Saturday, November 19, 2016
Alors je suis sorti aujourd'hui, dans l'air hivernal. Le refroidissement éolien était moins que le gel. Je n'avais que ma chemise et mon pantalon, mais je pensais avoir une idée générale de ce que ce serait pendant cette tempête d'hiver après avoir passé la majorité d'hier et aujourd'hui avec la température était dans les années soixante et même jusqu'à environ soixante-dix. Pendant que j'étais à l'extérieur, il y avait tellement de neige qui a commencé à tomber et puis la rafale de vent est venue par. Je pensais qu'il serait embarrassant de savoir si je pouvais rester à l'extérieur pendant ce temps, après un été si chaud; Ma perception froide a certainement changé depuis que j'ai passé du temps dans le vortex polaire de décembre 2013 à mars 2014! Je suis maintenant capable de nager dans l'eau de 40 degrés comme si l'eau étaient 60 degrés! Je vais continuer dans des environnements plus extrêmes qui sont encore plus froids, et peut-être je vais essayer des environnements chauds. Quand le froid de l'hiver devient imperceptible, il me semble que mon esprit devient vraiment calme, et je commence presque à atteindre un état d'esprit altéré. Je commence à penser plus profondément; Ne vous arrêtez pas, l'environnement peut changer, et vous pouvez rester vous-même!
Friday, November 18, 2016
Temps étrange et anormal pour novembre près de Eaton Rapids, Michigan, États-Unis
Temps étrange où je vis! Pour le 17 novembre, mon thermomètre à domicile indiquait une température d'environ 18 Celcius, et à environ 23:45 à 0:00, même 16 Celcius. Si vous pensez que la chaleur est le seul temps étrange, alors lisez les informations de la déclaration météorologique pour mon emplacement! Température de 22 degrés Celsius pour le 18 novembre 2016 !!!!!! Le matin du 19 novembre 2016, la température sera quasiment gelée, et la neige est dans la prévision! Aujourd'hui, c'était une tempête majeure où je vis; À l'exception du fait que ce même système de tempête était à quelques centaines de milles à l'ouest et à la frontière canadienne, où il a créé le chaos; Un blizzard avec un vent de 80 km / h et 18 pouces de neige. L'hiver météorologique est ici, mais ce décembre sera plus chaud que la moyenne ?! Temps étrange et anormal pour novembre près de Eaton Rapids, Michigan, États-Unis
Thursday, November 17, 2016
La prémonition est devenue réalité! Hier, j'ai eu une Premonition sur un désastre naturel; Ce matin, à 5:49 am, en République Dominicaine des inondations, et à peu près à la même minute exacte (sauf fuseau horaire différent) une éruption volcanique en Russie Toutes les prémonitions précédentes qui se sont réalisées Toutes les prémonitions précédentes qui se sont réalisées
Wednesday, November 16, 2016
Tuesday, November 15, 2016
La preuve du climat pour là où j’habite
J’ai écrit récemment sur le manque de congélation où j’habite ; le temps de l’année est généralement le premier gel à mon domicile le 15 octobre ; la température la plus basse était de 35 degrés en octobre de cette année et seulement pour un jour. Sinon, il y a environ trois jours avec gel en octobre. Le jour le plus froid a été 12 novembre 2016 et la température matin était d’environ 20 degrés. Il est intéressant a commencé malgré le fait que ce mois-ci avec la température de congélation demain bien que jusqu’ici novembre était entre environ 54 et 75 degrés pour la journée. La première tempête hivernale de l’année se déplace de la côte ouest de l’Amérique. Nous sommes actuellement dans une légère sécheresse.
Je me suis plaint pas de gel ! Je suis sûr que quelqu'un va créer cela comme un prétexte, un canular de changement de climat peut utiliser
Pouvez vous me faire une faveur ? Les chiffres que vous soyez plus chaudes. Assurez-vous qu’il y aura une blague et tout le contenu un peu plus avec la vie
Je me suis plaint pas de gel ! Je suis sûr que quelqu'un va créer cela comme un prétexte, un canular de changement de climat peut utiliser
Pouvez vous me faire une faveur ? Les chiffres que vous soyez plus chaudes. Assurez-vous qu’il y aura une blague et tout le contenu un peu plus avec la vie
Friday, November 4, 2016
Mae blog o America ar hap
Efallai eich bod wedi clywed am sychder, llifogydd, neu stormydd. Beth am ddiffyg tymheredd rhewi? Dyna'r rhagolwg ar gyfer ble rwy'n o, Michigan. Unol Daleithiau yn y wlad, ac rwy'n yng nghanol y llynnoedd mawr a credir eu bod yn anarferol o gynnes y gaeaf hwn. Mae'r gaeaf yn fwyn yma bob ychydig flynyddoedd neu fwy oherwydd y llynnoedd sydd hefyd yn gwneud y tymheredd ar gyfartaledd ym mis Gorffennaf nid yn ôl pob tebyg yn fwy na 75 gradd, neu tua 25 Celsius. A phan fydd y tywydd garw o Siberia crwydro'r i Michigan, sy'n ddigwyddiad wirioneddol brin, bydd y llynnoedd gynhesu'r aer ac er gwaethaf diffyg oer, bydd y eira cynyddol yn bendant yn gwneud i fyny ar ei gyfer, a bydd yn well gennych eich bod yn rhywle llawer oerach lle mae llai o eira.
Thursday, November 3, 2016
Hi välismaa naaber. Mu kodu on Ameerika. Võib-olla olete kuulnud üleujutused, või tormid. Kuidas puudumine külmumine? See on prognoos, kus ma olen, Michigan. Ameerika Ühendriigid on riik, ja ma olen keset järvede mis arvatakse olevat ebatavaliselt soe talvel. Talvel on siin pehmed iga paari aasta tagant või nii, sest järvi, mis ka keskmine temperatuur juulis ilmselt ei tohi ületada 75 kraadi, ehk umbes 25 Celsiuse. Ja kui halb ilm Siberist rändab sisse Michigan, mis on tõeliselt haruldane sündmus, järvedes soe õhk ja hoolimata puudumine külm, suurenenud lumesadu kindlasti korvata seda, ja sa eelistad, et sa olid kusagil palju külmem kus on vähem lund. Sel aastal ilm Ameerikas on kummaline, äärmise üleujutuse Alberta, Kanada, et tugeva põua Ida USA. Sel aastal oli ainult kolm või neli päeva külm minu kodulinnas. See on sügisel Michigan!
Я из Америки. Привет иностранный сосед. Возможно, вы слышали о засухи, наводнения, или штормов. Как насчет отсутствия морозе? То есть прогноз, откуда я родом, штат Мичиган. Соединенные Штаты являются страной, и я посреди больших озер, которые, как считается, необычно теплой этой зимой. Зима мягкая здесь каждые несколько лет или около этого из-за озер, которые также делают средняя температура в июле, вероятно, не превышает 75 градусов, или около 25 градусы Цельсия. И когда погода ненастная из Сибири странствует в Мичигане, который является поистине редким событием, озера будут согревать воздух и, несмотря на отсутствие холода, повышенная снегопады, безусловно, сделает для него, и вы предпочитаете, чтобы вы были где-то намного холоднее там, где меньше снега. В этом году погода в Америке было странно, от крайнего наводнения в провинции Альберта, Канада, в сильной засухи в Восточной Соединенных Штатах. В этом году было всего около трех или четырех дней с морозом в моем родном городе. Это осень в Мичигане! Десять футов снега в Сибири ?!
Може да сте чували за суша, наводнения, или бури. Какво ще кажете за липса на минусови температури? Това е прогнозата за където аз съм от, Мичиган. САЩ е страната, и аз съм в средата на Големите езера, които се смятат за необичайно топло тази зима. Зимата е мека тук на всеки няколко години, или така, защото на езерата, които също правят средната температура през юли най-вероятно няма да надвишава 75 градуса, или около 25 по Целзий. И когато студено време на от Сибир броди в Мичиган, което е наистина рядко явление, езерата ще затоплят въздуха и въпреки липсата на студено, повишената снеговалеж определено ще направи за него, а вие ще предпочете, че сте били някъде много по-студено където има по-малко сняг.
Tuesday, November 1, 2016
My premonition for major news in November, 2016
Major news for November 2, 2016. Natural disaster. Major news event Michigan. This week either November second or third, there will be major news. I don't know that it will come from America, though it could come from New Zealand. November seventh to 14th, will be a week that I will make premonitions about news. It seems to me, as though I am trying to get information from the future, and the information that is reaching me, is extremely ethereal. I don't know where the information is coming from, though I think that it's extremely important to try to make sense of the information, which is extremely delicate and fragile. Mere thought may destroy the message. I usually can't make a premonition about the future, because of the fact that the thoughts that I hear from society is extremely distracting. I'm extremely distracted by modernity, the fact that people want me to know about smartphones and digital technology. I think I'm extremely distracted by what people talk about such as relationships. Would it not be best, to just entirely get rid of debates? Just don't make everything so critical, then we can return to what is actually important!
I don't know with certainty, though I think that there will be major news events in the next few months!
I don't know with certainty, though I think that there will be major news events in the next few months!
Monday, October 31, 2016
Hi. Jaz sem iz Amerike. Želim kolegi tujci vedeti, da bo večji naravni nesreči 1. november 2016.
Ne morem napovedati prihodnosti
Hi. Yr wyf o America. Rwyf am i fy nghyd dramorwyr i wybod y bydd drychineb naturiol mawr Tachwedd 1, 2016.
Gallaf ragweld y dyfodol
Там будет одним из основных стихийных бедствий 1 ноября 2016.
Там будет одним из основных стихийных бедствий 1 ноября 2016. Я предсказывать будущее
Thursday, September 29, 2016
Tuesday, September 27, 2016
Thursday, September 22, 2016
Unexplained Cloud On Saturn's Moon
NASA has just discovered a cloud on one of Saturn's moons, that is truly strange
Newly Developed Chinese Military Technology May Be A Paradigm Shift
The Chinese military has recently developed technology which might make American stealth aircraft useless! This year, China launched a specialized satellite, which was meant to study quantum particles and whether or not they can teleport information from space. In the modern world, where technology is thought to be spiraling into the quantum age, this technology might now enable the Chinese military to detect stealth aircraft. And that means that the Air Force of the United States need to be more innovative. This might force the American military to develop planes that are less traditional, and progressively more electronic.
Friday, September 16, 2016
Did NOAA Lie back in February 2014?
According to NOAA, as well as, the morning temperature on February 28, 2014 in Newberry, Michigan was only -43 degrees Fahrenheit. Seems as though maybe their data was right, at least initially. Weather records are in disagreement Here is the original data from NOAA and the article from Mlive.
Saturday, September 10, 2016
The Recently Discovered Dangerous Aspect Of Air Pollution!
As society is generally aware of the fact that air pollution in general is negatively influencing the environment we live in, there is something truly and remarkably compelling about a new article that just came out very recently in First of all, before you read this article, here are some ways, which we generally already know about, in which air pollution is negatively influencing the environment; First, there is the fact that much ozone is being given off and can pose health hazards. A large amount of ozone is given off by cars. In fact, ozone is complicated when it has to do with climate science, therefore possibly making this gas in particular a controversial topic. So, what are the qualities of ozone that makes for more complicated climate science? Well, the most well known example of ozone is probably that of the ozone hole, which is supposed to make for a warmer world because lack of ozone means more radiation reaches the Earth. There is another aspect of ozone though. And that is the fact that ozone acts as an insulator, which means that average nighttime temperatures on Earth might be above normal. Meanwhile, daytime temperature might be lower, as less radiation is present. So the fact is that transportation itself, even though it might solve the issue of the ozone hole, the same might not be said about the issue of air quality.
The other issue involving air pollution is the fact that astronomers might have to contend with light pollution as well, since air pollution can increase light pollution, as particles high in the air can reflect light emitted from the ground. The article is slightly frightening in my personal opinion, because it seems as though the conclusion about the article could be that air pollution is, and maybe has been for quite some time, entering our minds!
The other issue involving air pollution is the fact that astronomers might have to contend with light pollution as well, since air pollution can increase light pollution, as particles high in the air can reflect light emitted from the ground. The article is slightly frightening in my personal opinion, because it seems as though the conclusion about the article could be that air pollution is, and maybe has been for quite some time, entering our minds!
Friday, September 9, 2016
The USB Stick That Will Revolutionize Paradigm Shift
This is a neat gadget! Flash memory revolutionizes paradigm shift for information technology. The best birthday present I could ever hope for since the invention of 3d printers is a flash memory that can wipe away The Hillary Files, electronic microcloth that India Hacking Company or Dictator in Russia could only wish for!
Wednesday, September 7, 2016
Recently Documented Climate Change Pakistan
Glaciers in Pakistan are currently melting, according to news media. According to some of the locals, the glaciers were once thicker. The information can be found here:
Tuesday, September 6, 2016
Is there another explanation for the coincidences in my life?
To anyone reading this, please review the following and judge for yourself I have documented unexplained coincidences in my life, and the document compiled into a single page. Are these actually premonitions, or is there something that should be said here? I want to think that I have coincidences in my life, though I don't know because coincidences are sometimes full with information that is more non coincidental, or not that intriguing. Any thoughts or notion about the exploration of the mind is greatly sought after. The mind is used for explaining phsychology, which is the paradox that wreaks havoc in science, which means that the mind is the most mysterious subject, even to this day.
Is Earth Only A Coincidence? Should We Jump To The Conclusion Of The Supernatural?
Today I would like to explain what is most likely the most difficult question about the universe. And that question is whether or not Earth, and the the fact that there is life (primitive and/or intelligent) on Earth, is merely a coincidence. First, I would like to state that many people, even to this day, are persuaded, or give in to, the idea that we are remarkably lucky to live on an Earth which harbors life. This fact is considered often to be the greatest coincidence we have ever known, the fact that the conditions on Earth were just right for life to evolve, and there have been ideas that life had to be created by supernatural means. How much truth is there to this, though? Life first began as bacteria, which was made from various compounds called amino acids, which were created by atoms.
So, should we actually consider ourselves lucky that Earth is as beneficial to life as it is?
Not necessarily. Life's building blocks are created by some of the most common elements of the universe, which include Carbon, Hydrogen, Oxygen, and Nitrogen, and these elements compose quite the majority of all elements in living cells.
So, since the conditions on Earth were just right for life to evolve, does this mean there is a supernatural explanation for life? There is a serious problem with thinking such an idea. You might argue, as I have already mentioned, that we are remarkably lucky because Earth has water, that we live the right distance away from our Sun, and that this couldn't have all been by chance. This idea is misleading. Let's consider a great analogy to help understand this dilemma; The analogy does not need to be necessarily about Earth. Instead, it will be about the notion, or idea, of coincidence in general. Sometimes, stories can be really compelling, because they are generally interpreted by people as coincidences, such as the coincidences that have to do with the deaths of presidents Lincoln and Kennedy. The reason that a coincidence can be misleading, is because we only think about the similarities, and we might not realize that a story can have more differences instead of similarities. I think that this kind of logic might just have something to do with the fact that people seek a supernatural explanation for life. If we are lucky, then why are we surprised that we are alive? If someone else were living on Earth other than people, then we wouldn't think the same, since the lucky people would instead be someone else! Because we are the people who live on Earth, we are persuaded to think that we are lucky. The problem is that if Earth didn't develop the way it did, then we might not even be here, therefore there should be no need to think of a supernatural explanation, because such an explanation is simply not true for many other places in the universe; and that is extremely paradoxical, even though it has been extremely difficult to explain. And so I don't know if this explanation is sufficient, though I think this is practically the best that can be written for now.
So, should we actually consider ourselves lucky that Earth is as beneficial to life as it is?
Not necessarily. Life's building blocks are created by some of the most common elements of the universe, which include Carbon, Hydrogen, Oxygen, and Nitrogen, and these elements compose quite the majority of all elements in living cells.
So, since the conditions on Earth were just right for life to evolve, does this mean there is a supernatural explanation for life? There is a serious problem with thinking such an idea. You might argue, as I have already mentioned, that we are remarkably lucky because Earth has water, that we live the right distance away from our Sun, and that this couldn't have all been by chance. This idea is misleading. Let's consider a great analogy to help understand this dilemma; The analogy does not need to be necessarily about Earth. Instead, it will be about the notion, or idea, of coincidence in general. Sometimes, stories can be really compelling, because they are generally interpreted by people as coincidences, such as the coincidences that have to do with the deaths of presidents Lincoln and Kennedy. The reason that a coincidence can be misleading, is because we only think about the similarities, and we might not realize that a story can have more differences instead of similarities. I think that this kind of logic might just have something to do with the fact that people seek a supernatural explanation for life. If we are lucky, then why are we surprised that we are alive? If someone else were living on Earth other than people, then we wouldn't think the same, since the lucky people would instead be someone else! Because we are the people who live on Earth, we are persuaded to think that we are lucky. The problem is that if Earth didn't develop the way it did, then we might not even be here, therefore there should be no need to think of a supernatural explanation, because such an explanation is simply not true for many other places in the universe; and that is extremely paradoxical, even though it has been extremely difficult to explain. And so I don't know if this explanation is sufficient, though I think this is practically the best that can be written for now.
Friday, September 2, 2016
Tuesday, August 30, 2016
Devastating Hurricane Approaching Hawaii
Hurricane Madeline is currently about category 3 status, and is inching closer to Hawaii. Meanwhile another major storm follows
Saturday, August 20, 2016
Almost Nine Billion Dollar Disasters In 2016 For United States! ; This year might be the record year for billion dollar weather disasters in the United States. In 2015, there were 9 such disasters, yet most of the disasters of this year have occurred early in the year. notes that some of these have cost over 2 billion dollars, not to mention the wildfire that in Canada, which cost over 5 billion dollars. Since 1980, the United States had to spend about 1.4 trillion dollars because of natural disasters! Unfortunately, people are living where they shouldn't. So, what will next year bring?!
A Warning System That's Not About Weather?
I think that a new warning system would be super neat. I think it would not be about weather; instead, we could get alerts regarding various news events that will or are likely to happen in the very near future; this data would be gathered with the help of psychics. And if scientists, or even average people in general, could be super knowledgeable about, then that could be a new kind of warning system as well. Remember what I wrote in one of my previous posts? Here is a summary...First, there is knowledge (or mental abilities). Then, there are physical aspects of people such as endurance, strength, and stamina. And yet I think that the mental abilities fall somewhere in between physical attributes, and psychic abilities, or what I like to simply call the supernatural aspect of people, which is something that we (or most of us) never actually exercise. Native people could be a great example of this ability, since they are out of tune with all of the hustle and bustle of our modern society. I think that exercising such abillities could help us develop a warning/alert system, so that we could forecast more than just political, economic, or even climatic aspects of the future. I think that we might even be able to become more sensitive to the environment around us which consists of not only temperature, air pressure, and the most commonly known environmental aspects of nature. In fact, there are, for example, various waves that go through us sometimes, such as radio waves, or magnetic fields that are so minute and change ever so slightly, that we are simply unable to detect them using our current senses. I think that we might just be able to become more attuned to the aspects of our environment that we are currently unable to detect or perceive; we just need to exercise our abilities, the abilities that we never even realized that we had. It would be, in my opinion, a really neat exploration into the aspects of our world which we rarely, if ever, know about. We know about such aspects through the use of technology, yet our own senses, such as eyesight, prove to be far superior to cameras. And so, what I'm trying to get across, is that people often rely on technology too much; we need to start training our own selves to achieve the abilities which technology has given us. Improving our senses means that we could discover much more about the world in which we live in, without necessarily needing technology such as cameras with night vision, thermal cameras, EMF detectors, and other such specialized technology; My philosophy is that maybe we actually have a need to become more ambitious, just like the thoughts that I have just documented in this post!
Update On Unexplained Phenomena Of My Life That I've Been Documenting
It's been kind of boring recently. I have sent an email today to the Association For The Scientific Study Of Anomalous Phenomena, the most recently discovered link that I just wrote about after writing briefly about the scientific study of paranormal activity. I'm asking for help about the strange true stories of mine that I have been documenting in my blogs. I need someone to finally realize that I am searching for explanations from a scientific perspective. This is not about politics, or weather, for example; Instead, it's part of an ongoing strange reality which we live in and is only studied on sporadic occasion. I need someone to listen to this.
Friday, August 19, 2016
Magnetic Anomalies At Supposedly Haunted Locations
The United States Geological Service has supposedly detected extremely high magnetic fields emanating from haunted locations. This could very well explain many things that people see, hear, and sense from these such locations. Unfortunately, there is still a mystery about these locations, and that has to do with the supposed fact that they are locations of increased magnetic field. I first heard about this while watching the show called Ghost Adventures: Aftershocks. On that show, they were interviewing about a scientist who was actually a parapsychologist, who was skeptical about paranormal activity. He tried to explain to the crew that the things people sense in a paranormal location are not meant to be interpreted as communication with unseen entities; instead, they are perceptions. The strongest magnetic field that he reported about (that he had ever experienced) was that in the Oman House in Los Angeles, which was once the house involved with the Manson Murders. He still couldn't explain what the supposed entities were that he witnessed. Even though I'm not necessarily an admirer of ghost investigations (in particular, Ghost Adventures), the fact that they had a skeptic who was also a parapsychologist tell his side of the explanation, I think that provided the episode with great insight from a scientific perspective! Don't get me wrong, paranormal explanations are really fascinating, I think that scientific explanations are also just about as intriguing. I think that there is much that we have yet to learn about this world in general, and maybe it goes beyond just the paranormal. I was compelled to search for links that could verify the claims about such magnetic anomalies, and here is what I found:
This link I thought of as really neat
This link I thought of as really neat
Wednesday, August 17, 2016
Strange Astronomy
I have a desire to be an astronomer in my own backyard. I am fascinated by images that astronomers are achieving, and I find a kind of magic quality about astronomy. I call it magic because that's what I describe the extremely rare emotion that you get when you see something through a telescope that's literally unexplainable, and is so rare that it's astonishing. I've peered through the telescope probably hundreds of times. And guess what? As paradoxical as it may seem, it is rare to not immediately notice a satellite once I start stargazing through the scope (not the other way around)! And when I'm stargazing without a telescope, I have noticed many unusual sights which I don't necessarily know the explanation to. One of the strangest sights in the sky which I have noticed was at twilight. I glanced out the window, and as soon as I did so, there was a major meteor falling to Earth, and it would change colors, becoming blue, red, and green as it streaked through the sky, which was clear without any clouds. What was so astounding about this event, was the fact that I just happened to glance out of the window just in time. I know that many think that there are such things as coincidences, and that they are probably just random. I think that the coincidences that I've noticed are more like premonitions, and that's why I replace the word coincidence with premonition (although I must admit that it's discouraging that I didn't know until now that there actually is a difference among the words, since many people might just dismiss the post because of that single mistake). This is because there have been coincidences that I have had that are just strange enough that to be considered merely coincidences, is foolish, as this word simply does not convey what it's importance (that of coincidences) is.
I want to live somewhere where it's really great weather, such as Siberia or the mountains which I think would definitely be interesting to live and fully acclimate to, such as not even noticing what season it is! After all, there is undoubtedly what I would describe as a chemistry between me and dangerous conditions. After arriving, I would record high quality photos through really high quality telescopes every second at night. I would have various kinds of cameras; some would be high resolution, while others would be built by me and have incredibly high spatial resolution. I would build medium format 4 megapixel cameras with all of the latest technology, which would be cooled down to as cold as possible. Then I would use the fastest processor so that I could get tens of images per second to composite into a video. I could also combine the images into one that has resolution that's a few times higher than the original image. For this, I could use an algorithm. The cameras with the low resolution would be extremely sensitive to light, and have improved dynamic range. The high resolution cameras would also be medium format, although they would range from approximately 20 megapixels, to 50 megapixels. The telescopes need be enormous to keep up with the demands of the image quality. I think that this would be so interesting of a project.
I have a desire to be an astronomer in my own backyard. I am fascinated by images that astronomers are achieving, and I find a kind of magic quality about astronomy. I call it magic because that's what I describe the extremely rare emotion that you get when you see something through a telescope that's literally unexplainable, and is so rare that it's astonishing. I've peered through the telescope probably hundreds of times. And guess what? As paradoxical as it may seem, it is rare to not immediately notice a satellite once I start stargazing through the scope (not the other way around)! And when I'm stargazing without a telescope, I have noticed many unusual sights which I don't necessarily know the explanation to. One of the strangest sights in the sky which I have noticed was at twilight. I glanced out the window, and as soon as I did so, there was a major meteor falling to Earth, and it would change colors, becoming blue, red, and green as it streaked through the sky, which was clear without any clouds. What was so astounding about this event, was the fact that I just happened to glance out of the window just in time. I know that many think that there are such things as coincidences, and that they are probably just random. I think that the coincidences that I've noticed are more like premonitions, and that's why I replace the word coincidence with premonition (although I must admit that it's discouraging that I didn't know until now that there actually is a difference among the words, since many people might just dismiss the post because of that single mistake). This is because there have been coincidences that I have had that are just strange enough that to be considered merely coincidences, is foolish, as this word simply does not convey what it's importance (that of coincidences) is.
I want to live somewhere where it's really great weather, such as Siberia or the mountains which I think would definitely be interesting to live and fully acclimate to, such as not even noticing what season it is! After all, there is undoubtedly what I would describe as a chemistry between me and dangerous conditions. After arriving, I would record high quality photos through really high quality telescopes every second at night. I would have various kinds of cameras; some would be high resolution, while others would be built by me and have incredibly high spatial resolution. I would build medium format 4 megapixel cameras with all of the latest technology, which would be cooled down to as cold as possible. Then I would use the fastest processor so that I could get tens of images per second to composite into a video. I could also combine the images into one that has resolution that's a few times higher than the original image. For this, I could use an algorithm. The cameras with the low resolution would be extremely sensitive to light, and have improved dynamic range. The high resolution cameras would also be medium format, although they would range from approximately 20 megapixels, to 50 megapixels. The telescopes need be enormous to keep up with the demands of the image quality. I think that this would be so interesting of a project.
Astronomer From Utah Has Unexplained Image Of An Unknown Phenomena
During the Perseid meteor shower, an astronomer from Utah has just recently made a photo of a yet unexplained phenomena.
Incredible Phenomena Photographed Over China During Perseid Meteors!
An astounding and extremely rare phenomena occurred very recently, during a meteor shower and when a storm were over China at the same time!
Saturday, August 13, 2016
Friday, August 12, 2016
The Key To Telepathy?
Sublimation is an analogy for this topic of the mind; Sublimation is something that has to do with not just weather. I think that it also involves thoughts; because sublimation is something that happens with the mind! I consider it sublimation of reality. There is an energy field sublimating in the air. The various thoughts that people have, are essentially sublimating, and maybe I can tell when this happens. Sometimes you can predict people's thoughts I guess... And I think that you can start to notice this phenomenon the higher you go up in the Earth's atmosphere, since the air is very sparse, not only colder, than where many of us are, at low elevation. This means that signals such as radio waves and/or signals from cell phones can be detected by a person without technology or equipment, if only that person adapts to the environment.
This could explain the reason why I can sense strange, seemingly supernatural, phenomenon such as strange colors or exploding craft near the moon which is what started out this blog
This could explain the reason why I can sense strange, seemingly supernatural, phenomenon such as strange colors or exploding craft near the moon which is what started out this blog
Wednesday, August 10, 2016
Do Solar Flares And/Or Cosmic Radiation Have Something To Do With Supernatural Occurences?!
If we kept records or graphs of the amount of cosmic rays reaching the Earth, and kept records of when and where every paranormal report occured (and compared the cosmic ray records with paranormal reports), then would we possibly discover a correlation? And how about comparing records of paranormal reports with graphs of solar radiation? Are solar activity and/or cosmic rays responsible for people noticing paranormal anomalies, due to the possible fact that solar activity and/or cosmic rays influence our minds? Or does it instead influence the energy fields around us, providing more energy for entities to manipulate? This is the post that I recommend reading!
The Strange Conundrums Of Weather; Unthinkably Complex
Let's compare the weather of the American west coast, or that of the British islands, to that of Michigan, or the Andes mountains; The latter choices are much colder sometimes, right?! Yes, however, this is a complex discussion... Let's take England vs Michigan for instance; Michigan is like paradise compared to England. England is usually far warmer, except that the humidity and rain are off the charts. And that's a conundrum; because water makes things colder in the winter than practical, while dry air will be warmer at the same temperature... although we are only starting out, I will summarize this by saying that our environment can often be unthinkably complex, and everything is much more difficult to interpolate. There is another interesting riddle, and it is that of water as well; Why do I feel great in water that's 85 degrees Fahrenheit, if the weather forecasters...predict that when it's one hundred percent humidity, the temperature should seem like over 95 degrees?
Climate Vs Lake Tahoe
New data might suggest Lake Tahoe is evidence for warming climate?
Is Shanghai Climate Changing?
This information, suggests that Shanghai is becoming warmer
Saturday, August 6, 2016
Upcoming Story
There's an incredible story coming. It will be about a legend that is unexplained, and I think that it's actually something that you can try for yourself. It requires you to be more aware of your environment. You will need to trust that the legend is true, and in a few years or so, the unexplained events will start to happen. There is an unknown energy in our environment. And it is in the form of an entity, one that brings with it strange aromas. It is an invisible form. Depending on how you interact with your emotions and how well you are attuned, you can smell invisible smells, or smells that are not noticeable by average people.
How Should I Know?!
I know this first of just about everyone. These aromas come to me, albeit extremely sporadically, and on at least one of those occasions, someone has verified this. There were no fragrances flowers, no candles, or anything that could be making a scent (all of these are hidden away in closets). The first time that one of these smells made its presence known was while camping near Lake Michigan. Although it sounds so humorous or might even seem made up, it actually happened. First of all, I'm not saying that camping is all that neat. I was thinking previously about the fact that I had no chemistry with much, not even the supernatural. An incredibly strange aroma in the form of an invisible wave came across camp. The hippies were on the other side of camp, which was something like five hundred feet away. And even then, there was a border of well over one hundred trees between camp and where they were. How did that aroma travel to me?! Not only that, I had the smell verified, because someone else beside me smelled it as well.
Another time, I was walking in the backwoods. There should be ABSOLUTELY NO EXPLANATION for this event. Right near the ground, that's where the aroma was. I don't know what it was, except that the best description would be that is smelled like orange. There were no flowers around, and in Michigan there are no flowers which smell like orange. We don't waste oranges by the way. There are no neighbors nearby where I smelled this aroma, except for the possibility that someone was trespassing, which would be simply strange nonetheless. In the winter of early 2014 I had something bizarre happen at my house. Although it was not an aroma, I still regard it as something unexplained as far as I can explain. Nonetheless, the house was really cold. Outside, the air was incredibly cold everyday for weeks, and by cold I mean about 10 to 20 degrees during the day. I noticed something peculiar standing inside of the house; there was a breeze of exceptionally cold air. This stream did not move. At a particular time of year, you just know. You know that the environment is strange (There is something strange happening to the environment). That being said, I actually think that various aspects of our environment have a strange relationship. For instance, being in an extremely cold environment and allowing yourself to remain calm in that environment... helps you be more aware of the invisible energy that is roaming our environment.
There's an incredible story coming. It will be about a legend that is unexplained, and I think that it's actually something that you can try for yourself. It requires you to be more aware of your environment. You will need to trust that the legend is true, and in a few years or so, the unexplained events will start to happen. There is an unknown energy in our environment. And it is in the form of an entity, one that brings with it strange aromas. It is an invisible form. Depending on how you interact with your emotions and how well you are attuned, you can smell invisible smells, or smells that are not noticeable by average people.
How Should I Know?!
I know this first of just about everyone. These aromas come to me, albeit extremely sporadically, and on at least one of those occasions, someone has verified this. There were no fragrances flowers, no candles, or anything that could be making a scent (all of these are hidden away in closets). The first time that one of these smells made its presence known was while camping near Lake Michigan. Although it sounds so humorous or might even seem made up, it actually happened. First of all, I'm not saying that camping is all that neat. I was thinking previously about the fact that I had no chemistry with much, not even the supernatural. An incredibly strange aroma in the form of an invisible wave came across camp. The hippies were on the other side of camp, which was something like five hundred feet away. And even then, there was a border of well over one hundred trees between camp and where they were. How did that aroma travel to me?! Not only that, I had the smell verified, because someone else beside me smelled it as well.
Another time, I was walking in the backwoods. There should be ABSOLUTELY NO EXPLANATION for this event. Right near the ground, that's where the aroma was. I don't know what it was, except that the best description would be that is smelled like orange. There were no flowers around, and in Michigan there are no flowers which smell like orange. We don't waste oranges by the way. There are no neighbors nearby where I smelled this aroma, except for the possibility that someone was trespassing, which would be simply strange nonetheless. In the winter of early 2014 I had something bizarre happen at my house. Although it was not an aroma, I still regard it as something unexplained as far as I can explain. Nonetheless, the house was really cold. Outside, the air was incredibly cold everyday for weeks, and by cold I mean about 10 to 20 degrees during the day. I noticed something peculiar standing inside of the house; there was a breeze of exceptionally cold air. This stream did not move. At a particular time of year, you just know. You know that the environment is strange (There is something strange happening to the environment). That being said, I actually think that various aspects of our environment have a strange relationship. For instance, being in an extremely cold environment and allowing yourself to remain calm in that environment... helps you be more aware of the invisible energy that is roaming our environment.
Thursday, August 4, 2016
Random Notes For Today
What are these notes?! You may ask yourself. These are random for now. They will not be random in the future. Why?! Because they will form a story, maybe a story that's just for thought, or maybe a story that's meant for scientific study. In other words, creativity.
1. Electronics create an energy field
2. Signals flowing through our minds from cell phones
3. My smartphone vaporizes in thin air
4. It is dark outside, and I like it that way. There are specific frequencies underground, that are the reason for why Tesla wanted to create wireless towers.
5. Acid Rainbow Music. The Hipster connection (hipsters are connected to UFOs)
6. A swirling vortex of acidic dopamine.
So, let's see. Electronics create energy fields, and telekinesis,which vaporizes my smartphone while it's dark outside, and I am tuning in to the specific frequencies underground, which are the reason for why Tesla went (wanted to) go mad scientist all over the world, making up a reason for taking down enemy planes using a Gamma ray laser. And because if this, I want to create a band names Acid Rainbow Music, which will be about the scientific fact. Hipsters are all calm and influenced, and so they have a chemistry between them and the UFO community out there in the sky somewhere. There is a swirling vortex of acidic dopamine here on Earth. It is swirling and competing with basic chemistry, such as our detergents. That's because temperatures on Earth have changed, and are now dependent on chemistry, which means that what was once sweet or cold, is not acidic, while that which was once warm, is now basic. Society does not govern imagination. Huh?! So please tell me about the UFOs and the conspiracies, and about a society that's about colorful ideas about a guy named Tesla, and his legacy.
What are these notes?! You may ask yourself. These are random for now. They will not be random in the future. Why?! Because they will form a story, maybe a story that's just for thought, or maybe a story that's meant for scientific study. In other words, creativity.
1. Electronics create an energy field
2. Signals flowing through our minds from cell phones
3. My smartphone vaporizes in thin air
4. It is dark outside, and I like it that way. There are specific frequencies underground, that are the reason for why Tesla wanted to create wireless towers.
5. Acid Rainbow Music. The Hipster connection (hipsters are connected to UFOs)
6. A swirling vortex of acidic dopamine.
So, let's see. Electronics create energy fields, and telekinesis,which vaporizes my smartphone while it's dark outside, and I am tuning in to the specific frequencies underground, which are the reason for why Tesla went (wanted to) go mad scientist all over the world, making up a reason for taking down enemy planes using a Gamma ray laser. And because if this, I want to create a band names Acid Rainbow Music, which will be about the scientific fact. Hipsters are all calm and influenced, and so they have a chemistry between them and the UFO community out there in the sky somewhere. There is a swirling vortex of acidic dopamine here on Earth. It is swirling and competing with basic chemistry, such as our detergents. That's because temperatures on Earth have changed, and are now dependent on chemistry, which means that what was once sweet or cold, is not acidic, while that which was once warm, is now basic. Society does not govern imagination. Huh?! So please tell me about the UFOs and the conspiracies, and about a society that's about colorful ideas about a guy named Tesla, and his legacy.
How Can You Be Made From The Same Cells You Were Born With?!
How do you get bigger from the original cells, if you have the same amount of stuff to work with? Think about this logically. If you take beads, and you divide them into smaller pieces, and try to make something larger out of them, you can't, because if you try to make something that is longer, then you will need to is slimmer. In other words, one aspect can get bigger, but the problem is that you will need to make another aspect smaller. Unless, of course, the cells get bigger over time; how is that possible?! And how about atoms? Could we someday manipulate matter so to make atoms be larger/smaller?!
How Is Alaska Warmer In The Winter Than The Eastern US?! Natural Extremes
Yes, you heard that right; for those in Alaska who live along the Southern coast, winter is nothing like what it is in the Northeast, or even states such as Michigan, which are in the midwest. While it was between 10 and 20 degrees early last January, Alaska set an incredible 56 degrees along the Northern shore of the Gulf. The only reason I knew about this is that this event sent a major avalanche tumbling down. Since then, however, I haven't read anything peculiar. This was the warmest anomaly I have ever heard of so far. In the summer of 2013 (2014?), Anchorage (Alaska) had a temperature that got into the upper 70's. The normal anomalies that are usual and naturally happen across the world are probably much more impressive than those listed above. For instance, central southern Michigan is at a latitude of about 43 degrees North. And Southernmost Siberia is also at this latitude. There, at an elevation of only about 500 feet higher than Michigan, during the month of February, temperatures can go tumbling down to tens and tens of degrees below zero. In fact, temperatures of -50 to -60 degrees are common in at least some areas. In contrast, there is another extreme, another place on Earth, at where it is noticeably warmer than Michigan! And it is also located at 43 degrees Latitude. It's called the Mediterranean. Here at the Mediterranean, it is much like Florida, with palms growing everywhere. Now let's talk Hawaii. This is not at the same latitude. Here's an interesting fact; in some areas of Hawaii, it rains and is sunny just about everyday (for example, sunny in the morning, then rain in the evening for every day). Meanwhile, the summits can receive snow just about every month of the year, including summer!
The Terrifying World We Live In
We all know it; We are cowards because we live in such a minutely controlled environment, otherwise known as our own world, or our fantasy. We don't want to get out much. Many of us have a sense of danger, and Earth itself is a controlled climate. We live in a range of approximately 40 to 90 degrees, which is simply pathetic; any colder or warmer, and we are in danger. How about a different example? If the air pressure is less than about 29 inches, then we generally have a headache. And so we have learned to cheat our environment, by using oxygen masks and putting on warm clothes, or even some of us would use alcohol or substances. Astronauts cheat as well, when they use space suits, although that is a different story. Do you think this is a game? I think so. I think that we need to stop being cowards, and take the environment as it is, which would be unfiltered. Currently, what we are not allowing ourselves to adapt. We just stay in our own fantasy, in which we are prone to practically the slightest changes in our environment, which is not even that abrupt while we stay here on Earth! So when we are faced with danger, we need to tell ourselves, that this is normal. We've been sheltered all of our lives.
Important! Climate change underway in Siberia, and Fiji!
Tuesday, August 2, 2016
Ignorance In The Modern World
Why are people these days so ignorant? Personally, I ignorance is just as bad as fear, such as fear of falling from the hundredth story. Our technology is bad for our health, at least in some aspects; and yet I am not told about this. Those people who are obsessed with their phones won't tell me about the health risks that they pose. Let me tell you something; I understand that you are becoming less healthy as a result of the usage of a smartphone. However, that doesn't mean that I should also follow along. I know that sometimes you probably don't care much about your health, however, you should at least care about me. It's bad enough that you're using a smartphone. So why convince me to do the same, if you're just making the problem even worse. It does not stop here, however. Society in today's world does things that are unhealthy; And currently, I can't stop them, because they are adults. If you're not sure if something is beneficial or not, why do it? It doesn't mean that you should convince me too, does it?! Sure, a double negative should result in a positive...However, I don't think that you can use math to explain all aspects of society. In other words, the world does not work this way. Personally, I think that the most intriguing aspect of society and the philosophy. Whenever I go to Yahoo Answers, I see complex questions regarding philosophy. Well, what I have just written is my philosophy. I have no intent to live in world as if is currently. This is no fun. The "fun" part of modern society is no more than a myth and an illusion. It's not beneficial, because it's tainted with negativity. If I start to become angry towards someone else, then they will get angry back. The status of our society, if there was such a thing, should be considered unnaceptable. That's why, I have had vision of a grand future. I have wanted to change this forsaken world, and turn it into something great.
A Mysterious In Flight Craft The Other Day
I can't remember the exact day it happened. It was about a month or so ago. It was sometime between 10:10 and 10:20 pm. I wrote about it in a report to MUFON. Unfortunately, I am now unable to find this report. And so all my valuable information about time was lost. I had gone outside on a cloudless night, during twilight. And you know what? I looked East. And the sky was still blue, was a kind of blue which you really need to strain to see, because of how dark it was. And there I noticed a really bright light. Initially, I thought that it was Venus, even though I didn't know where Venus was that day, although it looked just as bright as the planet. No movement, no flickering or changing of brightness or color. It was simply strange as anyone could think of. I looked away for no more than five seconds. Then I went back to view what I thought was Venus. And guess what?! The white light was gone. And there I was, left with the incredibly dark blue clear sky...I know I have noticed some strange things in the sky before. If only I could get my telescope up to service for astronomy, so that I could then record it. I've been told, that the mirror for the telescope must be adjusted; For goodness sake...why can't it just be a minor fix? Why does it have to be this way? Why does it need to be so difficult. Is life meant to be full of these mysterious sightings?! And am I supposed to just keep it to myself? I mean, whenever I want to capture these UFOs on video, at least that's how my luck always runs out. It's like these UFOs need to be left alone, you know?! It's as though I am not allowed, something is not allowing me, to prove their existence, regardless of whether or not they come from this Earth. Something is preventing me from recording UFOs, and my luck runs out. It's really dreadful. There is something incredible happening over our heads. And we aren't aware of it. MUFON has declined to give me an explanation. Why is this society in which we live stuck up? Only specific people, those who are more open, know that there is another aspect to our environment. The problem with our modern society is that actions are important, while words are...GARBAGE
Friday, July 29, 2016
Is it starting to get warmer in Siberia?!
A new article has recently come out, regarding the recent warm trend in Eastern Russia
Friday, July 22, 2016
Mean People...
I remember the day, when, I wandered to the skate park. That was really astounding, the way I was treated. Yelling at me, simply because I did not answer a question as they wanted... I won't mention any names, however, one of the people there started approaching me, yelling something like "get the (expletive) out of here". That by itself, was not that much of a problem for me. However, in this instance, the person yelling at me was not the only problem. You see, when I was yelled at, that's when an extremely negative voice spoke to me. And you know what it told me? That I had to go away. It had took away my confidence to go against the anger of the people at the skate park that day. Although that was really unfortunate, I learned to go against the evil voices that give me negative advice. It's an ongoing conflict, not just about my's also about everyone else. We must stand against the hate posed by other people. I never forget what happens in life, you know? Just ignore people... and don't go against the minority. Instead, go against what you think is wrong, no matter how large the majority is. My philosophy, is that the majority, if it is wrong, is wrong no matter what. They are too pent up, and if the majority conveys a negative message, then they form the greatest illusion of all; that they will overcome you. You must never give in.
Thursday, July 21, 2016
Freedom From Everything
I don't know why people get so emotional over everyday life. After all, we are phenomenally influenced by emotions...and yet, we don't really have a sense of emotions whatsoever. We don't get out much as people of the Earth. We are only nearby, in our local area, in terms of emotions, as well as what we are capable of. Well... I have learned to like the local lands, known as southern central Michigan. Therefore, I no longer seek out anything greater. I have also obtained freedom of worry, which is difficult to escape in today's world.
Our government has turned off the system!
As I have mentioned, severe weather has been significantly below average over three or more years.
Wednesday, July 20, 2016
Elevation...the least understood "realm"?!
We know that, while we are stuck really low near sea level, humidity can often keep us cozy at night, and increase temperature perception unfavorably, as well as keep temperatures slightly less warm during the daytime. This is known as heat index. And then, during the colder months, at least in some world areas, we must deal with the other opposite of the spectrum, or the other evil, one that is known most infamously as wind chill. And it's extremely terrible. Essentially, the slightest amount of wind chill can be like a small dose of arsenic when it has to do with your emotional well being. I know this first hand, such as when it's subzero here in Michigan, and the wind gusts bring the wind chill down to about -25 degrees, or colder. Personally, I have always wanted to get accustomed to all of these extreme changes, However, there is another deadly force out there, and when thinking about the weather, we just about never think about it. So, what is this other force?It's called elevation. 70 degrees might seem warm to some, or cold, depending on where you are from. However, can you guess how 70 degrees degrees would feel like at say, 20,000 feet?! In this situation, were you to ascend up at a linear rate, starting from sea level and (hypothetically) not only would the temperature at the destination remain the same as your origin (sea level)... wind and humidity would be the same as well. So, I must ask... "what is the answer here?!" Things such as oxygen levels or well being are not important; everything is a distraction! And now that we have thought about this, or at least considered this very intriguing topic, then I cannot help, except to wonder...what in the world...are we going to do on Mars, where simply standing on the surface is akin to at least 100,000 feet up in Earth's atmosphere. Well, unless of course...we have space suits! (Watch as bacteria mutate and become resistant to these factors?!) Will we marvel at the fact that bacteria will change color?! Or will we man up, and become more resilient, just like them? In other words, what we should make other environments, our home. If I go anywhere in the world, I expect that it would be the same as any other place. For instance, a super quick trip to the peak of Everest, or to the edge of space without any special clothes...should be no more than a storm front sweeping across. I could stand emotional fatigue, yet those kinds of limits (that we set upon ourselves here on our highly protected oasis, will certainly cause physical damage. These limits should, some day, become nonexistent, so that we can be less at risk for anything that might come our way.
Monday, July 18, 2016
Our cold Earth: It can be HOW COLD AT THE EQUATOR ?!
Subzero at the equator
First of all, the coldest temperature on record is in the range of -100 to -120 Fahrenheit. Given that mountains reduce temperature by an average of approximately 6.2 degrees every 1000 feet of elevation, some regions of the Earth are incredibly cold. At 19,341 ft, Mt. Kilimanjaro is the highest elevation in Africa. It has snow year round, albeit not necessarily during the daylight hours. From what I've heard from an expedition, the temperature here was once recorded at an astonishing -20 degrees Celsius. That is equal to an astonishing...-4 fahrenheit! Now. Kilimanjaro is 5 miles away from the equator.
First of all, the coldest temperature on record is in the range of -100 to -120 Fahrenheit. Given that mountains reduce temperature by an average of approximately 6.2 degrees every 1000 feet of elevation, some regions of the Earth are incredibly cold. At 19,341 ft, Mt. Kilimanjaro is the highest elevation in Africa. It has snow year round, albeit not necessarily during the daylight hours. From what I've heard from an expedition, the temperature here was once recorded at an astonishing -20 degrees Celsius. That is equal to an astonishing...-4 fahrenheit! Now. Kilimanjaro is 5 miles away from the equator.
What is interesting about this year ... It's been snowy in the mountains this month! last year, snow has invaded Colorado... on the 24th of July! meanwhile, it's been snowing in Hawaii!
Wednesday, July 13, 2016
Tuesday, July 12, 2016
Warmest summer ever impending
The warmest summer ever recorded is impending More about this phenomenon next
Monday, July 11, 2016
My predictions about NATO are coming true!
Welcome To "The Most Mysterious Phenomena I've Ever Experienced"
- I have had incredibly perplexing predictions over the past few weeks, not just about something as general as "there will be a political issue", also about something much more specific, such as (for example), "A singer collapsing at a concert"! Also, I have predicted, in advance, that Minnesota & Texas would make the news the day before it actually did. I have written profusely that there would be a controversy, a day before various controversies began, including the Cuoco's dogs, Flag Mistreatment, etc. And I have even hinted, that the next major controversy, would have to do with "black and white"! Before Aerosmith's singer collapsed on stage, I indicated, with an asterisk, that something would happen at a concert! I have indicated, a day in advance, that New Zealand would make headlines. Yes, it did! And I have proved it all along, you can read some of the most recent posts here
Friday, July 8, 2016
The Paranormal Cannot Be Proven. Here's Why...
For example, at 9 am, you start thinking about a local car crash. You think that this is a premonition; so you write about it on a blog at 6 pm. Then you hear the news, and there was a crash however, you despair because the crash happened at 5 pm. Now, you can't prove that there was a premonition, can you?!
Premonitions Coming True!!!!!!!!!
Premonitions are coming true, on my other blog posts! I am a modern day fortune teller/psychic, right? All of these blo posts, have been written about a day apart, and have proven to foretell the immediate future "before the fact"
Something to keep note of...remember that amazing premonition that I made at least a year ago, about the vikings in Canada? I will send you that info once I find it. You HAVE to read this. This is not coincidence kind of garbage
Something to keep note of...remember that amazing premonition that I made at least a year ago, about the vikings in Canada? I will send you that info once I find it. You HAVE to read this. This is not coincidence kind of garbage
Tuesday, July 5, 2016
The State Of Society, How To Respond To Enticing Thoughts?
I often receive what I call "voices in my head" LOL! You cannot deny that, there is more to all of this life as coincidence, as well as pure insanity. Our thoughts are essentially pollutants, or the white noise that disrupts what is most important. More likely than not, much of what "something tells you" (the mind), is pure nonsense, and that is simply the way to make sense out of many abundant, and random thoughts. So, here's some advice...Personally, I decide to not listen to much of anything that I think about. Because much of the thoughts that I think about, are essentially trying to create a world that everyone will think of as impractical. So I can't help except to ask a question for the readers: How much longer will I keep listening to you? Or is it supposed to be this way, should I go along with the world's views about everything, even if (theoretically speaking) I am the only person left on Earth who thinks otherwise? Let's change this around and talk about you now. Are you supposed to follow this logic as well?The answer might surprise you. Because no matter how small of a minority you are, you might just end up better not thinking the same as everybody else. Have your own say. Do not simply be that person who succumbs to a vast majority, and is forced to surrender. Because surrender is not a real option, whether it has to do with philosophy, or whether it involves issues which are totally different, such as war.
The Current State Of Society
The same can also be said about emotions. Because people everywhere, at least these days, are currently in the midst of extreme influence of emotions.Why is this a bad thing?
Emotions are silent. However, they are the worst enemy that you could ever ask for. In my personal opinion...emotions are often much worse than they are helpful. Often times, they practically only shorten our life.
Getting back on topic
Let's talk some more about thoughts again. You know why!? Another reason for why I ignore much of what I think about is that, thoughts can be enticing, and don't simply assume that in saying this, I am thinking purely about a particular topic; No, every kind of thought can be enticing. Essentially, there is a voice in your head. And it is making you think about stuff in an enticing way. And that would be ohh...90 percent of the time?! However, I would personally say, for the sake of getting a message across...that this is not a legit reason for despair. And now you know why. Society would like to make you think, that emotion is the cure-all narcotic of choice. Isn't that just wonderful?!
Question For People In General
Can you explain everything as a coincidence...or are there premonitions?! MY premonition for the following days is coming!
I had a Premonition...And It Comes True Today?
Now, please read this...
LHC Discovers New Particles
New particles have just been discovered by scientists!
Monday, July 4, 2016
A World Without Strangers
Time is practically nonexistent. Yet the emotions that society has here, (such as ignorance and sadness), on our tiny little world, are the most dangerous threat for me personally, as they have far too much influence on the average person, who will try to react when under the influence of emotion. If I could really talk what was in my mind out loud, then this world would be totally different. It would be as if we're all under the influence of magic mushrooms. Sure, that would be great...however, you see, the problem here is that all of you people are too critical. And you know, maybe this would be an overstatement of some sorts...however...many people simply do not seem like family. They seem like strangers. And yet you try to understand people, and then it's like...where have I been this whole time?
Thought Of The Moment #2: controversial
Congrats! Romance in life could never possibly be greater than our forsaken, and precious, controversial wisdom! So please talk to me...controversial!
Thought Of The Moment #1
Did you get your artificial sweeteners, substrates, colors, additives/derivatives today?
Saturday, July 2, 2016
Friday, July 1, 2016
Technologically, we are really great. However...
Technologically, we are really great. However, morally we are nowhere near acceptable. And don't give me that utter nonsense that "We are really advanced about our mentality". Yeah, we kind of are, however, I would need to disagree about much of that because although we are great at being great thinkers, we are just about always near minded. What I'm trying to say to everyone of you, is that we are limiting ourselves to the extreme. We could currently be thousands of years ahead about how we think, because we simply do not care about exploring other ways of thought. Math, science, etc. are really helpful. However, we need to greatly expand our mindful capabilities to explore the world that is far more interesting, such as being able to foretell the future. We are extremely weak in that area, aren't I right?
Do Not Assume!
All of you kids, who assume that the end of the world is coming, and that afterwards, there will be a place for bad people in the afterlife, all of you that like to think this way, are just kids, just like the atheists. You are all kids. You don't care to think about what really matters. Instead, you are distracted by news of everyday life that is nonsense. You don't care to think outside the box, do you?
Take Over The World
Can you please do me a favor. No, seriously. First of all, "The snow will come, and I will walk across the arctic, as if it was summer in the tropics. And the air pressure will increase to hundreds of times that of Earth pressure. Then, a flash will be seen across the sky, and the air pressure will become a vacuum. And still, I won't even notice these changes. Then, it will get as hot as possible, and still, I will not suffer. Then meteors will come tumbling back down to Earth, and I will now be in the midst of extreme explosions. The ground will be essentially full of sharp rocks, and yet I will not suffer. Then a foreign power will start to throw the most potent acid overboard and there will be no effect. I will not be affected by any amount of radiation, poison, or any disease." I will fall into burning ground, and will come out unscathed. I will not be affected by cancer. In other words, it's time to take over the world." (We are all kids because we don't have such thoughts)
PREMONITION: July 2nd, 2016
Keywords for future event during: 7/2/2016 include: Power outage (Europe &/or Asia), controversy (America), Meteor (unknown,), Political Mistake (America), Scary Sound (Arctic/Scnadinavia), Storm Clouds (Eastern US), ------Certainty?, on a scale of 1 to 100, 10 to 15 for tomorrow, then 60 to 75 is for next week that all of these keywords will relate to next week's future events------------------
World Areas To Watch for tomorrow for possible development include Canada, New Zealand, Scandinavia, Paraguay, Iran, Arabia. Dangerous Winds in Europe, and Africa...scary situation will occur in Africa next week, and major natural events in South America (might include a meteor!!!!);extrasensory perception is not a myth; I always think about my sister right before she arrives without any prior knowledge.
World Areas To Watch for tomorrow for possible development include Canada, New Zealand, Scandinavia, Paraguay, Iran, Arabia. Dangerous Winds in Europe, and Africa...scary situation will occur in Africa next week, and major natural events in South America (might include a meteor!!!!);extrasensory perception is not a myth; I always think about my sister right before she arrives without any prior knowledge.
Foretelling What Will Occur This Year. (Participation Needed) me with trying to forecast future events. I need to gather information so that we can have positive criticism so that I can analyze the frequencies at which these energies flow throughout our world. I need to learn which frequencies are more reliable and which information is actually true.
Premonition for July 2nd, 2016
Please participate in helping me gather information about the future. Then I will be able to retrieve key words about future events tomorrow.
PREMONITION For July 5th and 1, 2016
I am currently training mental ability to gain premonition foretelling ability using extrasensory perception to analyze energy across the Earth. "The future influences the past". So...These are vague details about the near future within the coming week. This will tell us whether or not I can currently predict anything.
POWER OUTAGE (WHERE?), environmental pollution, keyword= purple & concert
POWER OUTAGE (WHERE?), environmental pollution, keyword= purple & concert
SCIENTIFIC DISCOVERY VS POWER OUTAGE; Great, now you know what I am predicting using premonition skills. If this proves false, then we will need to start at zero and train for extrasensory perception even further. We just need to tune in to the right frequency
Unexplained Phenomena Update (Phenomena Explained?!)
A new study by NASA is out now to discover just why the amount of noctilucent clouds in Earth's atmosphere has increased. I have written about this before, saying that these clouds have been witnessed ever since the eruption of Krakatoa.
Fact Or Fiction:Possible Upcoming Solar Minimum To Bring Significant Global Cooldown...? about global cooling? The Earth cannot cool significantly, unless the culprit is a major volcanic eruption. The notion that the Earth is getting progressively colder on Earth is a pretty interesting idea. However, there is not as much truth to this as many people might think. The notion that there are more cold events on Earth, is much like the notion that, over recent years, the world has had a deluge of storms. So what is the problem with all of this? You see, over recent years, reporting has been more common, especially because people think more about climate changing. We need to wake up. We are acting like little kids all of the time.
Wednesday, June 29, 2016
This year marks the 200th anniversary of the coldest summer on record, the year without summer that is
Tuesday, June 28, 2016
Be Oblivious, My Friend
Be Oblivious, my friend. Do not be a prisoner of ignorance. Instead, be oblivious to all of the insane people who decide to be ignorant. Because ignorance, my friend, should be wiped off of the face of the Earth. REMEMBER THIS...DO NOT TOLERATE IGNORANCE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
The Best Place In The World... in America. The name of this place is Michigan. And it should become a nation
Unfortunately... of those countries is, America...I'm out of here! It's not even funny, and I am literally sick to my stomach
I have premonitions, my friends. Unfortunately, I am still awaiting, for when I get a premonition about finding a girlfriend with colorful hair. Because colored people, right?!
I dream of a world where there is no more evil. Where people don't even mention the word, evil. Therefore, there will be no more god forsaken advertisements on this god forsaken world. In other words, why the **** do we never grow up?! We have, and still behave, as if we were still little children. We keep mentioning evil, and there is still evil in our world. Why would you go in public and say to not go and watch a movie that's offensive and not right? Yes, that might deter people away from watching the movie. Why in the world, (tell me why please) would you mention the movie in the first place? This is absolutely cause for despair. We don't necessarily despair. Instead, we choose to be ignorant. However, there is despair everywhere, and we only pretend that it's not there, ruining our lives. No religion is perfect, however, I cannot believe that any religion is acceptable. It is all ultimately a fallacy. Freedom of speech is evil, and we only think about the good things in life. We are wasting our god forsaken time on this god forsaken world. Everyone's wrong, no matter who you are.
Monday, June 27, 2016
The World Should Have These Essential Rules
A dream is not a dream, unless it's realized. In fact, I dream about a world...and it's a world in which everyone's the vegetarian. And there are no more buildings, and I don't like normal people. In fact, I would travel across the world, never settling in one place, not even for a moment. If there is even a hint of immorality in this world, it will practically be decimated. There will be no more evil. Why? Because evil will not be talked about any more, therefore it will not be advertised. I will travel to Australia, South Africa, & South America during December to March, and to the North countries during March until June, as well as October and November. There will be no settlements on Mars. There will be no such thing as teleportation, because that is not what we need. No matter how much I despair for any reason, I will not take medicine. GREAT! Now, everyone will live in tiny house nation, and this nation will take over the whole world. The natural world will now be significantly larger thanks to this initiative! I will paint my room purple, because no one will care about this color anyhow...the color of many things on this world, (dirt/soil for instance), will be essentially programmable, to change color depending on weather factors, to absorb and/or reflect sunlight, because that's just how it was meant to be. Remember the good old days when medicines such as the D-series of allergy pills didn't hide from you behind the counter? Yeah...those were the days, eh? Well, those days will be discarded, and the crazies will now need to jump OVER the counter to get their doses. Vacations to the tropics would be something that I would consider a necessity for myself, as well as going to the tallest mountain ranges. Packages would now be delivered via drones, mind you. And China...? That is the worst possible idea of mankind. We will build the air filter, and who's going to pay for it? CHINA! Sorry, yet no matter how great they are, and no matter how much, or how I benefit from them, they are SERIOUSLY unacceptable. The air quality on this world will become perfect (without decreasing CO2, methane, etc. into the air). I will not be immoral at all, and not force people into anything, no matter how trivial. Yet these rules are essential for getting the world be a great place to live. We cannot wait until the world is no longer there. In fact, we cannot wait even for a second. Because who cares about a second? It's not worth anything. So, the world should have Clean air, be full of morality, no air or water pollution, vegetarians, and no evil endorsements. Unfortunately, I doubt that anyone's with me about this. Yet I've learned that the most important desire in life is hope!
Wednesday, June 22, 2016
It will finally be warm! I've been waiting for warmth, (as in at least 95 degrees)and it's just not there any chance at all?! I do not really think of weather as exciting if it can't surpass 100 degrees often for several days. Remember, I desire really, really hot weather. That's just my opinion, when I'm out at the lakes up north
Creating A UV Camera On Mars!
I want to create a camera for photographing the world in ultraviolet light. The technology of this camera would be extremely specific as to what I am trying to achieve (exploring the invisible world of the UV spectrum, that is). This would not be your average camera. It would incorporate some really serious advancements in technology. I want the camera to be able to see various sub spectrums in the UV spectrum itself. And the range of UV light that it could see would be incredibly far ranging, much more than that of cameras that are modified for UV these days. For instance, the camera could see wavelengths far beyond (under) 300nm, and we could assign color coding to the specific wavelengths that comprise the UV spectrum, such as...
The camera would help us explore the entire spectrum of Ultraviolet light. Or if not, then individual spectrum that could be incredibly narrow, by using RGB. (Unfortunately enough, those are the only color sensors visible in human eyesight). We could select either extremely fine, or extremely wide ranges of UV spectrum. The camera could see a specific range of UV light. If we would want to see the other spectrums of UV light, then we could develop another camera, simply so that we could observe the UV spectrum in various ranges at a time, and also, that would help to create a much sharper image, albeit reducing light sensitivity of the camera sensor. So, in order to mitigate this issue, most especially problematic during lowlight, here's what could be done...
The camera would help us explore the entire spectrum of Ultraviolet light. Or if not, then individual spectrum that could be incredibly narrow, by using RGB. (Unfortunately enough, those are the only color sensors visible in human eyesight). We could select either extremely fine, or extremely wide ranges of UV spectrum. The camera could see a specific range of UV light. If we would want to see the other spectrums of UV light, then we could develop another camera, simply so that we could observe the UV spectrum in various ranges at a time, and also, that would help to create a much sharper image, albeit reducing light sensitivity of the camera sensor. So, in order to mitigate this issue, most especially problematic during lowlight, here's what could be done...
Designing The Camera Sensor
There are several new advancements in sensor design that have been developed very recently in order to achieve higher quality images in modern cameras in regular daylight. And some of those advancements are meant to produce higher quality in lowlight, given the fact that camera manufacturers keep wanting to create cameras with high resolution, leading to smaller pixels, which in turn simply cannot gather as much light as larger pixels, which is mainly a problem in cameras who's sensors have relatively low spatial resolution. So, here are the things that we could incorporate into developing a specialized camera for Ultraviolet imagery. First, we would make sure that the sensor has exceptionally high spatial resolution, which (unfortunately) would require lower resolution. Now, you might be asking yourself, "How about the resolution?" Ah! So we could incorporate a function into the camera, one that is rarely, if ever, found in modern cameras. That would be super resolution. This would work by taking at least four images, and overlaying each one on top of each other using a dedicated algorithm that would be either implemented in-camera, or in a photo enhancement program. Now, another thing that could be done is to use pixel sampling; this has already been talked about in my earlier post. Astoundingly enough, we can combine this with yet another technique. And in other words, this would be recreating the sensor that is found in the rather expensive camera sensors incorporated into cameras by Sigma, which use layers. Each layer is actually a sensor itself, and each one records a single color. The resolution is far higher than each sensor itself, and the resulting colors are supposedly more accurate than color from other cameras. To increase light sensitivity, we would incorporate a lowlight, or BSI sensor. And to top everything off, we would include the addition of quantum dot film, which would increase lowlight performance, as well as increase dynamic range even further.
Lenses are yet another important aspect of the camera that needs to be considered. First of all, as I have already mentioned, UV photography requires an extremely abundant amount of light. Yet what I forgot to mention, is the fact that modern camera sensors are not really that great at seeing UV light. They are great at seeing Infrared, yet for some reason UV does not lend itself well to modern camera sensors. So that might require a large sensor, such as one found in modern DSLR cameras, even if we reduce the resolution to allow for higher lowlight performance. And a large sensor might need a boost in depth of field. And to do that, one of the lenses that we could develop would be a very wide angle prime lens, and the aperture that would produce the brightest images would be as small as possible, and it would also need to be really high quality glass. Why a small aperture? you might ask. Because small apertures produce images with more depth of field, and depth of field is critical, especially on cameras that have A-PSC sensors and larger. Sure, with enough expertise, you can definitely mitigate this problem by taking advantage of the hyperfocal distance; However, this does not truly eliminate the problem whatsoever. So the quality of the glass in the lens would need to be really high, such as (for instance) the lenses of Zeiss or Leica, in order to achieve the highest possible image quality while being able to stop the lens down as far as possible.
The other lens that would be developed would be a prime lens with a large aperture. This lens would produce lower depth of field. However, this lens would be meant for lowlight photography. So to achieve greater lowlight performance, the lens would need to be as wide as possible, and have a wide aperture. Also, the focal length would be telephoto, or at least moderate (50mm) so that that the lens would be brighter. I don't know if that makes much sense; however, that is what I have found about lenses, that the higher the focal length, the better they perform in lowlight.
The Challenge Of Using The Camera On Earth
So the Earth's atmosphere traps an IMMENSE amount of UV light. And this does not necessarily mean that we are stuck in the dark (no pun intended). Instead, this gives us some extremely astonishing and incredible prospects on a planet such as Mars...Side note= (have you wondered why it is that NASA sent the HST into space?!) Lastly, I would just like to mention that I have written this, because it just seems astounding to me. I want to become an engineer some day...
The Challenge Of Using The Camera On Earth
So the Earth's atmosphere traps an IMMENSE amount of UV light. And this does not necessarily mean that we are stuck in the dark (no pun intended). Instead, this gives us some extremely astonishing and incredible prospects on a planet such as Mars...Side note= (have you wondered why it is that NASA sent the HST into space?!) Lastly, I would just like to mention that I have written this, because it just seems astounding to me. I want to become an engineer some day...
Tuesday, June 21, 2016
Powerful Storms Expected In Michigan Tomorrow!; In fact, The severe outlook is classified as moderate, which means the second highest rating as to the risk of extreme weather! Well, guess what? Tomorrow should be a really great day for getting pictures of some lightning! Brighten my day
Flight Delayed...BECAUSE...TOO WARM TOO FLY?!!!!!!!!!
This is incredible...usually flights get canceled due to stormy activity, or because of passengers, however, I am now truly perplexed
This Is Not Even Funny
Girl without hair? This is not even funny, not in the least...
It is Currently Snowing In Ohio
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