Wednesday, June 29, 2016
This year marks the 200th anniversary of the coldest summer on record, the year without summer that is
Tuesday, June 28, 2016
Be Oblivious, My Friend
Be Oblivious, my friend. Do not be a prisoner of ignorance. Instead, be oblivious to all of the insane people who decide to be ignorant. Because ignorance, my friend, should be wiped off of the face of the Earth. REMEMBER THIS...DO NOT TOLERATE IGNORANCE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
The Best Place In The World... in America. The name of this place is Michigan. And it should become a nation
Unfortunately... of those countries is, America...I'm out of here! It's not even funny, and I am literally sick to my stomach
I have premonitions, my friends. Unfortunately, I am still awaiting, for when I get a premonition about finding a girlfriend with colorful hair. Because colored people, right?!
I dream of a world where there is no more evil. Where people don't even mention the word, evil. Therefore, there will be no more god forsaken advertisements on this god forsaken world. In other words, why the **** do we never grow up?! We have, and still behave, as if we were still little children. We keep mentioning evil, and there is still evil in our world. Why would you go in public and say to not go and watch a movie that's offensive and not right? Yes, that might deter people away from watching the movie. Why in the world, (tell me why please) would you mention the movie in the first place? This is absolutely cause for despair. We don't necessarily despair. Instead, we choose to be ignorant. However, there is despair everywhere, and we only pretend that it's not there, ruining our lives. No religion is perfect, however, I cannot believe that any religion is acceptable. It is all ultimately a fallacy. Freedom of speech is evil, and we only think about the good things in life. We are wasting our god forsaken time on this god forsaken world. Everyone's wrong, no matter who you are.
Monday, June 27, 2016
The World Should Have These Essential Rules
A dream is not a dream, unless it's realized. In fact, I dream about a world...and it's a world in which everyone's the vegetarian. And there are no more buildings, and I don't like normal people. In fact, I would travel across the world, never settling in one place, not even for a moment. If there is even a hint of immorality in this world, it will practically be decimated. There will be no more evil. Why? Because evil will not be talked about any more, therefore it will not be advertised. I will travel to Australia, South Africa, & South America during December to March, and to the North countries during March until June, as well as October and November. There will be no settlements on Mars. There will be no such thing as teleportation, because that is not what we need. No matter how much I despair for any reason, I will not take medicine. GREAT! Now, everyone will live in tiny house nation, and this nation will take over the whole world. The natural world will now be significantly larger thanks to this initiative! I will paint my room purple, because no one will care about this color anyhow...the color of many things on this world, (dirt/soil for instance), will be essentially programmable, to change color depending on weather factors, to absorb and/or reflect sunlight, because that's just how it was meant to be. Remember the good old days when medicines such as the D-series of allergy pills didn't hide from you behind the counter? Yeah...those were the days, eh? Well, those days will be discarded, and the crazies will now need to jump OVER the counter to get their doses. Vacations to the tropics would be something that I would consider a necessity for myself, as well as going to the tallest mountain ranges. Packages would now be delivered via drones, mind you. And China...? That is the worst possible idea of mankind. We will build the air filter, and who's going to pay for it? CHINA! Sorry, yet no matter how great they are, and no matter how much, or how I benefit from them, they are SERIOUSLY unacceptable. The air quality on this world will become perfect (without decreasing CO2, methane, etc. into the air). I will not be immoral at all, and not force people into anything, no matter how trivial. Yet these rules are essential for getting the world be a great place to live. We cannot wait until the world is no longer there. In fact, we cannot wait even for a second. Because who cares about a second? It's not worth anything. So, the world should have Clean air, be full of morality, no air or water pollution, vegetarians, and no evil endorsements. Unfortunately, I doubt that anyone's with me about this. Yet I've learned that the most important desire in life is hope!
Wednesday, June 22, 2016
It will finally be warm! I've been waiting for warmth, (as in at least 95 degrees)and it's just not there any chance at all?! I do not really think of weather as exciting if it can't surpass 100 degrees often for several days. Remember, I desire really, really hot weather. That's just my opinion, when I'm out at the lakes up north
Creating A UV Camera On Mars!
I want to create a camera for photographing the world in ultraviolet light. The technology of this camera would be extremely specific as to what I am trying to achieve (exploring the invisible world of the UV spectrum, that is). This would not be your average camera. It would incorporate some really serious advancements in technology. I want the camera to be able to see various sub spectrums in the UV spectrum itself. And the range of UV light that it could see would be incredibly far ranging, much more than that of cameras that are modified for UV these days. For instance, the camera could see wavelengths far beyond (under) 300nm, and we could assign color coding to the specific wavelengths that comprise the UV spectrum, such as...
The camera would help us explore the entire spectrum of Ultraviolet light. Or if not, then individual spectrum that could be incredibly narrow, by using RGB. (Unfortunately enough, those are the only color sensors visible in human eyesight). We could select either extremely fine, or extremely wide ranges of UV spectrum. The camera could see a specific range of UV light. If we would want to see the other spectrums of UV light, then we could develop another camera, simply so that we could observe the UV spectrum in various ranges at a time, and also, that would help to create a much sharper image, albeit reducing light sensitivity of the camera sensor. So, in order to mitigate this issue, most especially problematic during lowlight, here's what could be done...
The camera would help us explore the entire spectrum of Ultraviolet light. Or if not, then individual spectrum that could be incredibly narrow, by using RGB. (Unfortunately enough, those are the only color sensors visible in human eyesight). We could select either extremely fine, or extremely wide ranges of UV spectrum. The camera could see a specific range of UV light. If we would want to see the other spectrums of UV light, then we could develop another camera, simply so that we could observe the UV spectrum in various ranges at a time, and also, that would help to create a much sharper image, albeit reducing light sensitivity of the camera sensor. So, in order to mitigate this issue, most especially problematic during lowlight, here's what could be done...
Designing The Camera Sensor
There are several new advancements in sensor design that have been developed very recently in order to achieve higher quality images in modern cameras in regular daylight. And some of those advancements are meant to produce higher quality in lowlight, given the fact that camera manufacturers keep wanting to create cameras with high resolution, leading to smaller pixels, which in turn simply cannot gather as much light as larger pixels, which is mainly a problem in cameras who's sensors have relatively low spatial resolution. So, here are the things that we could incorporate into developing a specialized camera for Ultraviolet imagery. First, we would make sure that the sensor has exceptionally high spatial resolution, which (unfortunately) would require lower resolution. Now, you might be asking yourself, "How about the resolution?" Ah! So we could incorporate a function into the camera, one that is rarely, if ever, found in modern cameras. That would be super resolution. This would work by taking at least four images, and overlaying each one on top of each other using a dedicated algorithm that would be either implemented in-camera, or in a photo enhancement program. Now, another thing that could be done is to use pixel sampling; this has already been talked about in my earlier post. Astoundingly enough, we can combine this with yet another technique. And in other words, this would be recreating the sensor that is found in the rather expensive camera sensors incorporated into cameras by Sigma, which use layers. Each layer is actually a sensor itself, and each one records a single color. The resolution is far higher than each sensor itself, and the resulting colors are supposedly more accurate than color from other cameras. To increase light sensitivity, we would incorporate a lowlight, or BSI sensor. And to top everything off, we would include the addition of quantum dot film, which would increase lowlight performance, as well as increase dynamic range even further.
Lenses are yet another important aspect of the camera that needs to be considered. First of all, as I have already mentioned, UV photography requires an extremely abundant amount of light. Yet what I forgot to mention, is the fact that modern camera sensors are not really that great at seeing UV light. They are great at seeing Infrared, yet for some reason UV does not lend itself well to modern camera sensors. So that might require a large sensor, such as one found in modern DSLR cameras, even if we reduce the resolution to allow for higher lowlight performance. And a large sensor might need a boost in depth of field. And to do that, one of the lenses that we could develop would be a very wide angle prime lens, and the aperture that would produce the brightest images would be as small as possible, and it would also need to be really high quality glass. Why a small aperture? you might ask. Because small apertures produce images with more depth of field, and depth of field is critical, especially on cameras that have A-PSC sensors and larger. Sure, with enough expertise, you can definitely mitigate this problem by taking advantage of the hyperfocal distance; However, this does not truly eliminate the problem whatsoever. So the quality of the glass in the lens would need to be really high, such as (for instance) the lenses of Zeiss or Leica, in order to achieve the highest possible image quality while being able to stop the lens down as far as possible.
The other lens that would be developed would be a prime lens with a large aperture. This lens would produce lower depth of field. However, this lens would be meant for lowlight photography. So to achieve greater lowlight performance, the lens would need to be as wide as possible, and have a wide aperture. Also, the focal length would be telephoto, or at least moderate (50mm) so that that the lens would be brighter. I don't know if that makes much sense; however, that is what I have found about lenses, that the higher the focal length, the better they perform in lowlight.
The Challenge Of Using The Camera On Earth
So the Earth's atmosphere traps an IMMENSE amount of UV light. And this does not necessarily mean that we are stuck in the dark (no pun intended). Instead, this gives us some extremely astonishing and incredible prospects on a planet such as Mars...Side note= (have you wondered why it is that NASA sent the HST into space?!) Lastly, I would just like to mention that I have written this, because it just seems astounding to me. I want to become an engineer some day...
The Challenge Of Using The Camera On Earth
So the Earth's atmosphere traps an IMMENSE amount of UV light. And this does not necessarily mean that we are stuck in the dark (no pun intended). Instead, this gives us some extremely astonishing and incredible prospects on a planet such as Mars...Side note= (have you wondered why it is that NASA sent the HST into space?!) Lastly, I would just like to mention that I have written this, because it just seems astounding to me. I want to become an engineer some day...
Tuesday, June 21, 2016
Powerful Storms Expected In Michigan Tomorrow!; In fact, The severe outlook is classified as moderate, which means the second highest rating as to the risk of extreme weather! Well, guess what? Tomorrow should be a really great day for getting pictures of some lightning! Brighten my day
Flight Delayed...BECAUSE...TOO WARM TOO FLY?!!!!!!!!!
This is incredible...usually flights get canceled due to stormy activity, or because of passengers, however, I am now truly perplexed
This Is Not Even Funny
Girl without hair? This is not even funny, not in the least...
It is Currently Snowing In Ohio
There is A Difference...
...between existence and reality. For instance paranormal entities can exist in the mind... that is what we would essentially call existence, although it is not actually real. That is not meant to say that entities are not real; However, being real differs from existing, at least in the definition with which I am trying to write about. Reality means that something exists outside of just the mind. In other words, reality is tangible, while existence is not.
Iran Is Currently INCREDIBLY hot
Iran is currently so hot, in fact, that it literally seems as though you are inside of a black car that has been out in the sun all day during the summer, nearing the temperature at which it is hot to the the touch
Monday, June 20, 2016
Overcome Any Desire...With Hope
How are you...when you finally find a premonition? Let me tell you, it is just like finding hope in everyday life. Because hope will get you over everything, and allow you to overcome any desire. Desires, (right or wrong) can be incredibly tempting, yet if you want something, and you would do anything to get it back, then keep hoping for it. In the end, the question "Did I ever get what I wanted?" will be TOTALLY irrelevant...all because of hope!!!!! Because hope convinced you that you would get what you want, and...!!!!!!!!!!!! In other words, essentially what we desire in life is not what our emotions guide us toward. Instead, what we really desire, and need, is hope. Otherwise, we are like the plants in the garden, that have not received any water.
This Week's Premonition
I had a premonition this past week, and one of them was that someone actually thought about what I say. Yet I am still depressed, because nobody every person that I can think of is ignorant. Ignorance is bliss, and that is why I am oblivious to ignorance. wake up!
The Riddle Of Water
Look up, and you might notice water vapor, usually in the form of clouds, even though it can often be incredible tiny. Have you ever wondered, why it is that the water in clouds is not boiling? Water shouldn't turn into vapor unless it's boiling. Right? Well, then how does a puddle turn into nothing? Has it boiled away? No, that is not how the world works. Even ice will evaporate in a frozen environment, if you leave it there for a while. That is why air is humid, no matter how frigid it gets. Now that fact alone is one fact that I have always thought of as impossibly true. I have noticed that even when the air temperature is well below zero fahrenheit, then there is still humidity.
Friday, June 17, 2016
God And The Ultimate Question
Here is a question that will greatly challenge any people, no matter who your are, and the world will become upside down. So, both atheists and non atheists alike... Ask not if god exists. Instead, ask yourself this question..." Is god real?" Is the human consciousness creating the world, or the universe as we know it? In other words, is the universe, or any supernatural phenomenon, created of our consciousness? If you were a brave person, then you would at least respond...
What are painkillers? (How can we live without pain)
What are painkillers? They are not pills that you take and get over after all. Pills are nothing more than shit. You do not become devoid of pain by simply engaging in, or making love. Well, theoretically people say that all of this works, however, that is just not how the world works. Whoever tells you this is incredibly crazy. To become devoid of pain is surely the most important in life. Yet you can't do so by following common logic. Instead, you have to use common sense. One of the major aspects in overcoming pain is all about taking worry and throwing it into the trash can, the one that has the label "falsehood". Then we need to put a label on pain, and it will now be considered "not true". Now we're talking.
What are painkillers?
What are painkillers? They are not pills that you take and get over after all. You do not become devoid of pain by simply engaging in, or making love. Whoever tells you this is incredibly crazy. To become devoid of pain is surely the most important in life. Yet you can't do so by following common logic. Instead, you have to use common sense. One of the major aspects in overcoming pain is all about taking worry and throwing it into the trash can, the one that has the label "falsehood". Then we need to put a label on pain, and it will now be considered "not true". Now we're talking. Any
questions? If so, please ask me. Let the expert explain.
questions? If so, please ask me. Let the expert explain.
People Need To Get A Life
I consider this information false, just because it's essentially not true:
Thursday, June 16, 2016
The Theory Of Yogurt
Yeah, might have taken your greens today, however...did you remember to get your health benefits? Next time you will forget your mind, and your head.
Let's Finally Be Free
Getting rejected by someone is not the issue here. This is not talking about friends or people who you can only read about in books and novels (in other words, this about someone rejecting a friend request that you sent to the social media last morning while going out by yourself to retrieve a coffee). The issue is the fact that, when you go on social media, and you actually see the words "friend request rejected"...well...then you know that it's the time to pack your things and move out of the country LOL. "Don't take quotes too critical, unless you want to have courage, of course". And what is extremely critical is knowing that world citizens will no longer be the most interesting people in the world. That is because I will circumnavigate the world, by walking. And I will not be settler, because settlers make up excuses to stay in one place, and those excuses are phenomenally insane. phenomenally insane, because someone who does not originate from anywhere, is free as plane
Wednesday, June 15, 2016
Tuesday, June 14, 2016
Please Explain. (impossible)
Invisible Colors Of The Visible Spectrum; On rare instances, some people are said to have far better color preception, and are able to see far more shades of colors than the usual, average individual. Yet this photo was taken using a camera, which see far less shades of color as opposed to human eyesight. The original photo is totally purple, so the fact that it turned into all of these shades is pure strangeness
Cat With Nine Lives
That's right, there is a cat which, well, has nine lives...and this can be taken quite literally
Friday, June 10, 2016
Why You Should Throw Trash Away...WHAT?!
Throw it out? Wait, WHY?! Throwing away trash is what cool people do! Now, let's consider the following quote, which is nothing more than my fantasy: "You should throw stuff in the trash. In fact, if Hillary could pick up Bernie Sanders she would just throw him away..."(Just don't take quotes too critically!)
Photograph In A Miniature World; How Do We Perceive The World (Tilt Shift Photography without using Tilt Shift lens, or Photoshop (FREE TECHNIQUE!)
YAY!!!!! I am here to explain to you a new technique that I have discovered just recently on how to dramatically increase DEPTH OF FIELD, without needing to dish out ANY money (well, once you have a camera of course!)
*You can scroll down to the paragraph before the last list if you are not patient*... Let's talk today about a hidden secret that involves zoom lenses for cameras (well, really it's true for many lenses that have a decently high magnification, such as a 50mm). For I have recently discovered something truly astonishing about this. Before we begin however, let me tell you about depth of field, otherwise written as DOF for short. As some might know, a very shallow DOF can be applied to relatively large scenes in order to create an illusion of very small, miniature, scale. And another fact that many might know already, is that this effect can be very easily created by two of the most popular tutorials, or techniques; the first would be to simply use a tilt-shift lens. Here are the pros and cons of this technique:- Pros: Tilt shifts produce exceptional image quality throughout the entire frame, or image. They can also be used to create a seemingly "infinite" DOF.
- Cons: ...However, these are known to cost well over $1,000, even for the cheapest brands.
- Pros: This technique offers much more control over the DOF, since it is not "Taken; In other words, you can achieve various levels of DOF, whereas otherwise, if you had used a tilt shift, you would be limited to DOF that could only be smaller than the initial image; you could not increase DOF unless, of course, you start with an image that's taken using a regular lens. Either that, or you take an additional image with tilt shift, using a large DOF. This means that you might need to use up about twice as much space on your memory card. That might now be much of an issue when taking only one image, however if you keep taking more and more images, then that will become more of an issue, as memory used might stack up quickly
- Cons: There aren't really any cons that I can think of, except the fact that as opposed to a tilt-shift lens, you don't have the effect in-camera.
- Pros: Does not require special software, or lens (it's free!). Also, the really unique benefits are that you can achieve much higher resolution. Yet another interesting benefit is explained down below
- Cons: It can often be really tedious, and does not work well in some conditions, such as when there's wind or objects in the scene are moving. Now...we can transition away from the "INTRO" and get to what this post was really meant to be about...
If you don't have Photoshop or GIMP, and cannot afford it, then what you would need to do is to download a program (one that I don't think most of us know of.) called Microsoft ICE. It's pretty perplexing, given that it's by Microsoft. I guess people just prefer other programs since they already have them installed. ICE was originally meant to produce images out of what are essentially multiple panoramas, (although it's basically a gridlike pattern that is composed of individual frames) in order to create what is called a collage, or a grid like pattern of images, creating a larger, much higher resolution, image. Generally, it will also have a much wider angle of view, depending on the lense's angle of view, how many images are used, as well as how much the images overlap...
In some ways, this method is less practical as compared to the other options; however, there is a benefit to this that many don't know; and it can help you become much better at achieving better compositions. This is because the resulting image contains multiple images, each with it's own composition. Wait... what does this mean to a photographer?! It means that a photographer can find images in the collage, and each will have a unique composition, and you could even find a composition somewhere in the collage that looks interesting, that you would otherwise miss or ignore, trying to just create a single picture. A single image is based on just one perspective, and by creating a collage, you can have many times more cropping ability without needing to have to reduce the image quality so much. So whatever lens you decide on, you need to consider the scene that you are photographing. A telephoto lens might be necessary in order to capture relatively small scenes, or to dramatically decrease depth of field. For closer focusing distances, you probably don't even need a telephoto lens at all; Feel free to ask: Any questions?
In some ways, this method is less practical as compared to the other options; however, there is a benefit to this that many don't know; and it can help you become much better at achieving better compositions. This is because the resulting image contains multiple images, each with it's own composition. Wait... what does this mean to a photographer?! It means that a photographer can find images in the collage, and each will have a unique composition, and you could even find a composition somewhere in the collage that looks interesting, that you would otherwise miss or ignore, trying to just create a single picture. A single image is based on just one perspective, and by creating a collage, you can have many times more cropping ability without needing to have to reduce the image quality so much. So whatever lens you decide on, you need to consider the scene that you are photographing. A telephoto lens might be necessary in order to capture relatively small scenes, or to dramatically decrease depth of field. For closer focusing distances, you probably don't even need a telephoto lens at all; Feel free to ask: Any questions?
Thursday, June 9, 2016
Michigan's Most Powerful Tornado On Record
Tornadoes are an incredibly rare phenomena in Michigan, and I suspect that pretty all of them that have occurred during my lifetime have been mistaken for downbursts. However, on June 8, 1953, a remarkable powerful vortex of air made its way through Central Southern Michigan. How powerful was it? Well, here's an article about it
Wednesday, June 8, 2016
Newly released phone allows one to look for paranormal events! To read more about this new technology, please refer to the following link
My Wife!
This is a photo of My Wife!? And how did it get there?!!!!!!!! (scroll down)
I have never, ever, seen anything like this in my life before!
I have never, ever, seen anything like this in my life before!
Tuesday, June 7, 2016
Evolution And Science, VS Creationism?
Evolution; I don't care how smart you are, evolution is a proven fact, not just a hypothesis. Meanwhile, others simply dismiss this idea and only think that creationism is the answer to everything there could possibly be an answer for. Even though this might sound foolish, science can sound foolish as well. In fact, science and religion are both wrong in some regards. Scientific theories are not always derived from facts or evidence. And that is why scientists go wrong. Religion is not necessarily about evidence, let alone proof. The whole idea of believing is about believing without knowing about any proof. That sounds like it makes sense, because it does, however, that implies that religion is practically all about assumptions. Religion teaches people things that are true, as well as things that are false. And there is some of that in science as well. Do people really inherit souls? There is no yes or no answer. Why? Because to ask if a soul exists beyond death, is a question of how you think about everything. Essentially, a soul does exist beyond death. Scientifically, a soul does not exist beyond death. This is not simply a fact that is debatable. That's because it only takes common sense to figure such a mystery out. A soul, or afterlife, would essentially require that just about everything in existence has a soul. This means that everything would need to have consciousness. And obviously, that is simply not how it is in the world. As luck would have it, neither science nor religion will probably ever reach a conclusion. Science is not necessarily an agenda meant to disprove religion, and it is probably also not true that religion is meant to meant to disprove science. Science often does not agree with the conclusions that are created because of religion. Science makes far less assumptions than religion, and this is why I personally think that science is not just a hoax. To really understand everything, and how the universe was "created", we need to understand religion as well as science. We should also investigate. Because many of us just want to be naive their whole lives. Do we really understand everything that there is about religion as well as science? Because if not, then we are practically just making assumptions, those that are based on things that someone once said or wrote. And that is just not the way we should live, at least in opinion. We need to be more rational. The religious people practically do not want to even think of theories that don't favor the existence of a supernatural entity that created the universe! Ancient writings write about miracles. But is there really any truth to this? We have no evidence or proof to tell us that it's true. In fact, I don't even know if any of the miracles that have occurred in the world are more than just a normal event. How do I know, that it is not more than just an agenda meant to favor the existence of a supernatural entity? The talk of an afterlife, as most people think about it, is only thought of as black and white. We either go somewhere where we'll be happy, or somewhere where we'll be punished. So now I am left with a question that I am still waiting for an explanation for. And that question is not quite completely relevant to this, because it could help us understand all of the talk about the afterlife. And that question would be, "If there are black people, and white people alike, then why do people not like the grey areas in between? Why does afterlife need to be only about black and white? Is life meant to lead to only two outcomes? And why can't there be any other outcomes? Is it really that bad? Because if it is, then our whole existence might as well be useless. That's because it does not make sense that god sent us here so that some of our afterlife is black, while others white. After all, it is said by many believers, that god already knows everything that will happen. Then that means that he knows some of us will end up punished, while others will end up happy. That does not make sense. But why? That is because any religion that teaches predetermination does not agree with those religions that teach us that god already knows the future. There are things that religion teaches that are very relevant and important to life, however. Some of the things that I agree with are aid for the poor and sick, as well as the seven deadly sins. Religion is meant to keep people from being evil (for lack of a better word), or to keep people from becoming unethical. I am not necessarily in favor of religion nor science. Religion was supposed to be an old tradition. It isn't, because in general, we have never become better people, and generations need to keep relearning values, and morals How about you?
"MOST INEXPLICABLE" Weather Event On Record?!
Monday Morning, & I Have Found A Film of Particulates
On the morning of Monday, something really spectacular occured. I went to take out my glasses, which were put away for several days. Upon retrieving them, I noticed a film! Yes, that's right, a film, on them. It was just like the film from a roll, the coating, that is. I was perplexed. I had not done this. It was evenly coated on the lenses, and luckily I was able to wipe it off using some cotton. What caused it? Well, that's something that I will never be able to explain, at least for a while...
A Mystery In Our Universe
Yes. That's right. A our own Universe! The mystery of mushrooms, and radio, to cure DNA!
Monday, June 6, 2016
Some Notes About Achieving Extremely Shallow DOF Using Collage
Using the technique of creating extremely shallow DOF that I have just explained, there are yet some things to keep in mind that I hadn't included in my previous post. First of all, one of the cons that I didn't mention is that it will take up much more photographic memory . One of the things that makes this technique especially challenging is when the weather outside is partly cloudy, and when those clouds move quickly across the frame. This can result in images with uneven lighting. I would recommend using exposure bracketing, and/or RAW files. However, using a really low resolution can also be helpful in that 1) It will take up much less memory, and 2) It will be easier to align the images if, for instance, you're objective is to capture a forest, and you have moving foliage, although that can probably be corrected with ICE, and other software works really well for those kinds of issues. So, even though this technique comes with difficulties, would this sway you to stray towards another technique? Personally, these cons do not prove enough of a problem for me to need to get Photoshop or a Tilt Shift lens (or even GIMP!)solely in order to achieve the miniature effect. The next project that I would consider achieving would be to use a miniature effect to create time lapses of plant (forest) growth, as well as creating a "collage" of images, each showing one scene, and taken in a different season.
What I Have Learned From Creativity
I think that this would definitely expand peoples' imaginations. We could now envision "The Bonsai Forest". And it would actually be some place really familiar, and would now make us ponder the sense of scale...maybe we do in fact, live in a tiny world?! To get a sense of just what I'm trying to get across, I will need to embark on this project myself, and create a new perspective on our world.Saturday, June 4, 2016
The Hidden Secret (advantage) Behind Zoom Lenses. Achieving Better Photographic Results Using ICE
Let's talk today about a hidden secret that involves zoom lenses for cameras. For I have recently discovered something truly astonishing about this. Before we begin however, let me tell you about depth of field, otherwise written as DOF for short. As some might know, a very shallow DOF can be applied to relatively large scenes in order to create an illusion of very small, miniature, scale. And another fact that many might know already, is that this effect can be very easily created by two of the most popular tutorials, or techniques; the first would be to simply use a tilt-shift lens. Here are the pros and cons of this technique:
- Pros: Tilt shifts produce exceptional image quality throughout the entire frame, or image. They can also be used to create a seemingly "infinite" DOF.
- Cons: ...However, these are known to cost well over $1,000, even for the cheapest brands.
- Pros: This technique offers much more control over the DOF, since it is not "Taken; In other words, you can achieve various levels of DOF, whereas otherwise, if you had used a tilt shift, you would be limited to DOF that could only be smaller than the initial image; you could not increase DOF unless, of course, you start with an image that's taken using a regular lens. Either that, or you take an additional image with tilt shift, using a large DOF. This means that you might need to use up about twice as much space on your memory card. That might now be much of an issue when taking only one image, however if you keep taking more and more images, then that will become more of an issue, as memory used might stack up quickly
- Cons: There aren't really any cons that I can think of, except the fact that as opposed to a tilt-shift lens, you don't have the effect in-camera.
- Pros: Does not require special software, or lens (it's free!). Also, the really unique benefits are that you can achieve much higher resolution. Yet another interesting benefit is explained down below
- Cons: It can often be really tedious, and does not work well in some conditions, such as when there's wind or objects in the scene are moving.
What you would need to do is to download a program, one that I don't think most of us know of. It's pretty perplexing, given that it's by Microsoft. I guess people just prefer other programs since they already have them installed. It's called ICE. ICE was originally meant to produce images out of multiple panoramas, in order to create what is called a collage, or a grid like pattern of images, creating a larger, much higher resolution, image. In some ways, this method is less practical as compared to the other options; however, there is a benefit to this that many don't know; and it can help you become much better at achieving better compositions. This is because the resulting image contains multiple images, each with it's own composition. Wait... what does this mean to a photographer?! It means that a photographer can find images in the collage, and each will have a unique composition, and you could even find a composition somewhere in the collage that looks interesting, that you would otherwise miss or ignore, trying to just create a single picture. A single image is based on just one perspective, and by creating a collage, you can have many times more cropping ability without needing to have to reduce the image quality so much. Any questions?
Friday, June 3, 2016
Participate in this mysterious phenomena!!!!!! Glitch with Barnes & Noble!
The inter web is one truly mysterious place. In fact, the so called "glitches", are even stranger due to the fact that they can hide in the deepest recesses of the cyber net. Anyways, this is the story of one of my strangest discoveries while online. And although I can't prove it, I will give you instructions on how to make this "glitch" work on your system, so that you can clearly see what is happening these days. Now...
Instructions: First I would like you to please visit the following link: Now that you have visited, I would like you to please copy this link. Paste it onto FB, and notice that the glitch is there. HUH?!!!!?!?!?!?!!! I told you
Thursday, June 2, 2016
I have found this blog in particular as truly compelling
New Blog!
Alright; Now, I have created a new blog reserved just for the meaningful, humorous stories from my life so that there's less "clutter" around here that isn't exactly totally relevant and/or appropriate for this blog
Wednesday, June 1, 2016
Zecharia Sitchin Does Not Exist In The Capital Of Michigan?!
Who is Zecharia Sitchin? The fact that he writes about unexplained matters is one thing. Now tell me, because I simply cannot explain, how is it that the name of a Nobel Prize Winning American (of Russian descent) cannot be found by even a librarian at the Lansing Public Library, located in the capital of Michigan. So the librarian does not want us reading his works?! As I've mentioned already, the librarian says that there are no books with this author available.
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