Of course, all of those Chinese may beat us in drone manufacturing if they decide to reproduce, or essentially plagriarize our 3d printers. Then we're essentially talking chemical warfare. Why? Oh, you know...because the Chinese think it's acceptable to produce things using not the same material as what we use, but instead use toxics. More on this topic will be coming up in the future.
Some other theories would include the "Australian superpower", as well as the Socialist European Union. Scandinavian countries, such as Finland, for example, might eventually just become places that rule on their own conditions. Remember, however, that there are some false flags to be heard about... what about those flags? Persia is one of them, and will likely come back from its own ashes in the far flung future. We don't know yet about the Middle East, what it's going to become according the climate summit; Perhaps they themselves have plans of their own. Maybe those plans will dictate what the Middle East will become! After all, there is one website in particular...sorry if I can't find the link anymore; however, this site endorses going against the climate talks in Paris. I think I've written about this in particular before, however, why would you endorse such things anyways?
So this is basically what the far flung future will look like... we will mostly have drones to move about. Our kids will be transported via these devices. And we won't have to worry about as many drunk drivers now, will we? All the while we will be using quantum computers, camera phones with quantum film technology, roll-up displays that work on the principles of Bluetooth... We will get packages by drone right into our own homes, if only that is something that we do legally. Yes, I'm talking Trump now, because aliens, well, then we're talking making the drones in the shape of flying saucers. Sorry,'ll have to deal with the open minded like me for yourself. If there is a wish that comes by drone, it would be something like let them cross the border leegaleee! Of course, all of those Chinese may beat us in drone manufacturing if they decide to reproduce, or essentially plagriarize our 3d printers. Then we're essentially talking chemical warfare. Why? Oh, you know...because the Chinese think it's acceptable to produce things using not the same material as what we use, but instead use toxics. More on this topic will be coming up in the future.
The most interesting posts on the Universe.
For the most interesting dates of interest, please visit the following dates on the http://the-fascinating-universe: It is becoming somewhat heavily populated so I wanted to simplify this so you can more easily find what I consider as most interesting: that is, when the most compelling posts have been written on these dates. These are also the same posts that have some of the highest views, although usually the view counts don't matter as much as they would for the whole blog, which is what people prefer to go for! So, here as some of the dates of posting for some past posts.
Dates of interest May 2015;
June 2015:
Dates of interest May 2015;
June 2015:
From anything that has to do with science, astronomy, research, photography, all of the way to philosophy and technology, as well as innovation, the above links to a blog that has been oriented towards explaining about some of the most compelling subjects and topics in our modern world.
From anything that has to do with science, astronomy, research, photography, all of the way to philosophy and technology, as well as innovation, the above links to a blog that has been oriented towards explaining about some of the most compelling subjects and topics in our modern world.
A new phenomenon in the middle of the night.
Don't stop by the middle of the road in the middle of the night; why? Here's (For more info on how you can contribute to this link...& whatnot)
Wednesday, January 13, 2016
The amusing thing about Chinese pollution...
Isn't it so, that Chinese factories in Beijing had to be shut down, because of such high pollution levels just recently (a few months ago or so)? "Not tragic" is probably not the form of statement that would do best in describing their situations. The amusing part comes in when you consider the fact that China... doesn't even have any p regulations regarding emission standards. So, that's all of that jazz; I'm writing and thinking about new articles to write about here. And I'm explaining just how our universe works!, while in China they are essentially choking from smog! "Guys, this is a message from the Chinese Gov't: Attention! We give up. Maybe we should've reduced our emissions in the first place..." Or as the germans say, Warnung!
Weather & Climate Changes. Doesn't it?
Yes. Weather change; I've heard about it. Have you? Well, here are some things to keep in mind next time you are asked about the weather... why? because the weather is a phenomenon in which patterns emerge.
These patterns can be very complex. And local climate theoretically has the ability to mess with these climatic patterns. Sometimes it's a slow, gradual change over time; otherwise it might be a sudden change of things. Sometimes it's dramatic, other times it's just well, "plain". In bothe instances, we can often find the weather compelling if we were to just have the time to sit around and observe it for some prolonged periods of time. For example, the state of Michigan is a peninsula in the dead center of some of the largest reservoirs of fresh water. These generate so much snow at particular times of the year as compared to other regions of America. Yet, ironically, these lakes are the very reason for why the climate is mild. And at the same time, it can be pretty sunny. It's a mix of what we know as marine climate, and that of continental climate. We need to keep observing the climate in general, as well as local climates. And we should do this as long as we are alive. For it is an ongoing event. We can never know what it will bring about next; we must observe it for ever longer time periods. It's just something which I find compelling. And there are at least a couple of reasons for this.
The first is that climate is something that has tried peaking my interest really often.
The second is the very fact that the topic of climate change is raised in the first place. I am not someone who thinks that we as a society are having much influence on our weather. Why? Because there are also natural processes at work. And in my profound understanding of the environment, I have concluded that the effects opposed upon Earth by natural processes trump over anything that we are currently doing, or anything that we might do just about anytime in the distant future. This is something I've been trying to research for a really long while. And the fact is that, ironically, we have some serious abilities to cause changes in the environment. However, as a result, the Earth reacts to the changes. In other words, it counteracts for any climate change. And again, this can involve changes which are brought upon by natural processes themselves. Essentially, we then have what is called a cycle. So, how do these cycles work?
We have two main cycles that involve oceans that are thought to be key to the climate dilemma. One, the El Nino, which is the warming of the Pacific near the equator, has proven to cause floods in South America & has been responsible for major weather systems. The same can also be said about the opposite effect; which is called a La Nina, and which involves the Atlantic. This brings about more severe weather to some part of the US compared to El Nino. However, these cycles are not all that potent.
These patterns can be very complex. And local climate theoretically has the ability to mess with these climatic patterns. Sometimes it's a slow, gradual change over time; otherwise it might be a sudden change of things. Sometimes it's dramatic, other times it's just well, "plain". In bothe instances, we can often find the weather compelling if we were to just have the time to sit around and observe it for some prolonged periods of time. For example, the state of Michigan is a peninsula in the dead center of some of the largest reservoirs of fresh water. These generate so much snow at particular times of the year as compared to other regions of America. Yet, ironically, these lakes are the very reason for why the climate is mild. And at the same time, it can be pretty sunny. It's a mix of what we know as marine climate, and that of continental climate. We need to keep observing the climate in general, as well as local climates. And we should do this as long as we are alive. For it is an ongoing event. We can never know what it will bring about next; we must observe it for ever longer time periods. It's just something which I find compelling. And there are at least a couple of reasons for this.
The first is that climate is something that has tried peaking my interest really often.
The second is the very fact that the topic of climate change is raised in the first place. I am not someone who thinks that we as a society are having much influence on our weather. Why? Because there are also natural processes at work. And in my profound understanding of the environment, I have concluded that the effects opposed upon Earth by natural processes trump over anything that we are currently doing, or anything that we might do just about anytime in the distant future. This is something I've been trying to research for a really long while. And the fact is that, ironically, we have some serious abilities to cause changes in the environment. However, as a result, the Earth reacts to the changes. In other words, it counteracts for any climate change. And again, this can involve changes which are brought upon by natural processes themselves. Essentially, we then have what is called a cycle. So, how do these cycles work?
We have two main cycles that involve oceans that are thought to be key to the climate dilemma. One, the El Nino, which is the warming of the Pacific near the equator, has proven to cause floods in South America & has been responsible for major weather systems. The same can also be said about the opposite effect; which is called a La Nina, and which involves the Atlantic. This brings about more severe weather to some part of the US compared to El Nino. However, these cycles are not all that potent.
What if we were to release all of our Carbon into the air at once!?
Would we be screwed? Well, yes. Essentially that is true, so all of you who don't deny climate change can give a "sigh of relief" because there is truth to be told here. The amounts of Carbon can be actually substantially higher in the winter as opposed to the summer. And, the other thing is that increasing levels of Carbon gas has been proven to accelerate the growth of plants in a lab. And the experiment has in fact been controlled. In the winter, we just don't have any area photosynthesis to counteract this occurrence. So, the plants are partially responsible for cleaning up our atmosphere. However, that is not the only way our atmosphere becomes purified & is prevented from heating up;
There are other natural factors that contribute to this.
Increasing warmth results in the melting of ice. The more ice there is to be found in the oceans, the more the ocean is cooled down (partially). Also, let's look at the volcanic landscapes of Hawaii, for example. These are made up partially of the types of rocks that are responsible for consuming carbon gasses. And let's look at a further situation. Let's hypothetically assume that the Earth will warm up nonetheless.
A warming world effectively translates into one where there is increased evaporation. Would this have any influence? That's debatable, for sure. Increased cloud cover would cover up the sunlight. However, simultaneously, they would act as insulators, especially noticeable at night. Even without increased cloud cover, we would still have a world that's better insulated. This is because much of the world could be much more humid overall. And because of humidity... heat's ability to escape the surface can be greatly reduced. This is one reason for why it can be sixty degrees or so in Michigan, while at the same time it is about eighty or more in Alaska! Yes, this is based off of real facts. Still, water has been found to consume CO2. So this may explain the increase in deaths of marine animals. Increasing temperature, however, also causes increased evaporation, which may leave areas of the world drier than most others. The moisture might even rise so high up into the atmosphere as to never really come back down again.
What if much of the greenhouse gasses go up, and stay up, in the far reaches of our atmosphere!?
Warmer temperatures are also responsible for accelerated plant growth, regardless of whether the greenhouse gas concentrations have also increased or not. So, even such a situation would occur, then those plants which would still be receiving decent amounts of moisture, or precipitation would be producing oxygen via photosynthesis at much quicker rates. It is not too unlikely to that there may even be small isolated oasis' in which plants are thriving in conditions that are extremely beneficial to them as a result. Eventually, these plants are then likely to cool down our very own Earth!
How does water effect weather patterns?
When it comes to water , there are some truly intriguing things to explain. Water reflects much of the sun's UV radiation. Small bodies of water will usually warm up and cool down faster. However, I've noticed here in the great lakes that they heat up at least several times quicker than the much smaller ones in the mainland. Anyhow... the effects of climate from the great lakes are probably more noticeable and prominent than they might be from the ocean; sometime, however, the opposite also proves to be true. Here on the great lakes, calm water decreases the lakes' overall surface areas. After that, the water will probably not be quite as warm after a heat wave as it would be if it were otherwise choppy. Whether it's in the great lakes or in the oceans, whether the water's surface is choppy or calm, dictates the climate even further. Rough waters mean more mixing, in both the water and the air. The water can be pulled up from underneath, and warmed up, while the water on the top can be cooled down. Simultaneously, the atmosphere can become cooler as a result!
Did you know, however, that this mixing can also happen with our atmosphere? Now, weather patterns move incredibly quickly sometimes over bodies water. The most noticeable occurrence of this phenomenon is when a front passes. For example, when a cold front passes through, the storms associated with it cause mixing in the air. Denser air from behind the front pushes stronger against the leading edge of warmer air. And, as a result, the warmer air may be displaced. Because the cooler, denser, air tends to fall.
Here is something to leave you off with on a last note; where will you be more likely to detect increased amounts of CO2 concentrations; a place such as the tundra or the arctic, where there are vast untamed lands with very few inhabitants and not much vegetation. Or... will they be found in and around a bustling metropolis, where there are abundant ecosystems just "outside the door"?
The Legend of sleeping pills
Yes, it's quite terrifying. What happens when you sleepwalk? Well, truck drivers go places where they don't remember the next day (LOL).
"Hey buddy, guess what." ("what's up?")
"I'm not going over to that place because I haven't been there before" (Yes you have)
And what happens to a professor? Well, his wife gets quite infuriated. WTF? Yeah, that's right. His wife awakes to find him not in bed. He's nowhere in the house it seems. She finds him eventually. However...he's found in the basement. And what is he doing there? He's changing out a brand name drillbit for a mill, and he's covered in sawdust. His wife has to tell his doctor, "Why'd you give him them pills?". Well, let's be honest; he might've been killed that instant. Luckily for him, however, he wasn't, because the date on which he had to teach class was not his time to get appointed with his doctor. WTF?
"Hey buddy, guess what." ("what's up?")
"I'm not going over to that place because I haven't been there before" (Yes you have)
And what happens to a professor? Well, his wife gets quite infuriated. WTF? Yeah, that's right. His wife awakes to find him not in bed. He's nowhere in the house it seems. She finds him eventually. However...he's found in the basement. And what is he doing there? He's changing out a brand name drillbit for a mill, and he's covered in sawdust. His wife has to tell his doctor, "Why'd you give him them pills?". Well, let's be honest; he might've been killed that instant. Luckily for him, however, he wasn't, because the date on which he had to teach class was not his time to get appointed with his doctor. WTF?
Off topic Wednesday; The phenomenon of immense information
Over the course of a day, I can learn more than what I ever had any other day... books & websites are really neat to read about. However, there is another source that becomes filled with information every other time or so. That website is what has peaked my interest for quite a while. It's called Yahoo Answers. Just reading answers to questions is pretty much all that's needed to become an expert. And, once I've read them, I realize to my amazement that I've already had the answers in my mind! That is, just wasn't aware of it at the moment. And That's the moment when I start to realize that I'm profoundly smart. Much of this knowledge is "useless" most of the time. However, I've recently started roaming around in the environmental "archives" of Y! answers. Approximately 75% of questions or more are ones that I can answer with sound knowledge. And approximately at least 25% of them I can give out a practically perfect answer. Keep in mind, though, that I've only been wandering around this department for like a few hours recently. I'm sure some of you may be surprised if I refer you to my blogs on Y! I'm going to set the record straight on a lot of subjects in the future. Any question you have, bring it to my attention. The can range anywhere from science, videography, photography, electronics, visual arts, environment, & geology, to... etc! And thanks in part to this information, I've been able to write so profoundly about "the world" in general.Another thing to keep in mind. One of the smartest things to do is when you go into a job, for example, don't expect to know everything just because you've studied "the night before". Ask them questions. This is just a hint to the secret of being smart. Don't go over there telling them "eh, you're too dumb (or smart), so you have to leave." And that kind of jazz, you know?
Tuesday, January 12, 2016
How I decide to live; best advice
This post summarizes not just how I live... it also describes some healthy habits for living in general
1.) Be calm. Don't let your heart race at all. Of course, that's easier said then done sometimes! However, we need to be content. It may seem counterintuitive to not allow having rapid heart rate. Welcol, it is & isn't. Whether you are old or young, doesn't have to depend on yourself alone; it has to do with the heart.
2.) Eat a spicy diet. Spicy foods help in digestion. Also, people who live in the tropics benefit from increased transpiration. So, as crazy as it may seem, if there's anything that can save you from a heat stroke, then this would fit the bill. Keep it spicy my friends. My own experiences with spicy stuff was when I actually started eating chiles themselves. First I had a slight amount of Jalapeno hot sauce as one of my first spicy things. Later I had bought whole Serranos. A Serrano is rated at about seven times milder than Habaneros. That is definitely not what I've experienced. An entire habanero is at least as hot as a tiny piece of Serrano. Now I'm able to eat even spicier. I'm able to eat almost a whole Serrano at once without any heat. A habanero is literally, just a piece of cake. I've even done this experiment at lunch one day with other people. You don't want to know what it's like for them. Yeah...I've gotten some oil from the Serrano in my eye once. Now it's basically just a piece of cake. It hurt like, well, let's not talk about it. I felt myself going blind. It was astonishing that it was not actually the case! It was frigid that day. Had it been any warmer, I literally would of went into a coma. There is another reason why I like spicy food, however...that's a secret.
3) Eat more nutmeg. This is one of the things I've been wanting to do. I've never even ate nutmeg before. Sorry. Unfortunately, you cannot become intoxicated by it, just as you might want with alcohol, which takes us to the next topic.
3.) Don't drink a lot of alcohol; wait...huh? That's right. Alcohol will essentially save you from hypothermia, although there is an ironic twist to the story; at the same time, it will essentially not save you from suffering. That's because alcohol actually does weird stuff to you when you're approaching hypothermia. This is not the path that I would choose. Once you get off of it, you might know what I'm talking about.
4.) Eat a little bit of each. Don't overeat stuff. Although it may seem like a good idea initially, it's not too healthy in the long run. Even if you overeat something like potatos, or tomatos, for example!
5.) Potatoes- These are good for the skin. They also pack lots of energy, or calories.
6.) Sleep. This is one of the most mysterious aspects, or "phenomena" in the world. Being asleep reveals our thoughts. Ones, in fact, that we are not even aware of while awake. I prefer to sleep when it is cool. This aids in metabolism in particular. I also prefer to sleep during winter for whatever reason. I think it's just because I think about the quietness outside. The snow really muffles noises. I try to increase circulation.
It's pretty ironic the fact that dimming your lights prior to nightfall helps you sleep better. Because just shutting off lights actually leaves your eyes less sensitive to light once they're off. How does that work? Gradually decreasing light levels also accustoms one to get more calm. What happens, however, if you do this, then immediately turn on the lights full blast, then turn them off? This is just something that I've been wondering about. I find it's kind of bright despite the fact that light may be off and it's nighttime. You're eyes get more sensitive, so it's not as straightforward all the time.
7.) Sugar...yes please; Would you come & party down on me? It's not exactly as good for you as you may think. One of the negatives is that it's not a true way of obtaining calories. Nor is it good for your skin. However, whenever I want sugar, I ditch the traditional stuff & choose something like Agave. This is what's known as a low glycemic index. In other words, you're sugar levels don't rise & stay that way as they do with table sugar. Also, it's sweeter & tastes better than honey IMO. Another alternative you might think about is maple.
8.) Exposure to sunlight. This is good all the way. The idea that you get skin cancer after extended times isn't exactly true. After an extended time, you may become dark skinned. This protects against UV rays. It's pretty ironic, because dark skin also absorbs heat. Eskimos have some pretty white skin, given that there can be literally no sunlight in the arctic in winter. UV rays are beneficial to the skin. Whether that sounds crazy or not, UV light can actually leave you with nicer skin in the face, especially if we're talking about acne.
9.) Anti vs Probiotics. These are both really good against acne, as ironic as it sounds. Antibiotics kill off acne causing bacteria, while probiotics also do the same. However, if it comes to digestion, antibiotics are not always the only way to keep it healthy. Another thing that aids in digestion is fiber.
10) Get your protein indirectly. Rather than buying vitamins, minerals, etc from a bottle, get it by food. This way your body learns to accept protein better when taken directly. Also, you don't want to be too reliant on health by food. In fact we can do pretty well cognitively even without protein. Because limiting the amount of protein one takes means one can learn to adapt and do better when it comes to the lack of protein, if that makes much sense or not. Vitamin D is essential if you want to live in the dark in the arctic, for example, or on the west coast of North America. In fact, vitamin D also helps in calcium absorption.
1.) Be calm. Don't let your heart race at all. Of course, that's easier said then done sometimes! However, we need to be content. It may seem counterintuitive to not allow having rapid heart rate. Welcol, it is & isn't. Whether you are old or young, doesn't have to depend on yourself alone; it has to do with the heart.
2.) Eat a spicy diet. Spicy foods help in digestion. Also, people who live in the tropics benefit from increased transpiration. So, as crazy as it may seem, if there's anything that can save you from a heat stroke, then this would fit the bill. Keep it spicy my friends. My own experiences with spicy stuff was when I actually started eating chiles themselves. First I had a slight amount of Jalapeno hot sauce as one of my first spicy things. Later I had bought whole Serranos. A Serrano is rated at about seven times milder than Habaneros. That is definitely not what I've experienced. An entire habanero is at least as hot as a tiny piece of Serrano. Now I'm able to eat even spicier. I'm able to eat almost a whole Serrano at once without any heat. A habanero is literally, just a piece of cake. I've even done this experiment at lunch one day with other people. You don't want to know what it's like for them. Yeah...I've gotten some oil from the Serrano in my eye once. Now it's basically just a piece of cake. It hurt like, well, let's not talk about it. I felt myself going blind. It was astonishing that it was not actually the case! It was frigid that day. Had it been any warmer, I literally would of went into a coma. There is another reason why I like spicy food, however...that's a secret.
3) Eat more nutmeg. This is one of the things I've been wanting to do. I've never even ate nutmeg before. Sorry. Unfortunately, you cannot become intoxicated by it, just as you might want with alcohol, which takes us to the next topic.
3.) Don't drink a lot of alcohol; wait...huh? That's right. Alcohol will essentially save you from hypothermia, although there is an ironic twist to the story; at the same time, it will essentially not save you from suffering. That's because alcohol actually does weird stuff to you when you're approaching hypothermia. This is not the path that I would choose. Once you get off of it, you might know what I'm talking about.
4.) Eat a little bit of each. Don't overeat stuff. Although it may seem like a good idea initially, it's not too healthy in the long run. Even if you overeat something like potatos, or tomatos, for example!
5.) Potatoes- These are good for the skin. They also pack lots of energy, or calories.
6.) Sleep. This is one of the most mysterious aspects, or "phenomena" in the world. Being asleep reveals our thoughts. Ones, in fact, that we are not even aware of while awake. I prefer to sleep when it is cool. This aids in metabolism in particular. I also prefer to sleep during winter for whatever reason. I think it's just because I think about the quietness outside. The snow really muffles noises. I try to increase circulation.
It's pretty ironic the fact that dimming your lights prior to nightfall helps you sleep better. Because just shutting off lights actually leaves your eyes less sensitive to light once they're off. How does that work? Gradually decreasing light levels also accustoms one to get more calm. What happens, however, if you do this, then immediately turn on the lights full blast, then turn them off? This is just something that I've been wondering about. I find it's kind of bright despite the fact that light may be off and it's nighttime. You're eyes get more sensitive, so it's not as straightforward all the time.
7.) Sugar...yes please; Would you come & party down on me? It's not exactly as good for you as you may think. One of the negatives is that it's not a true way of obtaining calories. Nor is it good for your skin. However, whenever I want sugar, I ditch the traditional stuff & choose something like Agave. This is what's known as a low glycemic index. In other words, you're sugar levels don't rise & stay that way as they do with table sugar. Also, it's sweeter & tastes better than honey IMO. Another alternative you might think about is maple.
8.) Exposure to sunlight. This is good all the way. The idea that you get skin cancer after extended times isn't exactly true. After an extended time, you may become dark skinned. This protects against UV rays. It's pretty ironic, because dark skin also absorbs heat. Eskimos have some pretty white skin, given that there can be literally no sunlight in the arctic in winter. UV rays are beneficial to the skin. Whether that sounds crazy or not, UV light can actually leave you with nicer skin in the face, especially if we're talking about acne.
9.) Anti vs Probiotics. These are both really good against acne, as ironic as it sounds. Antibiotics kill off acne causing bacteria, while probiotics also do the same. However, if it comes to digestion, antibiotics are not always the only way to keep it healthy. Another thing that aids in digestion is fiber.
10) Get your protein indirectly. Rather than buying vitamins, minerals, etc from a bottle, get it by food. This way your body learns to accept protein better when taken directly. Also, you don't want to be too reliant on health by food. In fact we can do pretty well cognitively even without protein. Because limiting the amount of protein one takes means one can learn to adapt and do better when it comes to the lack of protein, if that makes much sense or not. Vitamin D is essential if you want to live in the dark in the arctic, for example, or on the west coast of North America. In fact, vitamin D also helps in calcium absorption.
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