Tuesday, July 5, 2016

The State Of Society, How To Respond To Enticing Thoughts?

I often receive what I call "voices in my head" LOL! You cannot deny that, there is more to all of this life as coincidence, as well as pure insanity. Our thoughts are essentially pollutants, or the white noise that disrupts what is most important. More likely than not, much of what "something tells you" (the mind), is pure nonsense, and that is simply the way to make sense out of many abundant, and random thoughts. So, here's some advice...
Personally, I decide to not listen to much of anything that I think about. Because much of the thoughts that I think about, are essentially trying to create a world that everyone will think of as impractical. So I can't help except to ask a question for the readers: How much longer will I keep listening to you?  Or is it supposed to be this way, should I go along with the world's views about everything, even if (theoretically speaking) I am the only person left on Earth who thinks otherwise? Let's change this around and talk about you now. Are you supposed to follow this logic as well?The answer might surprise you. Because no matter how small of a minority you are, you might just end up better not thinking the same as everybody else. Have your own say. Do not simply be that person who succumbs to a vast majority, and is forced to surrender. Because surrender is not a real option, whether it has to do with philosophy, or whether it involves issues which are totally different, such as war.
The Current State Of Society
The same can also be said about emotions. Because people everywhere, at least these days, are currently in the midst of extreme influence of emotions.
Why is this a bad thing?
Emotions are silent. However, they are the worst enemy that you could ever ask for. In my personal opinion...emotions are often much worse than they are helpful. Often times, they practically only shorten our life.
Getting back on topic
Let's talk some more about thoughts again. You know why!? Another reason for why I ignore much of what I think about is that, thoughts can be enticing, and don't simply assume that in saying this, I am thinking purely about a particular topic; No, every kind of thought can be enticing. Essentially, there is a voice in your head. And it is making you think about stuff in an enticing way. And that would be ohh...90 percent of the time?! However, I would personally say, for the sake of getting a message across...that this is not a legit reason for despair. And now you know why. Society would like to make you think, that emotion is the cure-all narcotic of choice. Isn't that just wonderful?!

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