Friday, April 29, 2016

The Elusive Mist That Likes To Float It's Way Around The Earth...

What is it? It's composed of something; like powder. As it descends, each airborne particle gets smaller, until eventually, the mist disappears...into another dimension. That's when one realizes, to all of our astonishment...that there is a supernatural world lurking all around us, right before our eyes. But wait. Did the particles each get smaller, or is that the mist vaporizes?! Sorry to tell you this; however, we DON'T KNOW! All of our explanations that "roam" these lands...PSSSH. Can't say that what I'm writing is false info. I'm not a fortune teller for goodness sake, and neither are you (at least not if your too rational a thinker. It was something I've witnessed myself; a mist that seemed to not just vaporize...yet it was composed of spheres, or particles, which would decrease in size so much so that it's not as though each one divided into it's smaller constituents. Instead, it was that each of the particles shrunk. Imagine an atom say, 23 nm across, get smaller without  becoming less of what it was. Or, how about it gets larger? There is another dimension out there somewhere, is there not?! Because of that, I have been puzzled ever since. What I suspect is that this exact type of phenomena occurs on an extremely specific time/date of the year, however, the time of this occurence is mysterious, as I don't think you and I know how to figure out the day it happens. However, if there is one thing that I know for sure, it is that if you and I are thinking too rationally, or in other words if we are not as attuned to the supernatural, we won't have a chance into unlocking the secrets; The secrets of how this mysterious universe works for us. This I know as fact, that it is the rational thinkers that will drag us away from truth. Because for me, it simply that the supernatural does not exist, it is only the rational world, devoid of things such as ghosts, or unexplained mysteries. So please, let's wish for a more wonderful world, per say. Because I know what I witnessed was most definitely not something insane such as a mental issue or migraine. Where will this mist appear again?! Just remember that if nobody at all is there to witness it, it will not happen. And again, stay attuned to the vibrations that come from the Earth. They will give you the frequency needed to resonate with the environment. One that's not likely not directly experienced by most all people of this Earth which we inhabit.

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