Thursday, August 4, 2016

Random Notes For Today

What are these notes?! You may ask yourself. These are random for now. They will not be random in the future. Why?! Because they will form a story, maybe a story that's just for thought, or maybe a story that's meant for scientific study. In other words, creativity.
1. Electronics create an energy field
2. Signals flowing through our minds from cell phones
3. My smartphone vaporizes in thin air
4. It is dark outside, and I like it that way. There are specific frequencies underground, that are the reason for why Tesla wanted to create wireless towers.
5. Acid Rainbow Music. The Hipster connection (hipsters are connected to UFOs)
6. A swirling vortex of acidic dopamine.
So, let's see. Electronics create energy fields, and telekinesis,which vaporizes my smartphone while it's dark outside, and I am tuning in to the specific frequencies underground, which are the reason for why Tesla went (wanted to) go mad scientist all over the world, making up a reason for taking down enemy planes using a Gamma ray laser. And because if this, I want to create a band names Acid Rainbow Music, which will be about the scientific fact. Hipsters are all calm and influenced, and so they have a chemistry between them and the UFO community out there in the sky somewhere. There is a swirling vortex of acidic dopamine here on Earth. It is swirling and competing with basic chemistry, such as our detergents. That's because temperatures on Earth have changed, and are now dependent on chemistry, which means that what was once sweet or cold, is not acidic, while that which was once warm, is now basic. Society does not govern imagination. Huh?! So please tell me about the UFOs and the conspiracies, and about a society that's about colorful ideas about a guy named Tesla, and his legacy.

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