Friday, July 29, 2016
Is it starting to get warmer in Siberia?!
A new article has recently come out, regarding the recent warm trend in Eastern Russia
Friday, July 22, 2016
Mean People...
I remember the day, when, I wandered to the skate park. That was really astounding, the way I was treated. Yelling at me, simply because I did not answer a question as they wanted... I won't mention any names, however, one of the people there started approaching me, yelling something like "get the (expletive) out of here". That by itself, was not that much of a problem for me. However, in this instance, the person yelling at me was not the only problem. You see, when I was yelled at, that's when an extremely negative voice spoke to me. And you know what it told me? That I had to go away. It had took away my confidence to go against the anger of the people at the skate park that day. Although that was really unfortunate, I learned to go against the evil voices that give me negative advice. It's an ongoing conflict, not just about my's also about everyone else. We must stand against the hate posed by other people. I never forget what happens in life, you know? Just ignore people... and don't go against the minority. Instead, go against what you think is wrong, no matter how large the majority is. My philosophy, is that the majority, if it is wrong, is wrong no matter what. They are too pent up, and if the majority conveys a negative message, then they form the greatest illusion of all; that they will overcome you. You must never give in.
Thursday, July 21, 2016
Freedom From Everything
I don't know why people get so emotional over everyday life. After all, we are phenomenally influenced by emotions...and yet, we don't really have a sense of emotions whatsoever. We don't get out much as people of the Earth. We are only nearby, in our local area, in terms of emotions, as well as what we are capable of. Well... I have learned to like the local lands, known as southern central Michigan. Therefore, I no longer seek out anything greater. I have also obtained freedom of worry, which is difficult to escape in today's world.
Our government has turned off the system!
As I have mentioned, severe weather has been significantly below average over three or more years.
Wednesday, July 20, 2016
Elevation...the least understood "realm"?!
We know that, while we are stuck really low near sea level, humidity can often keep us cozy at night, and increase temperature perception unfavorably, as well as keep temperatures slightly less warm during the daytime. This is known as heat index. And then, during the colder months, at least in some world areas, we must deal with the other opposite of the spectrum, or the other evil, one that is known most infamously as wind chill. And it's extremely terrible. Essentially, the slightest amount of wind chill can be like a small dose of arsenic when it has to do with your emotional well being. I know this first hand, such as when it's subzero here in Michigan, and the wind gusts bring the wind chill down to about -25 degrees, or colder. Personally, I have always wanted to get accustomed to all of these extreme changes, However, there is another deadly force out there, and when thinking about the weather, we just about never think about it. So, what is this other force?It's called elevation. 70 degrees might seem warm to some, or cold, depending on where you are from. However, can you guess how 70 degrees degrees would feel like at say, 20,000 feet?! In this situation, were you to ascend up at a linear rate, starting from sea level and (hypothetically) not only would the temperature at the destination remain the same as your origin (sea level)... wind and humidity would be the same as well. So, I must ask... "what is the answer here?!" Things such as oxygen levels or well being are not important; everything is a distraction! And now that we have thought about this, or at least considered this very intriguing topic, then I cannot help, except to wonder...what in the world...are we going to do on Mars, where simply standing on the surface is akin to at least 100,000 feet up in Earth's atmosphere. Well, unless of course...we have space suits! (Watch as bacteria mutate and become resistant to these factors?!) Will we marvel at the fact that bacteria will change color?! Or will we man up, and become more resilient, just like them? In other words, what we should make other environments, our home. If I go anywhere in the world, I expect that it would be the same as any other place. For instance, a super quick trip to the peak of Everest, or to the edge of space without any special clothes...should be no more than a storm front sweeping across. I could stand emotional fatigue, yet those kinds of limits (that we set upon ourselves here on our highly protected oasis, will certainly cause physical damage. These limits should, some day, become nonexistent, so that we can be less at risk for anything that might come our way.
Monday, July 18, 2016
Our cold Earth: It can be HOW COLD AT THE EQUATOR ?!
Subzero at the equator
First of all, the coldest temperature on record is in the range of -100 to -120 Fahrenheit. Given that mountains reduce temperature by an average of approximately 6.2 degrees every 1000 feet of elevation, some regions of the Earth are incredibly cold. At 19,341 ft, Mt. Kilimanjaro is the highest elevation in Africa. It has snow year round, albeit not necessarily during the daylight hours. From what I've heard from an expedition, the temperature here was once recorded at an astonishing -20 degrees Celsius. That is equal to an astonishing...-4 fahrenheit! Now. Kilimanjaro is 5 miles away from the equator.
First of all, the coldest temperature on record is in the range of -100 to -120 Fahrenheit. Given that mountains reduce temperature by an average of approximately 6.2 degrees every 1000 feet of elevation, some regions of the Earth are incredibly cold. At 19,341 ft, Mt. Kilimanjaro is the highest elevation in Africa. It has snow year round, albeit not necessarily during the daylight hours. From what I've heard from an expedition, the temperature here was once recorded at an astonishing -20 degrees Celsius. That is equal to an astonishing...-4 fahrenheit! Now. Kilimanjaro is 5 miles away from the equator.
What is interesting about this year ... It's been snowy in the mountains this month! last year, snow has invaded Colorado... on the 24th of July! meanwhile, it's been snowing in Hawaii!
Wednesday, July 13, 2016
Tuesday, July 12, 2016
Warmest summer ever impending
The warmest summer ever recorded is impending More about this phenomenon next
Monday, July 11, 2016
My predictions about NATO are coming true!
Welcome To "The Most Mysterious Phenomena I've Ever Experienced"
- I have had incredibly perplexing predictions over the past few weeks, not just about something as general as "there will be a political issue", also about something much more specific, such as (for example), "A singer collapsing at a concert"! Also, I have predicted, in advance, that Minnesota & Texas would make the news the day before it actually did. I have written profusely that there would be a controversy, a day before various controversies began, including the Cuoco's dogs, Flag Mistreatment, etc. And I have even hinted, that the next major controversy, would have to do with "black and white"! Before Aerosmith's singer collapsed on stage, I indicated, with an asterisk, that something would happen at a concert! I have indicated, a day in advance, that New Zealand would make headlines. Yes, it did! And I have proved it all along, you can read some of the most recent posts here
Friday, July 8, 2016
The Paranormal Cannot Be Proven. Here's Why...
For example, at 9 am, you start thinking about a local car crash. You think that this is a premonition; so you write about it on a blog at 6 pm. Then you hear the news, and there was a crash however, you despair because the crash happened at 5 pm. Now, you can't prove that there was a premonition, can you?!
Premonitions Coming True!!!!!!!!!
Premonitions are coming true, on my other blog posts! I am a modern day fortune teller/psychic, right? All of these blo posts, have been written about a day apart, and have proven to foretell the immediate future "before the fact"
Something to keep note of...remember that amazing premonition that I made at least a year ago, about the vikings in Canada? I will send you that info once I find it. You HAVE to read this. This is not coincidence kind of garbage
Something to keep note of...remember that amazing premonition that I made at least a year ago, about the vikings in Canada? I will send you that info once I find it. You HAVE to read this. This is not coincidence kind of garbage
Tuesday, July 5, 2016
The State Of Society, How To Respond To Enticing Thoughts?
I often receive what I call "voices in my head" LOL! You cannot deny that, there is more to all of this life as coincidence, as well as pure insanity. Our thoughts are essentially pollutants, or the white noise that disrupts what is most important. More likely than not, much of what "something tells you" (the mind), is pure nonsense, and that is simply the way to make sense out of many abundant, and random thoughts. So, here's some advice...Personally, I decide to not listen to much of anything that I think about. Because much of the thoughts that I think about, are essentially trying to create a world that everyone will think of as impractical. So I can't help except to ask a question for the readers: How much longer will I keep listening to you? Or is it supposed to be this way, should I go along with the world's views about everything, even if (theoretically speaking) I am the only person left on Earth who thinks otherwise? Let's change this around and talk about you now. Are you supposed to follow this logic as well?The answer might surprise you. Because no matter how small of a minority you are, you might just end up better not thinking the same as everybody else. Have your own say. Do not simply be that person who succumbs to a vast majority, and is forced to surrender. Because surrender is not a real option, whether it has to do with philosophy, or whether it involves issues which are totally different, such as war.
The Current State Of Society
The same can also be said about emotions. Because people everywhere, at least these days, are currently in the midst of extreme influence of emotions.Why is this a bad thing?
Emotions are silent. However, they are the worst enemy that you could ever ask for. In my personal opinion...emotions are often much worse than they are helpful. Often times, they practically only shorten our life.
Getting back on topic
Let's talk some more about thoughts again. You know why!? Another reason for why I ignore much of what I think about is that, thoughts can be enticing, and don't simply assume that in saying this, I am thinking purely about a particular topic; No, every kind of thought can be enticing. Essentially, there is a voice in your head. And it is making you think about stuff in an enticing way. And that would be ohh...90 percent of the time?! However, I would personally say, for the sake of getting a message across...that this is not a legit reason for despair. And now you know why. Society would like to make you think, that emotion is the cure-all narcotic of choice. Isn't that just wonderful?!
Question For People In General
Can you explain everything as a coincidence...or are there premonitions?! MY premonition for the following days is coming!
I had a Premonition...And It Comes True Today?
Now, please read this...
LHC Discovers New Particles
New particles have just been discovered by scientists!
Monday, July 4, 2016
A World Without Strangers
Time is practically nonexistent. Yet the emotions that society has here, (such as ignorance and sadness), on our tiny little world, are the most dangerous threat for me personally, as they have far too much influence on the average person, who will try to react when under the influence of emotion. If I could really talk what was in my mind out loud, then this world would be totally different. It would be as if we're all under the influence of magic mushrooms. Sure, that would be great...however, you see, the problem here is that all of you people are too critical. And you know, maybe this would be an overstatement of some sorts...however...many people simply do not seem like family. They seem like strangers. And yet you try to understand people, and then it's like...where have I been this whole time?
Thought Of The Moment #2: controversial
Congrats! Romance in life could never possibly be greater than our forsaken, and precious, controversial wisdom! So please talk to me...controversial!
Thought Of The Moment #1
Did you get your artificial sweeteners, substrates, colors, additives/derivatives today?
Saturday, July 2, 2016
Friday, July 1, 2016
Technologically, we are really great. However...
Technologically, we are really great. However, morally we are nowhere near acceptable. And don't give me that utter nonsense that "We are really advanced about our mentality". Yeah, we kind of are, however, I would need to disagree about much of that because although we are great at being great thinkers, we are just about always near minded. What I'm trying to say to everyone of you, is that we are limiting ourselves to the extreme. We could currently be thousands of years ahead about how we think, because we simply do not care about exploring other ways of thought. Math, science, etc. are really helpful. However, we need to greatly expand our mindful capabilities to explore the world that is far more interesting, such as being able to foretell the future. We are extremely weak in that area, aren't I right?
Do Not Assume!
All of you kids, who assume that the end of the world is coming, and that afterwards, there will be a place for bad people in the afterlife, all of you that like to think this way, are just kids, just like the atheists. You are all kids. You don't care to think about what really matters. Instead, you are distracted by news of everyday life that is nonsense. You don't care to think outside the box, do you?
Take Over The World
Can you please do me a favor. No, seriously. First of all, "The snow will come, and I will walk across the arctic, as if it was summer in the tropics. And the air pressure will increase to hundreds of times that of Earth pressure. Then, a flash will be seen across the sky, and the air pressure will become a vacuum. And still, I won't even notice these changes. Then, it will get as hot as possible, and still, I will not suffer. Then meteors will come tumbling back down to Earth, and I will now be in the midst of extreme explosions. The ground will be essentially full of sharp rocks, and yet I will not suffer. Then a foreign power will start to throw the most potent acid overboard and there will be no effect. I will not be affected by any amount of radiation, poison, or any disease." I will fall into burning ground, and will come out unscathed. I will not be affected by cancer. In other words, it's time to take over the world." (We are all kids because we don't have such thoughts)
PREMONITION: July 2nd, 2016
Keywords for future event during: 7/2/2016 include: Power outage (Europe &/or Asia), controversy (America), Meteor (unknown,), Political Mistake (America), Scary Sound (Arctic/Scnadinavia), Storm Clouds (Eastern US), ------Certainty?, on a scale of 1 to 100, 10 to 15 for tomorrow, then 60 to 75 is for next week that all of these keywords will relate to next week's future events------------------
World Areas To Watch for tomorrow for possible development include Canada, New Zealand, Scandinavia, Paraguay, Iran, Arabia. Dangerous Winds in Europe, and Africa...scary situation will occur in Africa next week, and major natural events in South America (might include a meteor!!!!);extrasensory perception is not a myth; I always think about my sister right before she arrives without any prior knowledge.
World Areas To Watch for tomorrow for possible development include Canada, New Zealand, Scandinavia, Paraguay, Iran, Arabia. Dangerous Winds in Europe, and Africa...scary situation will occur in Africa next week, and major natural events in South America (might include a meteor!!!!);extrasensory perception is not a myth; I always think about my sister right before she arrives without any prior knowledge.
Foretelling What Will Occur This Year. (Participation Needed) me with trying to forecast future events. I need to gather information so that we can have positive criticism so that I can analyze the frequencies at which these energies flow throughout our world. I need to learn which frequencies are more reliable and which information is actually true.
Premonition for July 2nd, 2016
Please participate in helping me gather information about the future. Then I will be able to retrieve key words about future events tomorrow.
PREMONITION For July 5th and 1, 2016
I am currently training mental ability to gain premonition foretelling ability using extrasensory perception to analyze energy across the Earth. "The future influences the past". So...These are vague details about the near future within the coming week. This will tell us whether or not I can currently predict anything.
POWER OUTAGE (WHERE?), environmental pollution, keyword= purple & concert
POWER OUTAGE (WHERE?), environmental pollution, keyword= purple & concert
SCIENTIFIC DISCOVERY VS POWER OUTAGE; Great, now you know what I am predicting using premonition skills. If this proves false, then we will need to start at zero and train for extrasensory perception even further. We just need to tune in to the right frequency
Unexplained Phenomena Update (Phenomena Explained?!)
A new study by NASA is out now to discover just why the amount of noctilucent clouds in Earth's atmosphere has increased. I have written about this before, saying that these clouds have been witnessed ever since the eruption of Krakatoa.
Fact Or Fiction:Possible Upcoming Solar Minimum To Bring Significant Global Cooldown...? about global cooling? The Earth cannot cool significantly, unless the culprit is a major volcanic eruption. The notion that the Earth is getting progressively colder on Earth is a pretty interesting idea. However, there is not as much truth to this as many people might think. The notion that there are more cold events on Earth, is much like the notion that, over recent years, the world has had a deluge of storms. So what is the problem with all of this? You see, over recent years, reporting has been more common, especially because people think more about climate changing. We need to wake up. We are acting like little kids all of the time.
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