Saturday, February 27, 2016
Another planet is out there, and...
There's a lake. A VERY, VERY LARGE lake. And it heats up to well over 100 degrees. That's when a potent arctic front comes through. And the freezing point there is a whopping 60 degrees! That's the point at which all *** breaks loose. Parts of the lake can heat up to temps as high as 200 degrees. So when the cold air sweeps through, there is an immense blanket lying upon the floor of the planet, forming an immense wall around the lakes edges. The cold front is at a temperature of approx. -34 degrees. The coldest areas are a whopping -35 degrees. There are streams of air in the front, which are composed of relatively mild, humid air, part of the cold front as well; they are 45 degrees Fahrenheit, and upon passing through the water, have interesting consequences. There are horizontal vortexes that form around the lake. The atmosphere acts just as if it were dense as water. At any given moment, there can be many types of ice crystals developing and falling. At one place, there can be multiple types of flakes fall in a matter of minutes. The animals are able to see in many different frequencies of the EM spectrum. Some can see an extremely broad spectrum, while others specialize in seeing extremely specific wavelengths. An example would be seeing a specific slice of the color green. Even if an animal's eyesight permits them to only see, say, a 400-460 nm range, then the animal will use multiple colors to perceive that small range!!!!! And it could also be the other way around, in which an animal uses only one color for the entire visible light spectrum. Could you imagine? Talk about the fact that reality is subjective. And some of the lifeforms here are even able to survive on methane alone.
My Dream....
Would be to get some speakers. I would then like to play the following through them: Tenebrous Bros. Never heard of it? So the idea would be to spread the word about music via loud speakers. And play it so that we can never get caught. Would like to place them on some drone. Make it waterproof, weatherproof, shockproof. Those would be ideal
Friday, February 26, 2016
December 2015 vs Feb 2016
Here's something. I am getting "depressed" over the winter. Why? Actually, what's interesting is that it's now February. Yet the day is so short that it seems like the might as well have gotten shorter over the course of the winter; wait, huh!? Yeah, that's right; the days have been pretty cloudy recently. It gives me the perception that the days have actually reduced in length. That itself is pretty paradoxical, at least the way I think about it. The weather has changed as well, along with the rising sun. The solstice and the equinox are essentially sunrise & sunset over the northern hemisphere. And the snow itself is like a cloud that's turned solid and its now on the ground. We're shoveling a cloud. And that snow is acting like a VERY good insulator if there's a lot of it. The bottom of the lakes and ponds, and whatever have you, are at 38 degrees Fahrenheit, despite snow or ice. And December was unusually warm. In January, that's when all of that nice weather stopped. And since that time, the snow has increased, which is ironic since lake effect snow is most prominent in December most of the time. Yet this year, we're seeing the Great lakes have become unfrozen unusually early, leading to lake effect snow later. This February is different than December in a few interesting ways; first of all, in December we had frequent warmth pretty much day to day later in the month, which is sort of strange. Yet this month we still have the occasional "warm blasts" yet with cold dominating the time in between. So that's something intriguing I've been able to notice. Next week is when we're supposed to receive the most intense snowstorm of the season thus far. Haha. Hang in there. I've always wanted to know what it would be like if the snow could fall in hot weather. Any thoughts?
So, some of us already know this, I'll say it any. There's a song on it's called "The Candidates". Unfortunately, it is always Rep vs Dem. It shouldn't be like this necessarily. We need to stop thinking this way and actually pick the candidate that is best for us, regardless of his/her political stance. Ph
Thursday, February 25, 2016
Popular Mech
Recently reading about the most recent edition of Poular Mechanics! I wanted to know more about what it said; anyways...they were writing about the most largest press in America, and perhaps maybe even the whole world. This machine was stolen from the Germans during WW2, and was supposedly taken from the Rhine River by the Americans. Well that part we know for sure. If it hadn't been for them, then the Russians would've taken that whole thing. It had the remarkable ability to turn relatively large chunks of metal into "toothpaste". A piece of Aluminum could be a cube roughly four by four feet (or something like that anyways). Then it would be change by the use of an 16,000 tons of pressure into actual parts. Those part would be used for making . If the Russian would've gotten a hold of this machinery, they would then be one step ahead of the game during the cold war, eh? Also, there's this newly developed laser by the US Army which is made to melt stuff from a mile away. Not just any stuff, either. This thing, first of all, is made up of multiple lasers, each giving it more intensity. Oh, and by the way, this thing can melt a hole in a truck engine. No more fun with cars I suppose. That era might very well come to an end, and we will have to deal with school kids getting hands on those freaking things. I sure hope I won't be alive during that time. I wouldn't want to be driving while they point those things everywhere!
Wednesday, February 24, 2016
What about them winds!?
Well, intense winds (LOL) are caused by warm & cold fronts (usually). So yeah. A warm front, a cold front, and winds! HAAAAAAAAA!
Orange Clove Pomanders
Someone was asking "what happens if they were to smoke oleander?". Well, I would say that, I've had pomander. Ever since that time, they had to discontinue (Pomander). Ever since then the word was also "discontinued" lost to the Earth's persons.
Monday, February 22, 2016
This lake is where!?

Friday, February 19, 2016
The Howling Winds
The wind is what I like to label "supernatural"; it makes me feel strange when I'm out (and sometimes inside), makes me sleep different. I guess it just energizes me from the inside out or whatever explanation you want to fancy. It's downright remarkable, given that I can't remember the last time there was wind like this, especially since it's not really stopping. It's been going on for several hours or more. I could very well sleep outside in this kind of climate (weather). So, what is your take on this occurrence? Ya, I know it's scientific and all that jazz. Yet, I don't think you CAN'T think about it as wonderful in a supernatural way either. Point in case: Science has the ability to ruin things. Just like autotones ruin music...once science is applied to explain many various things, or aspects, of life...that's the same moment when the sense of wonder deteriorates and becomes lost to the abyss known as time. And in return, we get smarter. So don't fear, knowledge is not a necessary part of survival times; stay intrigued, my friends!
Geisters & призраки
Had a dream. That there were ghosts. In Other countries. They had come from the time period around 1940. They had teleported throughout other places. Into other regions of the world which they had not died from (in). Now; the hauntings that occur in some places are caused by these entities, those who are not allies with them in the past will haunt them. So, how about these hauntings that take place in the US for example?; no wonder they are so frightening. After all, these ghosts could be the ones from WW2 era, who have actually died sometime during, or after WW2. The thing to take away is that it's important! These ghosts are important! Geisters & призраки manifest themselves as demons in america, and learn our ways. So that we don't know it's them. So don't make enemies in life; they will go around the world, making home in the afterlife. (On this EARTH). Those ghosts & whatnot that haunt people in England, Russia, US, Finland, etc. Those could be the Geisters & призраки. And we are being messed with by thinking that they originate from our home country if that is the case.
The stranger
I have a dream in which I'm in an unknown location. I compare the scene, which is rolling cliffs, green pastures, as well as brick & mortar villages. I'm in one of those villages. I hear shouting so I run towards the source. I reach it and concluded that I don't know what's going on as there seem to be ghosts in this town. It feels just like spring here. I closed my eyes so I can return to the real world; yet I started seeing a demon. That idiot was disguised as a freakish alien. Okay. I think it's time to awaken; there are kids and others who have already gotten up & I'm still asleep? Before I continue, here's another dream I had long long ago. I had a feeling there was a UFO above with a beam coming down. I felt as if I was about to levitate. I awake for a moment then closed my eyes only to notice there was a green leprechaun making a mad face. BAck to the story. Eventually the alien ran away and I as he did, I noticed the same scene return. Yet this times unlike b4, the town seems to be eerily still and silent. I noticed a paper on the floor of the town with what seemed like scrip written on it. After I tried reading it, here's what enfolded. It was morning in this world in which I find myself. And it starts snowing what seems like an inch for every minute. I start to essentially cry. What force was controlling this weather? I started thinking to myself. I then see the demon appear out of the air. Then I start blurting out what's on my mind. "What is this all about?" & the demon peers at me and laughs. I ask "where are we?" Then he starts disappearing & as he does so, he nods his head. He might as well be an alien/Bigfoot hybrid created by a dictator. The wind starts to blow with extreme intensity. An hour could fit into a minute or so the way everything was enfolding. The wind blows away the snow because it was powdery. I noticed the text again! Time to memorize what it says. I think this village I'm in is Swedish architecture. So here's what the text said: Magst du grün? Ich sitze hier draußen , und es ist zu kalt für November . Doch es wird für Tage später viele Grad wärmer sein . Ist die Klasse gehen , damit diese Änderungen vorzubereiten? Ist es wahr!
The weather of the day
So; spring like weather might be coming soon. So; Do you like green? Because it's getting there. The temps might increase multiple degrees over the day. It's not forecast soon, but it's coming.
Thursday, February 18, 2016
Follow up article
Now, we could even see in slow mo, or sped up. In fact, we can even make ourselves see in higher rates. For example, we went from 30p to 60p in cameras. We could make ourselves see more tones, whether it's in light or dark, or color tones. We could get ourselves too immune to the sun, to the dark. Then everything would start looking clear. Wouldn't that be something? We could also make our eyes adapt ever quicker to light. I'm sorry I forgot about glasses, transitions, as well as the fact that we have tech to do stuff for us. But wait. We are destined to someday go without all of that equipment and may need to really on our own abilities. We cannot become too independent on the world and can't take things for granted. That's what we do though, isn't that right? Oh I see. So in the future we might lose one of our senses and tech, or perhaps IT (!), will repay us for it. We will have implants that may allow us to see things, including the world in many various ways which we didn't even know existed. That is a great thing if you thought of it. If we came up with perfect replacements for our senses, then why worry about them disappearing? Well our senses can still be superior to technology. For example, modern tech doesn't really come close to obtaining the level of detail as seen via our visual system. And yet, we record each image several times a second. Compared to modern cameras, that's absolutely remarkable to say the least. Yet over time, technology might come to the point at which we will be able to replace our eyes (for example) with brain implants if we get cancer or something. Oh yeah; what about brain implants? BTW, when will they match video games with the graphics found in solid modeling, such as ray tracing? I don't want to be too optimistic because that's not necessarily fair for video game producers. They try truly difficult things to make graphic enhanced. Just imagine; I mean, solid models can actually look just like a photo. I can't tell the difference, yet there is one in there somewhere. Now. There. Oh no; that was just a flaw in the system!
This may seem like it comes with a simple answer. Mainstream knowledge will give you a common answer. However; even though it's straightforward, I'm not afraid to make a theory of my own that I think is valid nonetheless. This is the theory of Collective thought!; not one that you'll read about somewhere else. Man! I know I probably copied the name w/out even knowing. Yet this is the idea that we collect thoughts from the mind. These thoughts come together to create creativity in the mind. This is something that research acknowledge already about the theory of dreams. Yet I think that these thoughts can actually, through mysterious ways, manifest themselves into conscious ones. And, as a result, we don't need to be passed out to realize these thoughts on paper, or on a computer in that case. Our mind may be collecting random bits of info that it them compiles together. How will the mind decide what to use as info? Well my theory goes as is: these thoughts are unrelated to each other, yet for some strange reasons that which we cannot understand, the mind decides that it will use these (usually visual) thoughts for inspiration. We won't even notice it happening, since it begins unconscious. And throughout the day, or some other time perhaps...we might start getting truly strange, yet inexplicable, and often wildly imaginative, thoughts. And if we don't experience much, our unconscious may very well start acting up, imagining things that aren't really there. After all that's what happens in a Sensory deprivation. So why can't those things be also happening when we're experiencing little of anything at a given moment? Sure; these thoughts are unlikely to manifest if the unconscious is over occupied. However, it is not always occupied. Is it? Well in my case; No. Well, that is, if the mind has no need for working that much. If there are no real concerns, and if you aren't, or don't necessarily have to, use intuition. So that makes me tantalized as it regards ESP. I'm still trying to figure it out, although at the top of my head, the explanation is somewhere really close and for whatever reason I just can't grasp it while writing, let alone explain it in a way that significant number of people will actually make sense of it; as much I'd like for this to be true, it seems to never be this way. Truly unfortunate that people aren't able to make much sense of what I'm thinking. That really disappoints me because I'd really like to try and get my points across really CRITICALLY. After all is explained, there will be a clearing of the fog. Creativity may as well be something inexplicable, something paranormal. Something, that may as well come...from another dimension! STAY INTRIGUED. MY FRIENDS!
How Technology Is Able To Change Our Perception
What's the most realistic recreation of reality that you have ever seen? Because I've recently seen one in a photo magazine; yet this was not a photo. It looked EXACTLY like an image. There IS no difference as far as I know. I know I can't remember the exact name of the mag. Yet if you were able to see a diff. then I would label you insane. It was an illustration. I really am looking forward to finding that issue again. I can't. The line between photos, illustrations, and renderings, is becoming deceptively blurry; the only things, or differences, that still stand in their way, are their implications. Ha! Remember what I wrote earlier about videos vs photos? Yet what's up with 3d printing; Well, what would be the theoretical accuracies we could achieve? If we came down to it, we could LITERALLY be able to produce anything we'd like. Imagine if we could not only be accurate, but if we could also print individual molecules at a time. That would open up a new world of possibilities.I could create some truly unique things with that capability. I would like to learn how to manufacture electronics, and then use that knowledge, & plug it into that machine. I mean, that would go really well with my own knowledge of cameras, right? A custom made piece of equipment; one that I could specially make, with extreme detail, and with any features, as well as any number of them. Know where I'm going with this? The verdict? Knowledge is GREAT, and it will help you be a genius as our technology becomes magic. Ha, yeah, if only we could learn that much, because I certainly don't feel like it. Yet those things (topics) that are of most interest, are often most difficult. Because you must like what you do and get a good mental exercise from it. Just like the say "Like what you do, and earn a living"
Wednesday, February 17, 2016
Brief yet existing
Crazy. All over the place. That's what some of my writing is like. Yet it seems to sound better that way. I try to put myself in your shoes so I can figure out how to convey my ideas best. Yet with no helpful comments I don't know what you think about all of those. Creative thinking is a major focus behind my behavior on this blog. "Do as I tell you. Not as I do" My best was the first post of all time, which received over 300 inquiry. So maybe EH; I will just start over this time using a brain new blog?????
The thing about our senses becoming ever better, is that eventually we could be able to witness the very nature of reality; reality at it's smallest units. Units of matter, as well as time! And we would then start unlocking the secrets. And people of all ages would be able to sense them! How about minute variation in air pressure, for example? Or being able to make extreme measurements without any equipment? These ideas, I'm sure, will be lost to cyber space. So cherish them while I still hold on to it in the mind.
Update! Future Tech And Our Abilities
Now, we could even see in slow mo, or sped up. In fact, we can even make ourselves see in higher rates. For example, we went from 30p to 60p in cameras. We could make ourselves see more tones, whether it's in light or dark, or color tones. We could get ourselves too immune to the sun, to the dark. Then everything would start looking clear. Wouldn't that be something? We could also make our eyes adapt ever quicker to light. I'm sorry I forgot about glasses, transitions, as well as the fact that we have tech to do stuff for us. But wait. We are destined to someday go without all of that equipment and may need to really on our own abilities. We cannot become too independent on the world and can't take things for granted. That's what we do though, isn't that right? Oh I see. So in the future we might lose one of our senses and tech, or perhaps IT (!), will repay us for it. We will have implants that may allow us to see things, including the world in many various ways which we didn't even know existed. That is a great thing if you thought of it. If we came up with perfect replacements for our senses, then why worry about them disappearing? Well our senses can still be superior to technology. For example, modern tech doesn't really come close to obtaining the level of detail as seen via our visual system. And yet, we record each image several times a second. Compared to modern cameras, that's absolutely remarkable to say the least. Yet over time, technology might come to the point at which we will be able to replace our eyes (for example) with brain implants if we get cancer or something. Oh yeah; what about brain implants? BTW, when will they match video games with the graphics found in solid modeling, such as ray tracing? I don't want to be too optimistic because that's not necessarily fair for video game producers. They try truly difficult things to make graphic enhanced. Just imagine; I mean, solid models can actually look just like a photo. I can't tell the difference, yet there is one in there somewhere. Now. There. Oh no; that was just a flaw in the system!
The World As Another Dimension: The Birthday of Existence
I was thinking about making a present for someone's day someday. What if you started online dating? So make that bday special next time. That day when you get a gf you should put her in a box! Either that. Or have yourself be in it. Actually I were you know like what if you buy yourself a new house, then have her in a box for your bday. Then she comes out and gets surprise of a life. And like I say it could go both ways. So make that bday special next time. You could be opening one from the inside out. The world is a great gift! And it can be thought of as entering a hidden dimension, one that's lush etc. EMEM Obviously it's not about online dating, I was just making that as I went to make it more surprising. It's not garbled messaging so please chillax. And remember what I said: your eyes are the window to our soul WOAH1 I meant to say your eyes are the window to THE sould. That's a big difference. Wow; I can now see in a new light, your eyes are the window to my soul Hehe that's some serious voice inside me head. So please. Be silent so I can listen to them.
An unprecedented shift in thinking
How can we better our senses to sense better? Can we train them to see, feel, hear, other things that we aren't able to? Well, I'm here to propose a dramatic shift in the way we think about reality & the world! Please think comprehensively about these memos, however. If it doesn't start to make enough sense, than I'm severely disappointed and will have to cry. For you'll lack some serious stuff; I'm really afraid practically everyone will act like this. So. One of the ideas of mine is to make art without using visual sense. We could, for example, try drawing something out of feeling. That's practical. We could then train our sense of feeling. So we could theoretically become really good at seeing the world not relying on our eyes. That would be just one of my multiple ideas for the world. I know it doesn't make much sense to common folk. Stay with me. The reason this would work is because people without senses are able to do just that. Another sense can possibly take over, thus allowing us to adapt in surprising ways. Maybe then we can become better scientists. And those who like the paranormal too! These enhanced senses would be wonderful; just imagine being able to sense things that are currently beyond human abilities! Wouldn't that be something? I mean, the people of Taos, New Mexico, for example, can hear a constant buzzing sound. Yet old people's ears are supposed to be inferior to that of young people!!! Just think about what implications this would have for us. We could also become better @ art!? Could this really push our creativity in new ways. We would discover much more about our reality. Let's experiment and use one sense at a time, and see what would happen after a prolonged period. Would we start hearing w/our eyes? Tasting with our ears or nose?! You never know. We could eventually develop some extraordinary abilities. No, really; it's not just about being an average Joe. Maciek Mierzwinski
Climate change 2/17
Know what? I've been wondering if climate change was flawed , what would life be like? Instead of the climate changing like it is right now, how about the global temps were to rise in all regions? What would a world like that be like? i'm just wondering how it would be. My cousin told me that climate change is due to a natural cycle. Well yeah in a way, because on of the main reasons for it= El Nino. Surprisingly it is the trees that emit CO2, ironically because they also absorb Carbon. Yet, once forests are cleared out the decaying plant life won't help, so other plant life therefore can't do its job. It's surprising when it comes to the Amazon; So much fertile land, yet most wouldn't want to mess with it because it could spell disaster for the environment. I bet crops like corn would grow amazingly well down there. And theoretically, a country such as Brazil would one day become an incredibly fertile land. Yet how would the costs of destroying it weigh in? We cannot imagine! We just don't know what ideas people have in store for the future. They are probably sick and twisted, just like many of ours. Destroying the Amazon is twisted, but so is using it for harvesting . And as for keeping it there is also crazy, yet compared to what we want, or many of us do, it is a good kind of crazy...
Tuesday, February 16, 2016
Inspiration Tuesday
I probably won't have time to write again, at least not soon. Anyway, I'd like to write here about my inspiration in art. I'm in class today, which means that I'll get to know some interesting things. Either today or some other time. I've just read tens of pages per chapter for my class. Hmmm; I'm on page 165 or so. And the last of the chapter= page 150. Oh yeah. And I've just read at least twenty pages of this chapter. More on that later. Very recently, I got really inspired just by simply drawing monitors, such as cell phone or camera. Showing something on a camera that should only be visible on say a phone, such as a forecast would be really neat. Then having a cable extend from a void in the camera. Then lightning comes out of the cable. There's a lens nearby that's melting, and producing rain as a result. Another idea is to take a shape, such as I don't know. And then drawing as if it was a planet, with an atmosphere, plants, etc. We can take a square. Maybe an apple. A pineapple? Then draw a mini train with steam cruising through. Actually trains make a scene much better, no matter what scale you draw it in. I was really impressed with the guy who made "large tiny scenes" by using cotton balls and fake trees, against an island backdrop, to simulate a real place in mini size. Those are extremely valuable, as in the thousands. You know who could really use those skills? The mini railroad industry. I don't know if anyone wants my art. But I'd like to see to it just for imagination. I've recently discovered the best ways for how to draw lightning. It's amazing. I can actually use that technique to draw really good patterns of brush around a pond, as well as applying really neat rocky textures! I should post that; I've been wanting to YouTube my drawings. Yet I'm having serious issues with drafting right now as well. It's wonderful! On one hand, I like to share my knowledge, yet the paradoxical thing's that it's essentially a secret at the same time. Well maybe things will go well as they have so far. Noting that the chapter ends @ 200 😡
Monday, February 15, 2016
Weather updatre Feb 16
A warmup coming to the US...AND MUCH MORE!!! The Midwest, including the Great LAkes, will experience temperatures near/around 50 degrees for a "brief" time. (All throughout Friday, that is)! Meanwhile, Wyoming, particularly Pine Bluff (although it could be many areas out west) will be MUCH warmer. It'll be in the sixties perhaps for multiple days. Friday is set to maybe, just maybe break a record; it'll be approaching 70. 60's will last for a little while on Friday, as well as possibly multiple days in Wyoming. So looks like spring is gradually creeping in on the western high plains. And it'll pretty much be there already. Typically, however, it shouldn't be anywhere near 55 this time of month! So, do not despair. For me, I'm not particularly fond about the spring like weather. What's gotten me is that the season will change. And that's an exciting part about any time of year. When an anomaly is set to occur, I'm all about that. I recommend setting up campfires while it's still winter. And later this week, make camp when it'll be warm. Here where I'm at it'll drop down to 39 degrees for the low. So, what'll become of the ice in the great lakes? Only time can tell? There's also a whole bunch of other intriguing news stories to talk about. AUS heat. Supposedly, this heat in the US comes right before a major snowstorm! Climate forecast, according to some, calls for winters to be abnormally cold in the near future. record-heat-dry-california-february-2016. severe-weather-forecast-feb15-feb21. Also, Abnormal warmth in SW, SE Europe. Also, lake-erie-ice-cover-growth-february-2016. Now; Some claim that this winter is abnormally warm, especially NOAA. Well, not quite. The thing is, we've been having some serious cold spells despite prolonged warmth. So those that think it's true because it's on the internet; careful what you take for granted. So, will there be time dilation rumour coming up!?
Alert you friends
New article coming about the Tuesday the 16th!!!! *A bombshell expected to occur* They ought to point Hubble at the Earth, or Webb; even better. That should be their . They ought to use it as the first satellite to send us live video from space as a toast to the launch! Oh yeah mount the cam on their so we can actually record, not just photograph. And those space sounds on that shuttle was pretty strange I'll tell you. Them birds chirpin up there in space from the "dashcam" of the rocket booster. I know there was an explanation for it SOMEWHERE, where did it go!?!!!!!It's like I died before I got to know what that was all about!
A new movie coming out? Songs too!
I predict there will be a great action movie coming out in March. I also predict there will be a neat adventure movie that comes out about the 10th of Apr. There will be a neat song by Drake that comes out about the 10th of Mar. A new song will also come out the 4th of March, sung by B.O.B. At 9:00 pm Taylor Swift releases one don't know what date. stay updated I'll writeBTW NO UPDATING ON MY PART ALLOWED!MY PREDICTIONS STAY TRUE. (YOU won't see that "updated 4th of March stuff you know what I mean). What happens in the future, stays in the future. Got it good.
Saturday, February 13, 2016
On this date May 14, 2016 1:35 ET, time dilation is set to occur. Mark you clocks, cause the gov't is going to play tricks on our minds. I will be doing something, and all of a sudden, "WHAT JUST HAPPENED?" It's a second into the future. That was a few hours though. And we won't even realize it. It'll be like watching a magician make the pres. disappear from office. Just like making social media acceptable again. (when was the last time it was?) That's as likely as me being in Africa @ 3:12 in the morning WAT being struck by a blue bolt of lightning. Gotta love it! Hey, people start new philosophies from getting struck by lightning! It's literally a message from the main. So, what do you think about this event? Please leave a comment below and let me know if it's okay that I declassified a secret. Next thing you I'll be researching ESP and trying to read your mind. Last time this happened I was not a blogger yet.
High school kids vs Viagra
"And one day I realize that these kids look down on Viagra. That was the moment I wanted to run away😎 and tell the principle. Next thing you know, they'll be looklooking down on triptophane!
I'm going to surf some gravity waves!
I'm taking a trip out far away. And when I reach Y! Answers, I'm going to be asked something like: "Why is the moon grey?", "How many stars are there?".
"What's at the end of the cosmos?"
"How long can someone stay asleep?" Oh boy...let the question keep coming, because this is going to be another one of these days when my mind explodes in almost every way you can ponder...
"What's at the end of the cosmos?"
"How long can someone stay asleep?" Oh boy...let the question keep coming, because this is going to be another one of these days when my mind explodes in almost every way you can ponder...
ON THESE DATE MARCH 4, 5,6,7,8,12,13 MAY13, 14,16,17,18,21,22 Take my word for it.
ON THESE DATE MARCH 4, 5,6,7,8,12,13 MAY13, 14,16,17,18,21,22 Take my word for it.
The horrifying truth behind Watermelons
Dumb is a lot like Viagra, yet how are we going to make a product that's the opposite!? I'm only a person for goodness sake. those who tell you otherwise are dumb. Watermelons. What about them? They'll neutralize an aphrodisiac. I love it! That's what we'll need to get us through the day. Freaking thugs of our age those schoolkids! The time I spent in school has seen crazy people & I didn't want to become one of them. When I heard the term Viagra, which always seemed to me like something you take to prevent an embarrassing situation. Well. It's the opposite. Trump: "So why would nobody come out with something that works different, that actually stops embarrassing events from taking place?" I mean WOOOW. I didn't know that when I drank a cup of coffee one night that a few days later I would be looking @ YouTube. I mean, there are things that philosophers are at loss of words for. And don't give me that stuff about I'm not funny because I need to take pill for that! Thanks to a guy named James I'm inspired to spread true info about the world. I also laugh down at those who spread rumors, because they're well, let me just leave that up 2U. Those past High School munchkins don't know scrap about what living a crazy life means. They're making me go daydreaming of demons. And I don't give in to what the demons tell me. Instead, I make a story out of this nonsense we all call life. And we need to learn from it. Stay intrigued, my friends!
When will Trump & Bush settle the score with their grudge? As far as the last few minutes it's gotten freaking ridiculous
Can you answer?
Is there a Viagra antidote? Not that I got a problem (you do) What foods are healthy/ not healthy as according to aphrodite's diet? It's just like the homework question, not the one that serious ones ask, ones asked by trolls that dumb Venus! That's why I'm asking here, not there because it's just not right. ActuallyI think it has to do with blood pressure but I'm no scientist
Friday, February 12, 2016
Why people post thumbs down
Here's why: they're of social media, the haters. And they R really deprived of the privilege of "disliking" then on social media, aren't I right
The high for Mirabel is forecast @ -6!!!!!! That's -21 C It may be quite frigid in the coming week, after which the temp here where I'm at will soar in about 1-2 weeks to the forties for a day, after which is set to fall to 39 the following night! I have several places saved on an ipod to check what it's like around lesser known world areas, such as Barrow Island, Juneau, Minn., Duluth, Eastern, and Jekaterinburg. Mari is a place in Pakistan where it's really warm right now!
How do we see things better throughout the EM spectrum?
Remember my last post in which I though up a camera which could take multi spectral images using very narrow slices of the spectrum? Could we create a camera that is able to could color code each band of wavelengths so as to translate them into a modified color image? For example, we could record one image that's 450-451 nm, 2nd @ 144-144.1nm, and 3rd @ 725-750 nm. Then we would assign a color to each one so it translates differently into our color spectrum. We could create a normal image and overexpose it before we derive a specific spectrum from it, so that the final is properly exposed. Just an idea. And as for the full spectrum camera, I'm also thinking that it could have a feature to allow it to assign an RGB profile to IR, color, and UV. That would be really neat. OR better yet would be if we could isolate multiple, individual slices of the UV, IR, and or visible spectrum. Then we could keep them. We would choose three of them, and assign a color for each so that we could easily see what the results are showing. Interesting, isn't it?! The reason for why I'm thinking about it is that I would love to experiment with this type of technology sometime in the future, maybe even create it myself. I don't know if I mentioned it before, however isolating very limited sections of the EM spectrum can cause some extremely detailed analysis in science and astronomy. And isolating very short wavelengths can help us see microscopic things in greater detail. Even though it would help with refraction, it wouldn't help with diffraction (did I get that right!?). Sometimes I just don't know what I'm thinking about. I'm just trying to make sense on stuff based off what I know. We don't see a wide enough spectrum. However, we also have a limit as to how much tones we can see, or just how many slices of color we can resolve. It's like this: we don't see things that are too far. Yet we also can't see things that are too small. And what can we possibly know in the future through my ideas... Stay intrigued, my friends!
Tuesday, February 9, 2016
Frigid temperatures on the "rise" soon in Michigan, and other areas
The weather forecasts for Some places look grim on Saturday this week. Last time I checked the local forecast high temp was supposed to drop all of the way to 10 degrees or less. And perhaps the coldest town in Michigan will be Marine City, which when I checked yesterday was supposed to have a high of 7 degrees Fahrenheit. Wow... I just never get it. Never gets old. I mean, this is frigid compared to average. A couple of years ago we got it nearly that frigid most days of January. But this winter is nowhere NEAR as cold as that winter. Duluth will drop down to 7 as their high as well. Meanwhile...highs in the subzero range are extremely likely in Canada. Look up Mirabel. High=-2!!!! Well when will I get to go to the cold lands of this Earth, or else the arctic blast needs to come over here.
Just something I'm starting to notice...
There's something that I'm starting to notice as a result of studying the daily weather worldwide; a short term trend in a way. I am yet to post the world winds. The areas with the least amount of wind are also the coldest and warmest areas on Earth. Movement of air, or wind, is causing the surface temperatures to mix. As a result of this, the temps are relatively hot in extreme northern Siberia as opposed to Southern Russia. Also this is likely a major influence on the (relatively) warm Eurasia compared to Eastern Russia. So, while it's true that it's the bodies of water that moderate's also the mixture of air. This prohibits cold air from settling in some areas. Meanwhile warm air mixes with cold air when wind prevails. And eventually over time, this could, albeit theoretically lead to equilibrium. And one thing I haven't included is that the wind is usually stronger over water. The verdict would then be, that based on my recently observed conditions, the wind and temperature seem to be correlated. This is not surprising. However, it is something that I find truly neat because it shows that I can still learn some from these maps. It is, perhaps, something that we shouldn't overlook when studying climate. Low pressure=wind
Monday, February 8, 2016
Did something happen today?!!!!
Did something happen today?!!!!I had predicted something would happen today that would make the news. Today someone decided to take a cruise ship through winter storm Kayla!!! Anything else well yea. (Not in America..!)Something else happened. here's a hint: new year...the next date which I think something will occur is on the
13th 14th, 16th, 18th, 22nd, and 21st, of May
April 14, 6, 8, 10, 11, 12 &13
February 9, 10, & 13 these will be significant dates*
13th 14th, 16th, 18th, 22nd, and 21st, of May
April 14, 6, 8, 10, 11, 12 &13
February 9, 10, & 13 these will be significant dates*
Saturday, February 6, 2016
Why I don't want a natural disaster during the 23rd
It's been a pleasure. It really is, to write these things and then discuss them on social media with a friend. So, I wish nothing catastrophic happens to us on the 8th, or else we won't be able to see the signs that happen later. You know, we could also die on say, the 23rd of Feb 2016, and then we'd have a problem. Because any signs that were set to occur after that day we would not be able to observe. Signs that could signal a coming, or something really great upon this world. No, really. I'm putting all jokes aside although yeah I know, it's funny nonetheless. I'm afraid that doesn't make sense, however. And that's exactly what breaks my heart.
The reality of ET
ET could very well be invisible. How? Well there could be another dimension after all. I mean, we have some pretty impressive tech, although that's not to say there is someone else out there who has it even better than us. "They", those from far away, could very well be hiding from our tech. It's not as far fetched as one would probably think. Suppose that ETs are actually small. They could easily hide given that they had some unique abilities, such as teleporting or just becoming invisible. The skeptics will try to persuade us that the paranormal, doesn't exist. Yet the problem with all of this, our society, is that we are too smart. As a result, we don't want a wonderful world. We must therefore lust for the world to be explained by rational means. And I can't tolerate it. We are not kids. The world is mysterious, yet that's how it should be. That summarizes my thoughts about the paranormal. I juts cannot imagine a world in which there is no wonder left here. Where nothing mysterious can hide. It's a very dangerous notion as the way I would describe it. The fact that I won't be able to discuss paranormal/unexplained events with others because we are becoming gradually less open minded. However, the fact that there are so many people denying the mysterious of our world, well the reason I find it dangerous is because it has to do with plain old denial. And I view it as these days we are coming under ever more pressure to think the same way as others. That things like ghosts, UFOs, or what have you, is kid's play. Why can't I think what I want? Besides, the way I think of all of this denial is such that it may all be being used as a test. And those of us who are still open minded, which I'm guessing is a minority of people, here's a message. It's important to not be swayed into giving in to the notion that ghosts, aliens, etc. are childish idea. Well guess what!? I don't give what they say. If you pass this test, then it means you will be one of the true open minded folks. And you need to prove yourself in this world. Prove to everyone that you won't give in. It's akin to say, a friendship. You wouldn't want to lose afriend, would you? Well you could if you don't believe in them. Does this only have to apply to people though? If you stop believing in the supernatural, swayed by others, then you will lose touch with the supernatural. And if many people stop believing it, then it will start slowly disappearing into the world. And all supernatural events will start ceasing to exist, no longer fueled by our imaginations. And who knows? The imagination might as well be projecting into reality without us knowing about it! This may not make sense to all of us right now, however, it makes perfect sense to me! We just all decide to "tune out" the things we don't want to hear about this world. And then they all go away. Why? I really liked those experiences, and then everybody had to oust them out of this world. It used to be so wonderful...
Can you explain?
Can you answer this question? How do I get a permit to camp out? Sometime in the future, I don't know when yet, I'd like to get a permit. Maybe August 6, 2066. I'd like to be able to camp out at the Devil's Graveyards. Probably not on this world, let's say though that I become reincarnated into another life. Can anyone plz help me do so, or is everybody ignorant? Next false flag: The Egyptians, if alive today, would be talking with the dead; Here's something that's true: the rumors of a Korean rocket or another "catastrophe", such as one in the middle east, will actually "disrupt" us from the real issues. So much instability in the world & for goodness sake I don't know when the next president candidate will be able to solve these issues efficiently.
Now, I don't want to go off topic, however...
Now, I don't want to go off topic, however...
The night I witnessed a premonition 😯
I remember that day, when I had a dream that came true the next morning! I rarely remember my dreams. However there's one in particular that I had & it was the strangest. I was in a plane and although I was in the back... Once I had started to wonder where we were headed I would start seeing in front of the plane as if I was watching GoPro footage with the GoPro on the nose of the plane. Soon I saw us approach a mountain. There was some commotion and I'm not sure if the plane crashed because the time I awoke we were skimming pretty close. I went to sleep again only to find myself flying again and we were landing. That morning I heard about 2 planes on the news. One of them landed dangerously while another had a close call with a volcano. Sorry guys, That I wasn't able to notify anybody that morning. Oh well, things like that tend to happen eh? At least they didn't collide! And I don't know if you get sense of this last joke, it's really epic but I guess it's just going to end with a big sigh (depressing) So... were I to notify someone that morning... would that make a difference!? WOULD THEY HAVE CRASHED THAT MORNING???!!! Just thinking about it can make your head spin 😵
What is our purpose in the world?
I was wandering this world through my mind. I was wondering if there's a purpose to our existence. What I came up with is that it's important to be existent, to be imaginative. There is nothing more precious than having a broad imagination. That will help you a little bit through life. Something that I know about life is that everything competes with itself in your mind. There are just so many things you want to be good at: science, biology, math, etc. etc. So, this is just why life is extremely difficult to understand fully. We want to know everything, or at least mostly everything I suppose. At least that's how it is with me. Scientists need to compete with mathematicians, and astronomers with philosophers, and so it goes on and on. We are dumb. Yet one thing is sure. That is, we need to have a "flexible" or expansive mind. And we must be creative and innovative, as well as inspirational, etc. etc. We need to have thoughts and imaginations that are very diverse. We need to think out of the box, and quit thinking about how most everyone thinks. There are more possibilities in this life than you might think in order to make a living. You don't necessarily need to get up every morning to go to work, or to school. (Well, you may have to) Yet that's what many of us are taught to live. One of the exceptions is those who live primitive. They don't have to worry too much about things as we do. I mean, a job is not something that's really bad. However, you should think about this: how much free time do you have in your life? How are you balancing or managing work with other things? I bet this is how it is in various places, either in the world or in individual towns in the US or wherever. People's lives differ because they don't all have the same amount of time on their hands. It has been said that, supposedly, if you look at some places of Europe such as I don't know, France?, those people have more time away from their work. They have more opportunities to get out. Well, alright. I know one thing for real is that some Europeans have a LOT of time in their life to get away from home and explore. They just have pretty neat lives in general. However, I would not care to live there right now, because America is a really neat place where some things are just better. With enough effort, you can probably live a better life than what you could in Europe. If I went to Europe I would personally most like to live in Scandinavia. Anyways this is just abstract thinking so don't expect too much from this yada yada yada.
A russian hacker calls in
I really wish I could get some texting and get some from others. Life is just not that exciting without telelmarketers or elite hackers trying to contact me. I've never gotten contact from anyone suspicious😩 or any hackers. I need to start playing with other people's minds. After all I really want to get a foreign call such as that from a Mr. Blagoyavich. After all it was the cold war that tried to teach some Russian into my family members and those of us who are lucky enough to know how to speak Russian should start calling. I mean, it's not like calling me is a game of roulette. It's just like playing the lottery. If one of them is lucky I will be on the receiving end of a crazy Russian hacker. Then I could tell them something like, I don't know, "Mnet czem sabaka" or "Dobre chleb. Sabaki" I wish I would learn indian so that I can speak to them. My favorite phrase is one in German. It goes, "Munchausen bilden de drei zwein"😵
Summing things up!
To sum things up; BE YOURSELF and don't worry. Because things might just improve. Will they?! Please comment. Verdict?
Let's live for the moment. After all, we have nothing to show 4 climate change, at least we can wish for the future 2 differ from this...this is the most extreme climatic season on Earth. Winter in the Northern hemisphere. Isn't it just great?!
So, be yourself, live 4 the moment, wish for a better future, and last (not least) comment below
Mexico October 2015!? Looking back at the time a rainforest turns lifeless overnight
That's right. Trees have lost all of their leaves where?! First of all, leaves aren't supposed to all fall During late October. Even in the northern areas of North America the trees don't turn "lifeless" until like November. Yet this is exactly what happened in Mexico during autumn. In fact, the leaves in Mexico didn't even start to change colors before they suddenly all disappeared overnight. Don't think this is possible? Well this happened after Hurricane Patricia, which was one incredibly rapid storm. Just watch this gif that goes to show something going from that of a rainforest, to that of a wasteland:
Friday, February 5, 2016
The Tsunami ghosts
These are the alleged ghosts of those who have died in the tsunami in Japan.
The Story About the Muslim who tried to get across from Germany
Today I heard something so funny. I was listening to what my parents were watching, which was some news from Europe. They were talking about an immigrant that tried crossing over between the Rhine River from Germany. A polish guard tried to talk to him. I wish I could explain how the news reporter spoke. "O em from Isees" Or was it the guard? Either way that's really funny.
A hilarious story...
I've read something recently that was extremely funny to me at least. I haven't really gotten to laugh much for a while. Anyhow someone was asking what temp you need for a fusion reaction to occur. And someone told him about, well, take a look at this link
Thursday, February 4, 2016
A new video I've been working on
I'm currently working on a video in which I'm using multiple videos to comvine together. I wanted to include some coffee in it to match the topic. It will be a time lapse of me writing as well one of me hitching a ride across the desert. It sounds like fantasy, that's just how it is
What Life Can Teach About Being Yourself; A Movie By The Name Of "Life"
A dynamic person is flexible. While a flexible person is, well... dynamic. My intuition tries to point to this: "Just be yourself. It doesn't matter what those others think. To me, it doesn't matter, because what they all think is just dumb. I don't want to be like everybody else the whole time. And I don't care how big the majority is, or how small a minority I belong to. I will never give in." What does this mean? Well, just like an actor tries not to laugh on stage, I really strive not to write nonsense when I'm trying to write seriously. No, really! Yet the mind somehow want to stray away from the mainstream knowledge. You know, the fact that we all think seriously about things. There is little time for fun. There is virtually no time for humor such as that when a troll starts taking on the critics. Life. That's the one things that's produced by well... you. Directed by you. Filmed by you. "Stage production" by others. Make it you own movie. The critics are always throwing tomatoes so to say... and sometimes they're just being dumb. however... just be yourself!
Off topic Feb 4
It's February fourth, 2016! Yes, you're reading this in "the future". Anyhow, since it is this exact day, it means I will go and write off topic.
One day I was watching the moon. Then I thought to myself, why can't we someday live somewhere away from our solar system, where we might not even have moon? Or, instead of having a typical moon, we had something like Earth nearby, and we would live on it's moon. Although it would perhaps be far larger in apparent size by a pretty good factor than the moon is in our sky. Then we would have somewhat satisfactory views of what's happening down there. We would see a change of seasons. We might even see the entire globe change and become white, after which it would start changing again. A year later, it would turn green. Wait, another Earth might have seasons that last a month? Week? few years!? That would be pretty cool wouldn't it? I mean, imagine that. I might not even return to the other Earth, given how neat it would be up there. I could observe "Earth" from a telescope and see how things work, changes, and the really neat things that, well, you might see with a phenomenally powerful lunar telescope pointed at Earth. I mean, think about that. Google or Yahoo maps will only give you SOME data. Yet with a telescope you could even observe a world in real time. And there would be no glitches to worry about as you're scanning the satellite data. Think about if you had your friends living on that Earthlike planet. You could actually observe what they're doing. And then you'd realize, they're not really going anywhere. That's right. And everything down there is tiny, and moves incredibly slow. We know so much about the world, and the universe, don
t we? It's like the ants that are trying to figure out functions of trig. They won't ever do it. Like the animals that are trying to talk to people; have you ever seen that!? That is a great analogy that just goes to show how dumb we all are. There are definit limits to our understanding, that's for sure.
One day I was watching the moon. Then I thought to myself, why can't we someday live somewhere away from our solar system, where we might not even have moon? Or, instead of having a typical moon, we had something like Earth nearby, and we would live on it's moon. Although it would perhaps be far larger in apparent size by a pretty good factor than the moon is in our sky. Then we would have somewhat satisfactory views of what's happening down there. We would see a change of seasons. We might even see the entire globe change and become white, after which it would start changing again. A year later, it would turn green. Wait, another Earth might have seasons that last a month? Week? few years!? That would be pretty cool wouldn't it? I mean, imagine that. I might not even return to the other Earth, given how neat it would be up there. I could observe "Earth" from a telescope and see how things work, changes, and the really neat things that, well, you might see with a phenomenally powerful lunar telescope pointed at Earth. I mean, think about that. Google or Yahoo maps will only give you SOME data. Yet with a telescope you could even observe a world in real time. And there would be no glitches to worry about as you're scanning the satellite data. Think about if you had your friends living on that Earthlike planet. You could actually observe what they're doing. And then you'd realize, they're not really going anywhere. That's right. And everything down there is tiny, and moves incredibly slow. We know so much about the world, and the universe, don
t we? It's like the ants that are trying to figure out functions of trig. They won't ever do it. Like the animals that are trying to talk to people; have you ever seen that!? That is a great analogy that just goes to show how dumb we all are. There are definit limits to our understanding, that's for sure.
A world of life
Then I came back to my home in Michigan. It was a nice little town located south of Lansing. I was stationed at an Alamand, watching a horse gallop down the hills. It had green spots on it. The horse's size depended on it's speed. How about a world that was full of life; what would that be like!? Let's put it this way; what if the world itself was alive!?
One day I would see cars travelling at different speeds. When they reached 60 mph, they were approx. one half their size at 30 mph. And when they slowed down, they would rapidly increase in size dramatically. And it they came to a sudden stop, that's when they would "explode" in size. Once they started, they decreased in size. There were some large mushrooms growing around a house. These were about five feet tall, and one could notice them growing by just observing them for a while. No need to wait till the next day or whenever. The car manufactures were forced to improve their production because when large people would ride them, they would contract and start to become mangled. They then needed to use different designs. The cars themselves would simply not resist the stresses by people. Unfortunately, something that happens in the real world is that we are all like artists. In the sense that we are very conscious of how our cars look. A minor dent and we go haywire over how ugly it looks. Anyhow...
One day I would see cars travelling at different speeds. When they reached 60 mph, they were approx. one half their size at 30 mph. And when they slowed down, they would rapidly increase in size dramatically. And it they came to a sudden stop, that's when they would "explode" in size. Once they started, they decreased in size. There were some large mushrooms growing around a house. These were about five feet tall, and one could notice them growing by just observing them for a while. No need to wait till the next day or whenever. The car manufactures were forced to improve their production because when large people would ride them, they would contract and start to become mangled. They then needed to use different designs. The cars themselves would simply not resist the stresses by people. Unfortunately, something that happens in the real world is that we are all like artists. In the sense that we are very conscious of how our cars look. A minor dent and we go haywire over how ugly it looks. Anyhow...
Off topic Feb 3rd
In a land of Der Winkl, I wandered through my mind's complex imagination. It is now Feb of 2016. We are now in the future. I don't know what to write here. I'd like to be someone. I don't know who though. Maybe an astronomer. Scientist? Physicist? Engineer? Artist? Videographer? Producer? Actor? There are so many choices that I seriously cannot decide what I'd like to do in life. I've just chosen a path for now, and am sticking with it. I want to earn something of a living. However, I don't want to be someone who hates what he's doing. And on one hand, I want to do something that is interesting; I want to have time for hobbies when I get to "be myself". And I have this time as long as I'm young I can practice skills that I find interesting. However, how easy is that once you start working? You have to pay attention to one thing at a time. Yeah. That's based off of something I've heard. I do have somewhat of a plan, however; I'd like to become, well, maybe a designer, for instance. I'd prefer being a car designer or something of that nature. I'm passionate about designing things, learning CAD, 3d printing, etc. It's not as tragic of an idea as it may sound. Initially, it seems as though engineering & art don't go together AT ALL. Well, they don't really go together unless you really put some creativity into the mind. And then there may be some chances for me to collaborate my artistic interests with designing. How I could do that is anyone's guess. It's just something mind boggling to me. 3d modeling using CAD is just not the same as being a graphic designer, for example. I mean, being a graphic designer, you can create almost anything you'd like. You're imagination and expression is vastly expanded. However, in CAD, you juts don't have that option! I wouldnt' say one thing, or interest is better than the other. I find both as really fascinating. 3d design is, literally, part of a modern age renaissance.
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